Social development through (global) citizenship education: the Brazilian case
In: Intercultural education, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 464-475
ISSN: 1469-8439
144 Ergebnisse
In: Intercultural education, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 464-475
ISSN: 1469-8439
In: Journal of policy and practice in intellectual disabilities: official journal of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 123-131
ISSN: 1741-1130
AbstractInformation regarding individual needs of older adults with intellectual disabilities (IDs) is scarce although it is very important both from a person‐centered planning perspective and from a proactive service system perspective. This study has three main aims: (1) to identify and describe staff perceptions of the needs of a large group of adults aged 45 or over with IDs; (2) to analyze the perceived needs as function of age, gender, and level of disability; (3) to present information about the development and the psychometric properties of the assessment instrument used. The participants were 232 Portuguese older adults with IDs (mean age = 52), predominantly male (n = 129). There were 66 staff members who assessed the needs of the IDs participants through the Inventory of Identification of Needs (IIN). The IIN demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties (e.g., internal consistency, interrater reliability, construct validity). The unmet needs were numerous and diverse, but those that were perceived as more prevalent were: literacy, handling of money, information on rights, self‐care, information on services, communication, occupation at holidays, occupation at weekends, general physical health, cognitive rehabilitation, and daytime activities. The needs were influenced by the disability level: regarding Literacy/Information and Occupation/Community, needs were significantly more common in persons with a moderate and/or severe disability. The influence of age was registered only in Mental Health. The needs identified should guide the planning and development of service provision. These should offer literacy learning experiences, information about the rights of persons with disabilities, information about the services available, self‐care assistance or training in self‐care skills; and meaningful activities during regular time periods, weekends and holidays.
In: Revista Contexto & Educação, Band 35, Heft 110, S. 187-201
ISSN: 2179-1309
Os mapas conceituais têm vindo a ser aceitos como instrumentos efetivos para demonstrar os conteúdos aprendidos. Neste estudo, os mapas conceituais foram utilizados para auxiliar os estudantes universitários na interpretação de um artigo científico sendo criados com o apoio do software Cmap Tools ou Cmap Cloud. Além disso, foram avaliadas as percepções dos estudantes acerca da abordagem implementada. Os mapas conceituais foram em geral bem aceitos pelos estudantes como uma ferramenta útil para promover a sua aprendizagem e auxiliar na identificação das dificuldades. A maioria dos estudantes cumpriu com sucesso os quesitos avaliados nos mapas conceituais, apesar de indicarem alguma dificuldade na utilização do software. Perante as potencialidades dos mapas conceituais aliados às tecnologias digitais, deve-se incentivar a implementação de práticas que promovam a aprendizagem significativa e o desenvolvimento de habilidades inerentes ao contexto acadêmico.
In: Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, Band 16, Heft 39, S. 298
ISSN: 1984-3526
O presente artigo apresentará algumas considerações resultantes da dissertação que buscou analisar a dinâmica que perpassa a atuação profissional das mulheres motoristas de ônibus no transporte coletivo de Curitiba e Região Metropolitana (CRM). Considerando a disparidade existente entre a quantidade de motoristas de ônibus do sexo masculino em comparação com a quantidade de motoristas de ônibus do sexo feminino, procurou-se analisar a percepção das motoristas de ônibus frente às condições de acesso e permanência, os tabus, as conquistas e os desafios do exercício profissional. Constatou-se que tanto a inserção quanto a permanência na profissão, são marcadas por contradições. E apesar das desigualdades declaradas nas relações de poder dos motoristas do sexo masculino perante as mulheres motoristas, estas enfatizam igualdade de capacidade na condução dos veículos; diferenciais de conduta perante os/as usuários/as do serviço e bom desempenho no exercício profissional.
In a period where economies face challenges on a global scale, entrepreneurship is an alternative and viable option for many people. Due to the considerable impact it has on the economic development of a region, many authors have studied this subject throughout the years, so the literature available is quite rich and complete. Entrepreneurial ecosystems include numerous entities that interact with each other in unique symbiosis relationships and these entities may be startups, universities, the government, investors and organizations that provide support to the startups in their development stages, such as accelerators, incubators and co-working spaces. However, some of these entities, especially the startup accelerators, are still very recent, since the first one was only launched in 2005. For that reason, there still is not an in-depth study on this subject and there are not many rigorous conclusions with regards to the nature and impact of these organizations, that are believed to play a very important role in the development of startups. Therefore, this dissertation is motived by that lack of rigorous knowledge on the subject of accelerators. The development of a research work of this kind may be a valuable contribution for the current knowledge on the subject, as well as for future research. The objective of this dissertation is to analyse the actual and future trends of accelerators, considering a worldwide scale, with a particular focus on their business models, acceleration programs, strategies, challenges and priorities for the future. This thesis is based on an in-depth literature review, which includes the most relevant concepts about entrepreneurship and accelerators. Following the literature review, there is an empirical study that is based on an online survey that was carried out amongst accelerators, which benefits from its strong statistical component. Moreover, there are Case Studies based on some organizations' business models, that are relevant for the analysis. Throughout this research work, we concluded that accelerators are a worldwide phenomenon, due to the impact they have both in the development of the startups, as well as in the economic development of the region they operate in. Moreover, these organizations have different business models and, according to their nature and characteristics, they have distinct ways of facing the challenges and priorities for the future.
In a highly competitive environment, where needs and desires of individuals are in constant evolution, one of the main challenges of cities lies in their ability to differentiate themselves and add value for residents, workers, visitors and investors. In order to attract potential target audiences (new residents, workers, tourists, investors) and maximizing the city's potential, place marketing actions and city branding techniques have become key instruments for local governments. Therefore, some cities have elected culture as a privileged means of gaining competitive advantage and disassociate themselves from an industrial tradition. In this sense, the goal of this study is to understand how a medium-sized city with an industrial background can redefine its image through culture. Given the nature of the problem, it has been adopted a case-study research methodology, having been selected Guimarães European Cultural Capital 2012 (ECC 2012) brand as unit of analysis. The analysis was conducted using a mixed approach based on desk research and questionnaires to the brand's target audience (n = 938). More precisely, this study focused on the analysis the Guimarães ECC 2012 brand, in terms of its identity, objet and market. The study proved that the ECC 2012 event enabled to develop a strong, unique and distinct identity and renew the pride of its citizens. Simultaneously, the event permitted to add a new life to the city, which incited a visit of "old" and "new" visitors.
Portuguese authorities for nature conservation have been engaged in comprehensive resource networks and effective legislation and regulations for protected areas putting together different efforts to sustain biodiversity and to enlist the full range of partners. It appears that the involvement and participation of local communities was the essential basis on which protected areas would build a system of management which has integrity, security and success, particularly those including human settlements. Nevertheless, conservation measures were mostly designed by outsiders who were culturally detached and parks boundaries were mainly based on environmental criteria. Two important natural protected areas, located in the most north-eastern part of Portugal (Trás-os- Montes), have a great diversity of natural and semi-natural habitats and humanized landscapes which are repositories of nature and cultural heritage. The territories of the Natural Park of Montesinho and the Natural Park of Douro International are the result of many geographical and historical factors and represent harmonious integration of human activity with nature, allowing ecological diversity to be maintained and valued. Based on key-informants' opinions we explore their personal experience with the parks authorities and their ideas about the management of these protected areas. Key-informants main argument is that national conservation networks and strategies did not take into account regional identity, people background and local believes and habits. Moreover, it is perceived that most of the initiatives have never recognized the vital role of human activity in such areas maintenance and the contribution of local knowledge (LK) to the current environment. Many occurrences decreased the intrinsic value of regional landscapes which were considered part of the cultural heritage and had embedded intangible values such as dwelling, spiritual and aesthetical values, local tradition, neighborly and inter-generational relations. Local ideas of nature have determined distinguishable values of plants and animals and outlined different orientations towards predatory actions. ; Cultibos yerbas i saberes Fundo EDP Biodiversidade
In: Polêm!ca: revista eletrônica, Band 21, Heft 3, S. 047-066
ISSN: 1676-0727
Resumo: Devido à pandemia da Covid-19 e o isolamento social, a sociedade vem ressignificando suas formas de interação, recorrendo ao uso das mídias sociais como forma de suprir a necessidade de contato. No entanto, ao se deparar com diversos tipos de conteúdo, algumas pessoas podem acabar nutrindo sentimentos negativos relacionados à forma de perceber seu corpo. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar se o isolamento social teve influência no consumo das mídias socias e como isso se relaciona com a percepção da imagem corporal de jovens adultos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa online com homens e mulheres, entre 20 e 30 anos, utilizando como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário que buscou informações acerca do isolamento social, consumo de mídias sociais e percepção corporal. Também foi utilizado o Body Shape Questionnaire, instrumento que estabeleceu um filtro na amostra e possibilitou compreender quais eram os níveis de insatisfação corporal dos participantes. Verificou-se que 84,7% destes perceberam um aumento do consumo das mídias sociais durante a pandemia, sendo em sua maioria mulheres; elas também apresentaram maiores índices de insatisfação corporal em relação aos homens. Em síntese, conclui-se que o isolamento social causou uma mudança significativa no consumo das mídias sociais, bem como na percepção da imagem corporal dos participantes, visto que a maioria apresentou uma mudança de viés negativo na forma de perceber seu corpo. Estes dados apontam para a importância de se incentivar os estudos sobre o tema, considerando os prejuízos à saúde mental associados com a percepção negativa da imagem corporal.Palavras-chave: Isolamento social. Imagem corporal. Mídias sociais.Abstract: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation, society has been changing its forms of interaction, using social media as a way to keep contact. But, when faced with different types of content, some people may end it up having negative feelings related to their bodies. The present study analyzed whether social isolation influenced the consumption of social media and how this relates to the perception of body image of young adults. An online research was made with men and women, between 20 and 30 years old, using a questionnaire as a data collection instrument that was able to collect information about social isolation, social media consumption and body perception. The Body Shape Questionnaire was also used, an instrument that made it possible to understand the levels of body dissatisfaction. It was found that 84.7% of the participants perceived an increase in social media consumption during the pandemic, most of them women, who also had higher rates of body dissatisfaction when compared to men. In summary, it is concluded that social isolation caused a significant change in the consumption of social media, as well as in the body perception of the participants since the majority presented a negative change in the way of perceiving their bodies. These initial results point to the importance of encouraging studies on the subject, considering the damage to mental health associated with the negative perception of body image.Keywords: Social isolation. Body image. Social media.
In: Revista de administração Mackenzie: RAM, Band 21, Heft 2
ISSN: 1678-6971
ABSTRACT Purpose: Propose a research model that involves the conceptual relationships between the theoretical support of the absorptive capacity and analytics, emphasizing the way in which the tool contributes to the formation of absorptive capacity within the companies. Originality/value: It was possible to delineate a model with the theoretical associations between absorptive capacity and analytics from the voices of experts and decision makers of Portuguese companies, contributing as a tool to guide strategies that help companies for a better understanding of how the absorption of knowledge occurs in analytics implementations to better target efforts at incremental value generation. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative study was carried out with the adoption of Grounded Theory as a research strategy. In this way, techniques and procedures of the method were followed that allowed the constant collection and analysis of the data, supported with the use of Atlas.ti software. Findings: The main theoretical contribution is the proposition of a conceptual model that considers emerging categories, subcategories, properties, and dimensions, that qualify the conceptual alignment between absorptive capacity and analytics and explain the existence of the construct over implementation. As entrepreneurial contributions, the configuration of knowledge absorption according to two analytic use patterns is emphasized: as oriented towards solving specific problems and as a guideline of institutional planning.
In: Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, Heft 29, S. 11-28
The relations between global dynamics and internal dynamics in African societies can be regarded from a perspective of flow analysis, as loose bundles of flows that interact with each other. These in-flows and out-flows of different origins, directions and rates are affected by bottlenecks and other interferences resulting from interaction between them, causing turmoil and other unexpected effects. These irregular, non-linear flows comprise energy, information, money, people, and material. Global dynamics produce high-energy flows with a high rate of change, whilst flows in African societies, with the exception of violent conflicts, forced migration, etc., are usually, of low energy and slow change. They meet in a grey zone, where interactions are fuzzy and complex and produce ever-changing turmoil that engages the dynamics of society.
In: Behavioral medicine, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 149-157
ISSN: 1940-4026
In: Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development; Handbook of Research on Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Global Economy, S. 436-457
In: Polêm!ca: revista eletrônica, Band 21, Heft 1
ISSN: 1676-0727
Resumo: A Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM) é um distúrbio que afeta as articulações temporomandibulares e os músculos mastigatórios, entre outras estruturas da face. Os sintomas podem gerar dores nessas articulações e músculos, bem como dores na cabeça, orelha, ruídos nas articulações, zumbidos, dores no ouvido, limitação na abertura da boca, entre outros. Sua etiologia é multifatorial. Entre os fatores que podem influenciar a DTM encontram-se os psicológicos. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as principais estratégias da terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) utilizadas para o tratamento de indivíduos diagnosticados com DTM. Por método, adotou-se a revisão da literatura. Os bancos de dados utilizados foram PePSIC, SCIELO, PubMed e BVS, em inglês e português. Os descritores utilizados em todos os bancos foram: DTM e terapia cognitiva-comportamental; Disfunção temporomandibular e terapia-cognitiva comportamental, Disfunção temporomandibular e terapia-cognitiva, TMD and cognitive behavioral therapy; Temporomandibular disorder and cognitive behavioral therapy, Temporomandibular disorder and cognitive therapy. Os filtros utilizados para inclusão dos estudos foram artigos sobre intervenções em TCC, em português e/ou inglês e com datas de publicação dos últimos três anos. Seis artigos foram analisados, após a passagem dos filtros. Os resultados apontam que as principais estratégias de TCC utilizadas no tratamento da DTM são a restruturação cognitiva, a autogestão, a psicoeducação e o relaxamento. Sugerem, também, que a TCC pode trazer contribuições positivas para os casos de DTM, porém a amostra deste estudo foi pequena. Os artigos analisados apontam que o tratamento multidisciplinar deve incluir intervenções cognitivas e comportamentais. Sendo assim, fica evidenciada a necessidade de realização de mais pesquisas com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da TCC em pacientes com DTM, principalmente, estudos com ensaios clínicos.Palavras-chave: Terapia cognitiva-comportamental. Disfunção temporomandibular. DTM. Estresse. Ansiedade. Abstract: Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles, among other facial structures. Symptoms can generate pain in these joints and muscles, as well as pain in the head, ear, noise in the joints, tinnitus, ear pain, limitation in opening the mouth, among others. Its etiology has multifactorial causes. Among the factors that can influence TMD are psychological. Objective: This study aimed to identify cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies used to treat individuals diagnosed with TMD. Method: Literature review. The databases used were PePSIC, SCIELO, PubMed and BVS, in English and Portuguese. The descriptors used in databases were: TMD and cognitive-behavioral therapy; Temporomandibular disorders and cognitive behavioral therapy, Temporomandibular disorders and cognitive therapy, TMD and cognitive behavioral therapy; Temporomandibular disorder and cognitive behavioral therapy, Temporomandibular disorder and cognitive therapy. The filters used to include the studies were: articles on CBT interventions, articles in Portuguese and/or English and with publication dates in the last three years. Results: Six articles were analyzed, after passing the filters. Discussion: The results show that the main CBT guidelines used in the treatment of TMD are: cognitive restructuring, self-management, psychoeducation and relaxation training. They also suggest that a CBT can bring positive contributions to TMD cases, but the sample in this study was small. The articles point out that multidisciplinary treatment must include cognitive and behavioral interventions. Thus, the need for further research to verify the effects of CBT in patients with TMD is evidenced, especially, studies with clinical trials.Keywords: Cognitive behavioral therapy. Temporomandibular disorder. TMD. Stress. Anxiety.
In: Kwanissa: Revista de Estudos Africanos e Afro-Brasileiros, Band 4, Heft 11, S. 87-128
In African Agrarian Societies greeting and leave-taking rituals are an essential part of the communication processes that constitute these societies as collective entities. Through elaborate forms of greeting and leave-taking people initiate and end communication and interaction processes within a framework of collective identities and cultures. Intricate greeting rituals allow to deal with all forms of encounters, with living people as well as with the spirits of the deceased. Greeting rituals are acquired through lengthy periods of learning. Their mastery is the sign of being an adult and competent member of society. External actors from different cultures often seem to be unaware of the subtleties of these greeting rituals. They ignore them at a cost. This essay provides some insights into the inner workings of African societies concerning the framing of most of their internal and external communication processes that are as vital for their lifeworlds as they are for their interaction with external actors from different spheres. Analysing the societies in a comprehensive manner as self-organising entities within an ethnic matrix clearly shows the limits of reducing greeting rituals to mere speech acts between individuals and proves that some of the fundamental assumptions of modern communication theories are not valid for African Agrarian Societies.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Design e Multimédia apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia ; Designers and developers have a difficult path to tread when it comes to creating interfaces. Considering that an interface is a necessary tool that allows the user to interact with a system, meeting users' needs and anticipating expectations is crucial for a positive result. In today's world, where online communities flourish, open source projects are favored and the demand for innovation within the technology field has never been higher, the user has become critical of the resulting design artifact.As such, this report aims to analyze and provide solutions for the redesign of the Open Academic Environment (OAE), a platform maintained by the Apereo Foundation, with the aim of supporting educational institutions worldwide - through sharing and collaboration between users.Given the somewhat aged image of the OAE, a careful study of the present problems was carried out, both on the website and on the platform. The proposal will include a careful approach to improving the interface. The main objectives will be to redefine redundant or obsolete features and attract the project's target audience, in order to gather volunteers who want to contribute to the open source project. A questionnaire was prepared to understand structural and visual issues of the platform, keeping in line with European data protection legislation.The project is based on the flexible use of Google's Material Design guidelines, in order to create a more modern and accessible design, with visual aesthetics pleasing to the user. ; Designers e developers têm um caminho difícil de percorrer no que refere à criação de interfaces. Considerando que uma interface é uma ferramenta necessária que permite ao utilizador interagir com um sistema, atender às necessidades dos utilizadores e antecipar expectativas é crucial para um resultado positivo. No mundo de hoje, onde as comunidades online florescem, projetos de código aberto são favorecidos e a demanda por inovação dentro da área tecnológica nunca foi tão alta, e o utilizador tornou-se crítico em relação ao artefato de design resultante.Como tal, esta investigação tem como objectivo analisar e fornecer soluções para o redesign do Open Academic Environment (OAE), uma plataforma mantida pela Fundação Apereo, com o objectivo de apoiar instituições de ensino em todo o mundo através de partilha e colaboração entre utilizadores. Dada a imagem algo envelhecida do OAE, foi efectuado um estudo cuidadoso das problemáticas presentes, tanto no site como na plataforma. A proposta incluirá uma abordagem cuidadosa para melhorar a interface. Os principais objectivos serão redefinir features redundantes ou obsoletas e atrair o público-alvo do projeto, de forma a reunir voluntários que queiram contribuir para o projeto de código aberto. Foi elaborado um questionário com o fim de entender problemas estruturais e visuais da plataforma, que cumpre com a lei Europeia de protecção de dados.O projecto tem como base a utilização flexível das guidelines de Material Design da Google, com o intuito de criar um design mais moderno e acessível dentro de uma estética visual agradável para o utilizador.