Considerations Regarding the Influence of Entropy in Organizations. A Mountain View
In: Psycho-Social View Journal. (2021). Psycho-Social View Journal (1/2021). PSYCHO-SOCIAL VIEW JOURNAL, 1/2021.
118 Ergebnisse
In: Psycho-Social View Journal. (2021). Psycho-Social View Journal (1/2021). PSYCHO-SOCIAL VIEW JOURNAL, 1/2021.
In: Psycho-Social View Journal. (2021). Psycho-Social View Journal (1/2021). PSYCHO-SOCIAL VIEW JOURNAL, 1/2021.
In: Zealandina Agency. (2021). PSYCHO-SOCIAL VIEW JOURNAL (September: 2/2021). PSYCHO-SOCIAL VIEW JOURNAL, September: 2/2021.
In: Journal of EcoAgriTourism (16/2020)
In: Revista de Economie Montana 2020
Working paper
In: Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Agriculture, Silviculture and Veterinary Medicine Sciences (9/2020)
In: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula: Protecția Mediului (1/2020)
In: Journal for Freedom of Conscious (8/2020)
Working paper
In: Journal of Education Studies (JES), Forthcoming
In: Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, Band 6, Heft issue1, S. 2018
In: Conjunctura Economie Mondiale, 2015
In: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Oeconomica, Band 64, Heft 1, S. 16-32
ISSN: 2065-9644
The 4th industrial revolution brings in a transformation of the traditional supply chain towards a digital supply chain. The machines will be able to use algorithms that will enable them to automate the supply chain formation process and to quickly react to disruptions. The current approach proposes a mechanism based on a message passing inference scheme in order to address the automated supply chain formation problem in a closed-loop supply chain by integrating forward and reverse supply chains. Forward supply chain imply a series of activities required to produce new products from virgin materials and distribute them to consumers while reverse supply chains require collecting used products from consumers and reprocessing them to either recover their leftover market values or dispose of them. It has become common for companies involved in a forward supply chain to also carry out collection and reprocessing of used products. Strict environmental regulations and diminishing raw material resources have intensified the importance of reverse supply chains at an increasing rate. The proposed mechanism is evaluated using two type of supply chain configurations from textile and automobile industry, demonstrating that automated integration of reverse supply chains along with forward supply chains, lead to benefits for the participants in the supply chain.
In: Journal of social sciences, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 47-58
ISSN: 2587-3504
The wine market is a mature market strongly affected by favorable or unfavorable developments in the eating habits and purchasing behavior of consumers. In order to establish promotion policies and priority marketing strategies, it would be to establish the profile of the consumer from the target group for which the assortment of wine placed on the consumer market is intended. The study objectives focused on the main preference characteristics of wines and alcoholic beverages consumption, the notoriety of the wines produced by local winemakers and those imported among national consumers. As a result of the marketing study, the following were established: the consumer profile of the target group, the amount of consumption, the assortment/brands preferred by consumers, the frequency of consumption and the role of advertising/promotion of wines and alcoholic beverages in the purchase decision of the national consumer.
In: National Strategies Observer No.2/Vol.1, 2015