MICHAEL BAZZELL, Open Source Intelligence Techniques. Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information
In: Studia Politologiczne; Infobrokering - the Art of Acquiring, Analyzing and Evaluating Information, Band 2019, Heft 54, S. 295-299
In the 21st century, information is golden. The question is whether in his book entitled Open Source Intelligence Techniques: Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information Michael Bazzell teaches us how to get it? This review answers this question by providing an objective overview on the publication. The introduction contains certain biographical information on the author, including information on his experience and its impact on the development of the open-source intelligence (OSINT). Next, the reviewer goes on to describe the solutions that M. Bazzell proposes to his readers, followed by the assessment of the work's goal and reasoning, the author's familiarity with the recent studies in the field, as well as the language of and the logic behind the statements. The review ends with a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the publication and a clear view on the work.