This book provides readers with a solid theoretical foundation and a guided approach to how to carry out a youth photovoice project. It takes the readers throughout all facets of the process, including raising key ethical considerations when involving youth in this process. In addition, this book outlines for the reader considerations and cautions that they must exercise in order not to subvert the potential of this method for achieving important social change in the lives of participants, their families, and communities.
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Because researchers often treat baby boomers of color as belonging to one group, quality data on the individual status of specific racial populations is lacking, leading to insufficiently designed programs, policies, and services. The absence of data is a testament to the invisibility of baby boomers of color in society and deeply affects the practice of social work and other helping professions that require culturally sensitive approaches. Melvin Delgado rectifies this injustice by providing a comprehensive portrait of the status and unique assets of boomers of color
Because researchers often treat baby boomers of color as belonging to one group, quality data on the individual status of specific racial populations is lacking, leading to insufficiently designed programs, policies, and services. The absence of data is a testament to the invisibility of baby boomers of color in society and deeply affects the practice of social work and other helping professions that require culturally sensitive approaches. Melvin Delgado rectifies this injustice by providing a comprehensive portrait of the status and unique assets of boomers of color. Using specific data, h
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In Alcohol Use/Abuse Among Latinos: Issues and Examples of Culturally Competent Services, you will learn how to design and improve services for Latinos with substance abuse problems by understanding that the cultures and personal backgrounds of your clients are crucial to the counseling process. This text will also show you how these service skills apply to the individual, family, or an entire community. Studies show that, according to patients, culturally sensitive and responsive practitioners are generally more credible, trusted, and effective. Alcohol Use/Abuse Among Latinos takes into acco
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Urban America is in the midst of an obesity crisis caused by more than just biology and diet. A number of economic, cultural, and contextual factors are causing this epidemic, which can create chronic health conditions for those least able to manage them. Despite scholars' best efforts to tackle the issue, the problem persists, largely because its social and economic drivers are so subtle and systemic. By considering urban obesity through a social justice lens, this book is the first to help social workers and others develop targeted interventions for truly effective outcomes.Melv
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Despite evidence showing Latinos to be among the fastest growing populations in the US, very few social work texts explicitly address practice with Latino individuals, families, and communities. CSWE curriculum guidelines mandate that students acquire cultural competence across their coursework, and there are several books available that focus on multicultural practice, but only one outdated book on Latinos in particular. Beginning with a comprehensive definition and demographic map of Latinos, Latino culture, and a cultural asset paradigm, the book identifies strategies for designing culturally relevant programs and services. Chapters highlight health and social concernsincluding issues surrounding gender, religion, language, immigration, substance abuse, health conditions, etc.but more importantly, they outline a practice framework that places cultural assets at the center. The book will provide a rich paradigm for understanding perspectives on culture, access, assets, and how they intersect to inform best practices. The step-by-step framework guides students through six stages: pre-contact assessment, initial contact and asset identification, resource mapping, relationship building, intervention, and evaluation. Each stage is heavily grounded in theoretical and socio-political considerations with particular attention to thinking critically about selecting best practices and how to sustain an evidence-based practice. Case studies, summary lessons, and key ideas make this an outstanding resource for students and professionals alike.
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The one-of-a-kind exploration of effective alcohol prevention and treatment for Latinos-now and for the future!By the year 2020, the Latino population in the United States will increase to 60 million, making up 18 percent of all residents. Latinos and Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited: Advances and Challenges for Prevention and Treatment Programs brings into sharp focus how present and future demographic shifts in Latino population are being felt in alcohol programs across the United States. Case studies and in-depth research clearly illustrate the practical steps various culturally competent progra
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"En solo algunos días del verano de 1936, como había pasado antes en el marco de otras revueltas históricas, se desató una extraordinaria rabia exterminadora contra los lugares, objetos y representantes del culto católico en España. Miles de religiosos fueron asesinados en unas condiciones muchas veces atroces, a la vez que un inmenso tesoro artístico y arquitectónico era arrasado con auténtica saña. Las explicaciones que han intentado aproximarse al fenómeno de aquella furia sacrílega e iconoclasta se han conformado con atribuirle la responsabilidad a la presunta irracionalidad de turbas desquiciadas, que, fuera de todo control, desplegaban instintos sanguinarios y destructores." --Contratapa