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99510 Ergebnisse
In: FP, S. 22-27
ISSN: 0015-7228
Responds to seven statements related to the global fight against AIDS. It is argued that the world still does not recognize the severity of the AIDS crisis; the lack of people, not money is the biggest obstacle to defeating AIDS; poor patients can, in fact, follow drug regimens; AIDS treatments might or might not lead to risky behavior, but it is the governments' carelessness that is significant in this regard; socially conservative nations are not culturally protected from AIDS; Asia will not be hit by the AIDS epidemic in the same way as southern Africa; and poverty is not the underlying cause for the AIDS epidemic.
In: The Australian journal of politics and history: AJPH, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 196-214
ISSN: 1467-8497
Historicising Chinese foreign‐aid thinking has become indispensable given China's increasing global role. This article examines a key aspect of this context: the Great Leap Forward and the emerging Sino‐Soviet split period (1958‐1961). The Peking Review is utilised as a window into official aid‐related discourses of the time. The article is organized around an aid vs. "aid" rhetorical and conceptual symmetry within the magazine. Aid is ultimately what Mao Zedong and other leaders intend audiences to code as pro‐development and prestigious. The greater the unreciprocated cost to the donor and the higher the embodied technology, the more helpful and prestigious the donor. At the same time, the more ideologically correct the recipient or donor, the greater its relative prestige in the equation. An ideologically correct recipient such as China deserves more help but needs it less, and accrues more prestige even as it gives comparatively less aid. "Aid" is the reverse image of aid in that it is harmful rather than helpful. But instead of being the opposite of prestigious, "aid" is powerful in a predatory, paper tiger‐like way. While this discourse reflects parochial concerns of the period, the underlying concepts are likely to continue to influence contemporary Chinese aid thinking and practices.
In: Hot Topics Ser
Cover Page -- Half Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction: World AIDS Day -- Chapter One: AIDS: Past and Present -- Chapter Two: The Global Impact -- Chapter Three: Women and Children -- Chapter Four: The AIDS Stigma -- Chapter Five: Fighting AIDS with Prevention -- Chapter Six: Treating AIDS -- Notes -- Discussion Questions -- Organizations to Contact -- For More Information -- Index -- Picture Credits -- About the Author -- Back Cover
In: The review of international affairs: RIA, Band 73, Heft 1186, S. 61-78
In: Vie sociale: cahiers du CEDIAS, Band 4, Heft 4, S. 43-61
La notion d'« aidant informel » recouvre une grande diversité de situations sociales liées aux ressources dont ils disposent, aux types de lien qui les relient aux aidés, à la plus ou moins grande contractualisation, volontaire ou contrainte, qui définit leur travail, les types de reconnaissance dont ils bénéficient de la part de la société, les capacités dont ils disposent pour s'intégrer à d'autres supports et d'autres aides à disposition dans leur espace de vie. Le continuum implicite dans les discours entre l'aide familiale, l'aide domestique, l'aide militante et l'aide professionnelle est battu en brèche par des inégalités sociales qui remettent en cause la catégorie des aidants informels comme l'idéologie d'une articulation fluide entre vie domestique et services collectifs à disposition dans les territoires de vie. En somme, la question qui se pose pour les aidants comme pour les aidés, c'est la marge de manœuvre qu'ils peuvent s'accorder et que la société leur accorde pour garder encore en partie le contrôle de leurs choix de vie et de parcours de vie.
In: Schweizerische Ärztezeitung: SÄZ ; offizielles Organ der FMH und der FMH Services = Bulletin des médecins suisses : BMS = Bollettino dei medici svizzeri, Band 97, Heft 5152
ISSN: 1424-4004
In: Contributions to Economics Ser.
The emerging outlook on the AIDS crisis is bleak; it seems that Millennium Development Goal 6 cannot be achieved in most developing countries by 2015. While most books look at the HIV/AIDS epidemic from an epidemiological point of view, this work evaluates AIDS and the international financing mechanisms of aid from a public good perspective. In contrast to the standard approach of the academic literature on AIDS, which derives policy recommendations from the demand side, this book explicitly considers the supply side. The study does not only advance the public goods literature, it also provides new insights into the effectiveness of international policies and paves the way for policy recommendations. As it reveals the weaknesses of current anti-HIV policies, a more effective allocation of international assistance is postulated.
World Affairs Online
In: DED-Brief: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Entwicklungsdienstes, Heft 1/2, S. 5-45
World Affairs Online