Emerging Threats of Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology: Addressing Security and Resilience Issues
In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Ser.
Intro -- Disclaimer -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- About the Editors -- Chapter 1: Biosecurity for Synthetic Biology and Emerging Biotechnologies: Critical Challenges for Governance -- 1.1 An Introduction to the Dual-Use Nature of Emerging Biotechnology -- 1.2 History -- 1.3 Effective Governance and Policy for Biosecurity -- 1.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: Emerging Biosecurity Threats and Responses: A Review of Published and Gray Literature -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Methods -- 2.3 Results and Discussion -- 2.3.1 US and EU Governmental Frameworks -- US Framework -- EU Framework -- 2.3.2 Threats Identified in the Literature -- 2.3.3 Responses Identified in the Literature -- 2.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Considerations for Top-Down Governance for Biosecurity and Synthetic Biology -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Understanding the Scope and Limitations of Top-Down Governance for Biosecurity and Synthetic Biology -- 3.2.1 International Instruments for Biosecurity -- Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) -- Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) -- Australia Group, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 and Others -- 3.2.2 National Implementation -- Hard Law vs. Soft Law -- Biosafety vs. Biosecurity, GMOs vs. Synthetic Biology -- National Implementation: An Inevitable Patchwork -- 3.3 Key Novelties and Tensions Introduced by Synthetic Biology -- 3.3.1 Convergence -- 3.3.2 Democratization -- 3.3.3 Intangibility -- 3.4 Conclusions and Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 4: Biological Standards and Biosecurity: The Unexplored Link -- 4.1 Standards in Biology -- 4.2 Implications of Standards in Biosecurity in Terms of Risks -- 4.3 Universality -- 4.4 Chassis and Trojan Horses -- 4.5 Breaking Down the Species Barrier.