Perception by general practitioner about their role in the care of the stress disorders ; Perception par les médecins des forces de leur rôle dans la prise en charge des troubles psychiques post-traumatiques
Introduction: Post-traumatic stress disorder is a major concern of the French Army Health Service who made military GPs the pivot of care courses and field actions. Previous works have shown that despite a good theoretical understanding of pathologies, difficulties remain in the care. We wanted to understand the motivations and the practices of military GPs about TPPT disregarding local opportunities. Patients and methods: A questionnaire by clinical cases was sent electronically to a sample of 400 metropolitan GPs. Results: 151 physicians answered our study. 66.1% had already established an initial diagnosis of traumatic mental disorder. They were related mainly with a military psychiatrist (93%). A restriction of fitness searched mainly to protect the patient from further traumatic encounter (44.5% in 1st choice). The identification of trauma patients had to apply to all personnel returning from foreign countries (88.1%) and by a self-administered questionnaire like PCL-S (23.9% in 1st choice) or collective information (21.8% in 1st choice). Responders were taking care of the direct and indirect witness of a traumatic event risk (71.9%) mainly to diagnose acute stress disorders (54.4% in 1st choice) using a collective information on psychological trauma (25.7% in 1st choice). The information provided to the patient on the evolution of disturbances was mainly focused on the need to support (36.3% in 1st choice) to positively support the evolution of symptoms (46.8% in 1st choice). Discussion: Despite the diversity of experiences and local practices, many principles of action are shared by military GPs. Early identifying and treat is approved by a large proportion of responders. Our study also shows the high exposure of healthcare professionals to traumatic situations. ; Introduction : Les troubles psychiques post-traumatiques sont une préoccupation majeure du Service de Santé des Armées qui a fait du médecin des forces le pivot du parcours de soin et des actions de terrain. Les travaux précédents ont montré ...