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World Affairs Online
Life at 40: prospects for the NPT and the 2010 review conference
In: Arms control today, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 15-21
ISSN: 0196-125X
World Affairs Online
China and the NPT
In: Disarmament: a periodic review by the United Nations, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 18-23
ISSN: 0251-9518
World Affairs Online
From visible pasts to an invisible presence: new criminological reality after planetary cyber attack 12/05/17 Wannacry
In: Przegląd wschodnioeuropejski: East European review, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 55-67
The fourth industrial revolution is transforming crime and fight against it, causing fundamental consequences for research in the field of criminal law. Under the conditions of the second decade of the 21st century, the terms 'Internet', 'information and telecommunications network', 'electronic network', 'communications facility', 'mobile communications' are no longer an IT specialist dictionary, in the meantime they affect the doctrine of criminal repression and integrate into a scientific turnover of specialists in the field of criminal law and criminology. Transformation of crime has caused serious gaps, both in the theory of criminal law and in criminal procedural and criminal executive law inextricably bound with it. The emergence and exponential development of the Internet, electronic communications, control and tracking systems and many other technical achievements create for researchers three types of problems that need to be discussed and resolved. First, the problem of national sovereignty in criminal matters (the operation of criminal law in space) and jurisdiction, which are in contradiction in the boundless cyberspace. Secondly, the prognostic problem, which urges not only to forecast the influence of modern technologies on substantive criminal law, criminal procedure, execution of criminal punishment, but also to anticipate the general impact of technology on Russian society and the way of life of its members. Thirdly, the problem of expenses resulting from the introduction of high-tech crime prevention measures, the cost of which is constantly growing. The interdependence of these problems should form the basis of criminal law research in the era of augmented reality under the conditions of exponential growth of cyber threats directed at citizens, businesses and governments.
World Affairs Online
The 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference: Lessons to be drawn after 25 years of implementation
In: Dış politika: Foreign policy : a biannual journal of the Foreign Policy Institute, Band 18, Heft 1-4, S. 48-64
World Affairs Online
The 1995 NPT conference: substansive issues will shape the outcome
In: Security dialogue, Band 25, S. 223-236
ISSN: 0967-0106
Analyzes areas of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty open to debate at the UN conference scheduled to convene in New York City, Apr. 17, 1995; focus on implementation issues and further duration of the treaty.
Third PrepCom highlights uncertainties: NPT showdown ahead
In: Arms control today, Band 24, Heft 10, S. 3-6
ISSN: 0196-125X
World Affairs Online
The future of the NPT
In: Arms control today, Band 25, S. 3-26
ISSN: 0196-125X
Significance of the Nonproliferation Treaty, legal aspects of its extension, arms control obligations of Article IV, and key issues at the review and extension conference, to be held in New York, Apr. 17-May 23, 1995; 4 articles. Includes a summary analysis and text of the Treaty.
The Birth of a New Era?: The 1995 NPT Conference and the Politics of Nuclear Disarmament
In: Security dialogue, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 247-256
ISSN: 1460-3640
The NPT Review Conference: 188 states in search of consensus
In: The international spectator: a quarterly journal of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy, Band 40, Heft 3, S. 19-31
ISSN: 0393-2729
World Affairs Online
High noon for the NPT
In: Arms control today, Band 25, Heft 6, S. 3-9
ISSN: 0196-125X
World Affairs Online
The NPT: a global success story
In: Arms control today, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 3-7
ISSN: 0196-125X
World Affairs Online
After the Review Conference: the NPT remains robust
Originally scheduled for 2020, the 10th Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) had to be deferred four times. It was not until August 2022 that the 191 NPT states finally met. At least since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, observers had expected that the delegates would be unable to agree on a Final Document. Surprisingly, differences over nuclear disarmament did not play a role in the failure of the conference, despite the growing polarization over this issue since the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) at the beginning of 2021. Russia alone was responsible for torpedoing the consensus. Conversely, all the non-nuclear NPT parties made major concessions in a bid to prevent the conference from failing. This shows that in a context of global tensions, nuclear disarmament is a lesser concern for the non-nuclear-weapon states (NNWS) than they themselves have long been suggesting. That the stability of the NPT does not depend on progress towards disarmament is good news. For Germany's National Security Strategy (NSS), it means that greater concessions to advocates of the TPNW are not necessary to protect the NPT. (Autorenreferat)