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292107 Ergebnisse
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 556
ISSN: 1538-165X
In: Postmodern openings, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 193-199
ISSN: 2069-9387
In: REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, Band 33, Heft 791, S. 29-31
In: The economic history review, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 387
ISSN: 1468-0289
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 88, Heft 4, S. 645-649
ISSN: 1945-1350
Talking about family issues can be very difficult for mentally ill clients in an adult partial hospitalization program (PHP). This article presents the Family Building Projective Technique (FBPT), which has been demonstrated to be an effective therapeutic tool that assists clients in discussing emotionally charged family issues in an education group setting. FBPT creates a non-threatening environment for PHP clients to bring up family issues that might otherwise go unaddressed. This technique situates the issues within the context of a story of a fictional family created by the clients. This context allows for the exploration of challenging family issues in a time limited session and provides an opportunity to increase understanding of the impact each person has in a family system.
In: Quiggin pamphlets on the sources of mediaeval gaelic history 4
In: Adeptus: pismo humanistów, Heft 7, S. 84-101
ISSN: 2300-0783
The soul in the mediaeval PsalterThe paper is an attempt to examine what lies at the heart and soul of the mediaeval Psalter in the contemporaneous approach(es) to its vernacularisations. In particular, the paper investigates the applications of the mediaeval translation theory in relation to a 12th-century Anglo-Norman, a 15th-century Middle French and four 14th-century Middle English prose Psalter renditions, with a view to locate them within the spirit of the attitude to biblical translations current in the Middle Ages and against the backdrop of the position of the Psalter in the period. In practical terms, the analysis is conducted on the basis of the equivalent selection strategies for rendering four Latin nouns central to the Psalter: anima, animae 'soul,' cor, cordis 'heart' and, perhaps surprisingly, ren, renis 'kidney' and lumbus, lumbi 'loins'. All cases of variation in this respect are studied closely from intra- as well as extra-textual perspectives in order to establish the possible reasons behind the divergences, as these constitute exceptions rather than the rule, even in apparently heterodox renditions. Dusza w średniowiecznym PsałterzuArtykuł stanowi próbę bliższego przyjrzenia się podstawowym zasadom średniowiecznego podejścia do tłumaczenia psałterza na języki wernakularne. Przedstawiono w nim analizę zastosowania mediewalnej teorii tłumaczeń w odniesieniu do dwunastowiecznego Psałterza anglo-normandzkiego, piętnastowiecznego Psałterza średniofrancuskiego i czterech czternastowiecznych tłumaczeń Księgi Psalmów na średnioangielski. Celem było wykazanie, w jakim stopniu analizowane teksty odzwierciedlają ówczesne podejście do tłumaczeń biblijnych w kontekście znaczenia psałterza w średniowieczu. Badanie przeprowadzone jest na podstawie doboru ekwiwalentów w tłumaczeniu czterech – niezwykle istotnych z powodu rangi tych tekstów w średniowieczu – łacińskich rzeczowników: anima, animae' 'dusza', cor, cordis' 'serce' oraz, co może zaskoczyć, ren, renis' 'nerka' i lumbus, lumbi, 'lędźwie'. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcono ustaleniu źródła analizowanej z perspektywy zarówno intra-, jak i ekstratekstualnej wariancji w doborze odpowiedników, jako że rozbieżność w tym względzie stanowi raczej wyjątek, a nie regułę, nawet w tłumaczeniach – wydawałoby się – heterodoksyjnych.
The innovative Horizon 2020 program sponsored by the European Union (EU) aims to promote and develop processes of waste integration in construction materials. However, several potential health hazards caused by building materials have been identified and, there-fore, there is an ongoing need to develop new recycling methods for hazardous wastes and effi-cient barriers in order to prevent toxic releases from the new construction solutions with wastes. This paper presents an overview that focus on two main aspects: the identification of the health risks related to radioactivity and heavy metals present in building materials and identification of these toxic substances in new construction solutions that contain recycled wastes. Different waste materials were selected and distinct methodologies of toxicity evaluation are presented to analyse the potential hazardous, the feasibility of using those wastes and the achievement of op-timal construction solutions involving wastes. ...
In: SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science
This book identifies future scientific research priorities for developing emissions inventories, emissions abatement techniques and mitigation strategies in order to improve and sustain livestock production that is in line with climate change adaptation. Livestock production is a major source of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and ammonia, all of which directly contribute to global warming and climate change. Air pollutant emissions from agricultural practices have a negative environmental impact and are of relevant political importance, as highlighted in both the Kyoto and Gothenburg Protocols. This book provides solutions on how to abate these emissions by using effective abatement techniques such as additives, manure storage covers, aerobic and anaerobic treatments, and dietary manipulation. Each chapter in the book provides valuable, up-to-date information on abatement techniques, thus allowing the reader to better understand the issues involved. Recent advances and new perspectives in the field are also discussed
In: International journal of sustainability in higher education, Band 8, Heft 1
ISSN: 1758-6739
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 3, Heft 5-6, S. 595-603