The Siete Partidas, compiled in the mid-13th century for the Castilian king Alfonso X el Sabio, constituted the code of law for Castile and later Spain. Despite the practicality of their instructions and principles on warfare, they are not well studied. This article will review the military provisions, paying special attention to commanders, the battlefield formations for infantry and cavalry, and the rules on booty and ransom, in the context of the time. While it is difficult to pinpoint unequivocal influences, the passages are demonstrably practical within the contemporary military doctrine and the ideals of chivalry. As such, they offer a unique insight into the mechanics of leadership, the battlefield formations of the High Middle Ages, as well as the crucial function of spoils as a source of status-compatible income for the knightly estate and lower nobility, so adding depth and texture to this little-studied yet essential aspect of mediaeval military, economic, and political organisation.
This article explores the role of cavalry in medieval warfare starting with it's origins in the Carolingian age, examining how cavalry was used as a strategic asset within the context of the period on at an operational level, as well as the tactics they were likely to have employed. Due to my interest in both medieval warhorses and mounted combat research into the context and use of medieval cavalry was a natural by-product. Using primary resources such as first-hand accounts and period artwork as well as secondary literature, the article summarizes the findings of my research. Most historians, despite the recognition that field-battles were not the heart and soul of medieval warfare, still judge medieval cavalry by their performance within them. My findings show a much greater concentration on small unit actions, both in armament and organization, with cavalry centred on chevauchées on raiding and subduing castles in swift commando type take and hold missions. The diversity of mounted forces are also examined in the context of the lance and the integration of mounted crossbowmen and bowmen for combined arms tactics.
Policy analysis is the cornerstone of evidence-based policy making.1 It identifies the problems, informs programme design, supports the monitoring of policy implementation and is needed to evaluate programme impacts (Scott 2005). Rigorous and credible policy evidence is necessary to ensure the transparency and accountability of policy decisions, to secure political and public support and, hence, the allocation of financial resources. Sound policy analysis helps design effective and efficient programmes, thereby maximizing programme impact.
Abstract The cavalry horse, tactics and training in Western Europe – the Euro-pean provinces of the Roman Empire of the West and the Frankish Empire – du-ring the Early Middle Ages (c. 500-1000) are still subject to many myths in both popular media and academic literature. Source material is admittedly thin, yet it is specific enough to allow us to correct many of these misconceptions and outright errors. The article initially summarises the current state of knowledge on the war horse of the period, by reference to the archaeological record. It then reviews the cavalry's battlefield tactics, derives the skill level required to execute the manoeuvres described in the sources, and analyses where and how this training could have been provided. The information gleaned provides an insight into the skills and expertise neces-sary to achieve the requisite sophisticated level of horsemanship. We shall argue that these imply a considerable investment in organisational infrastructure, per-sonnel and institutional memory, which has so far not received much academic attention, and has wider implications for our view of the era.
By the Late Middle Ages, mounted troops - cavalry in the form of knights - are established as the dominant battlefield arm in North-Western Europe. This paper considers the development of cavalry after the Germanic Barbarian Successor Kingdoms such as the Visigoths in Spain or the Carolingian Franks emerged from Roman Late Antiquity and their encounters with Islam, as with the Moors in Iberia or the Saracens (Arabs and Turks) during the Crusades, since an important part of literature ascribes advances in European horse breeding and horsemanship to Arab influence. Special attention is paid to information about horse types or breeds, conformation, tactics - fighting with lance and bow - and training. Genetic studies and the archaeological record are incorporated to test the literary tradition.
The period sees the transition of the ordinary fighter from feudal levy, yeoman or city burgher militia, to subject in an absolute polity, to today's concept of the free citizen in a democratic state. In the period, the Swiss Confederacy was the only major polity that was not monarchical, but republican, and at the same time eschewed a standing army in favour of continued reliance on militia throughout.
A commonwealth's military organisation is clearly one of fundamental importance to its own understanding of the nature of rule - its "constitution". The article traces the transition and relates it to the concept of government under the different theories of the period.
The Bologna archives preserve the bye-laws of 24 "armed societies", dating from between 1230 and the early 1300s, written in good notary Latin. Though known to exist in other Italian city-states, only few non-Bolognese armed society bye-laws are preserved. These armed societies had disappeared everywhere by the Late Middle Ages.
This article explores the function of these armed societies and the feudal law aspects of the bye-laws - was their function predominantly military, social or political? Why did they suddenly appear, and just as suddenly disappear? How did they fit into Bologna's constitution - how did they relate to the civic authorities, the guilds?
How did these armed societies operate? Who were the members? What arms did they have? Did they participate in the warfare between the city-states, the battles of the Lombard League and the Holy Roman Empire, the struggles between the Emperor and the Pope, the feuds between the Ghibellines and the Guelphs?
Abstract The Bologna archives preserve the bye-laws of 24 "armed societies", dating from between 1230 and the early 1300s, written in good notary Latin. Though known to exist in other Italian city-states, only few non-Bolognese armed society bye-laws are preserved. These armed societies had disappeared everywhere by the Late Middle Ages. This article explores the function of these armed societies and the feudal law aspects of the bye-laws - was their function predominantly military, social or political? Why did they suddenly appear, and just as suddenly disappear? How did they fit into Bologna's constitution - how did they relate to the civic authorities, the guilds? How did these armed societies operate? Who were the members? What arms did they have? Did they participate in the warfare between the city-states, the battles of the Lombard League and the Holy Roman Empire, the struggles between the Emperor and the Pope, the feuds between the Ghibellines and the Guelphs?
The article considers the importance of military service in social advancement, here understood as filling the role of "prince" in feudal law and thus participating in the government of an estate, in the transition from the Late Middle Ages to the Renaissance or Early Modern Age. In the context of a city burgher or a petty noble or knight advancing into a government role, did honour require that the individual have experience in fighting – in war, military organisation and leadership? How did mercenaries figure? What role, if any, did Fechtmeister, Fechtbücher, Fechtschulen or Kriegsbücher play?
Techniques for passive acoustic tracking in all three spatial dimensions of marine mammals and ships were developed for long-term acoustic datasets recorded continuously over months using custom-designed arrays of underwater microphones (hydrophones) with spacing ranging from meters to kilometers. From the three-dimensional tracks, the acoustical properties of toothed whales and ships, such as sound intensity and directionality, were estimated as they are needed for the passive acoustic abundance estimation of toothed whales and for a quantitative description of the contribution of ships to the underwater soundscape. In addition, the tracks of the toothed whales reveal their underwater movements and demonstrate the potential of the developed tracking techniques to investigate their natural behavior and responses to sound generated by human activity, such as from ships or military SONAR. To track the periodically emitted echolocation sounds of toothed whales in an acoustically refractive environment in the upper ocean, a propagation-model based technique was developed for a hydrophone array consisting of one vertical and two L- shaped subarrays deployed from the floating instrument platform R/P FLIP. The technique is illustrated by tracking a group of five shallow-diving killer whales showing coordinated behavior. The challenge of tracking the highly directional echolocation sounds of deep-diving (< 1 km) toothed whales, in particular Cuvier's beaked whales, was addressed by embedding volumetric small- aperture (̃ 1 m element spacing) arrays into a large- aperture (̃ 1 km element spacing) seafloor array to reduce the minimum number of required receivers from five to two. The capabilities of this technique are illustrated by tracking several groups of up to three individuals over time periods from 10 min to 33 min within an area of 20 km² in the Southern California Bight. To track and measure the underwater radiated sound of ships, a frequency domain beamformer was implemented for a volumetric hydrophone array (< 2 m element spacing) that was coupled to an autonomous acoustic seafloor recorder. This allows for the tracking and measurement of underwater radiated sound from ships of opportunity with a single instrument deployment and without depending on track information from the automatic information system (AIS)
Um die bessere Vergleichbarkeit von Abschlüssen nach internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards über die Landesgrenzen hinweg zu gewährleisten, bedarf es auch einer einheitlichen Anwendung und Durchsetzung der Standards. Mit den Enforcement-Einrichtungen, die diese einheitliche Anwendung prüfen und durchsetzen, beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit. Der erste Fokuspunkt liegt dabei auf der konzeptionellen Begründung für die Notwendigkeit von Enforcementinstitutionen und auf deren Funktionen in Hinblick auf die Information und den Schutz des Kapitalmarktes. Weiterführend wird die rechtliche Entwicklung zum Thema Enforcement innerhalb Europas und die institutionelle Verankerung und Koordination auf EU-Ebene beschrieben. Das europäische System sieht nämlich vor, dass die eigentliche Durchsetzungstätigkeit durch die Mitgliedstaaten erfolgt, während die EU auf supranationaler Ebene hauptsächlich für die Schaffung allgemein koordinierender Rahmenbedingungen zuständig. Der dritte und größte Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der vergleichenden Beschreibung von verschiedenen nationalen Ausgestaltungsvarianten, deren Prüfungsmethoden, den Durchsetzungsmöglichkeiten und den empirischen Ergebnissen aus der Tätigkeit. Dazu werden die Institutionen der Länder Großbritannien, Frankreich und Deutschland dargestellt sowie auch einer kritischen Würdigung unterzogen. Der daraus entstehende, groß angelegte Vergleich soll die Gemeinsamkeiten, vor allem aber auch die Unterschiede dieser Varianten zeigen. Zusätzlich wird auf die Ergebnisse und auch auf deren Nutzung auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene eingegangen. Im dritten Teil wird dann auch noch die Situation des Enforcement in Österreich beschrieben, wo eine solche Einrichtung erst 2012 gesetzlich festgeschrieben und 2013 errichtet wurde, um zu zeigen, wie hierzulande das Enforcement in Zukunft aussehen wird und an welcher der drei zuvor beschriebenen Varianten sich der österreichische Gesetzgeber orientiert hat. ; To guarantee that there is a higher international comparability of financial reports prepared under international reporting standards the consistent application and enforcement of these standards is a necessary condition. This thesis emphasises on institutions which review this enforce the consistent application. At first, a conceptual justification of why such institutions are really necessary is given and furthermore it will be specified how they are contributing to a better information of investors on capital markets. Afterwards the legal development concerning Enforcement within the European Union will be shown. The European system of Enforcement delegates the task to each member state, which have to name or establish an institution that reviews certain financial information and tries to prevent, or if already existent identify and correct errors within those reports. The Union is just providing the basic conditions and offering coordinative mechanisms. The third and by far biggest part of this thesis is a comparative description of the three different national models of such institutions in Great Britain, France and Germany. It is shown how these institutions are working, how they review and which possible actions they are able to take to enforce their findings. Out of this descriptions results a table which in summary compares the most important criteria of national institutions and areas of where they are equal or differ from each other. It is also shown which empirical results the work of such institutions provides and how those results and gathered information are used on a national and international level. At last there is also a part which describes the situation in Austria, where an institution for Enforcement was recently legally consolidated in 2012 and established in 2013 to show how Enforcement will be done in Austria and on which of the above described model the Austrian standard setter relied most in his work. ; Gernot Gassmann ; Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers ; Zsfassung in dt. und engl. Sprache ; Graz, Univ., Masterarb., 2013 ; (VLID)234376
Das Aufwachsen in einer Pflegefamilie kann mit Risiken im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter einhergehen und stellt zugleich vor allem Pflegefamilien, aber auch begleitende Fachpersonen vor große Herausforderungen. Diese als Follow-up-Studie angelegte Untersuchung von 101 Pflegekindern und Pflegefamilien im Kanton Zürich (Schweiz) zeichnet eine lange Entwicklungslinie nach.Mittels Verschränkung von quantitativen und qualitativen Analyseverfahren und unter Einbeziehung der Kinderperspektive kann ein für die Theoriebildung bedeutsamer Ertrag auf Basis des empirischen Materials vorgelegt werden – distanziert von ideologisch geführten jugend- und fachpolitischen Diskussionssträngen. Aus der Vielfalt der Ergebnisse lassen sich Folgen für die Praxis ableiten. Im Zentrum steht eine weitere Professionalisierung der Fachpersonen im Pflegekinderbereich mittels situationsangepasster und ressourcenorientierter, reflexiver und selbstreflexiver Strategien.
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