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27096 Ergebnisse
In: Synthese: an international journal for epistemology, methodology and philosophy of science, Band 192, Heft 6, S. 1799-1820
ISSN: 1573-0964
In: Synthese: an international journal for epistemology, methodology and philosophy of science, Band 103, Heft 3, S. 389-420
ISSN: 1573-0964
In: Economic Analysis and Policy, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 50-59
Life Insurance Mathematics -- Life Insurance Mathetnatics second, expanded edition 1995 -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Preface -- Contents -- Chapter 1. The Mathematics of Compound Interest -- Chapter 2. The Future Lifetime of a Life Aged x -- Chapter 3. Life Insurance -- Chapter 4. Life Annuities -- Chapter 5. Net Premiums -- Chapter 6. Net Premium Reserves -- Chapter 7. Multiple Decrements -- Chapter 8. Multiple Life Insurance -- Chapter 9. The Total Claim Amount in a Portfolio -- Chapter 10. Expense Loadings -- Chapter 11. Estimating Probabilities of Death -- Appendix A. Commutation Functions -- Appendix B. Simple Interest -- Appendix C Exercises -- Appendix D Solutions -- Appendix E Tables -- References -- Index.
In: Revue économique, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 606
ISSN: 1950-6694
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 129
To characterize the actual political and social situation in mathematics education around the world, in particular in most of the rich countries, one could state that the commercial textbook 'business' community controls the materials available to teachers to an extent that teachers are rather slaves of the textbook than autonomous and enlightened users; and that assessment still is primarily and predominantly a mechanism for selecting the mathematical elite only instead to provide a profound mathematics education to all. The few promising developments in mathematics education could be seen in the increasing availability of personal technology, in the growth of the vocational education sector, in the growth of the informal sector through web- access, and – my big hope – in the increasing professionalization of mathematics teacher associations in many countries and the growth of equal and fair collaborative research within the mathematics education community.
Are there moral facts? Are there mathematical facts? Many say yes to the latter but no to the former. Justin Clarke-Doane argues that the situation is much more subtle: although there are no real moral facts, morality is objective in a paradigmatic respect. Conversely, while there are real mathematical facts, mathematics fails to be objective.
In: Niss , M A 2020 , The Impact of Dutch Mathematics Education on Danish Mathematics Education . in M van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (ed.) , International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics : Visions and Experiences with Realistic Mathematics Education . Springer , Cham , ICME-13 Monographs , pp. 317-324 . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20223-1_17
Hans Freudenthal—in his capacity as a mathematician as well as a veryarticulate and thoughtful mathematics educator, as an international 'politician' ofmathematics education, as the founder ofEducational Studies in Mathematics,asa prolific writer, as an organiser of meetings and conferences—exerted quite aninfluence on Danish mathematics education from the late 1960s onwards. The Dutchmathematics education tradition thus founded always received close attention fromthe Danish mathematics education community. In this chapter, I outline and discussthe nature of this influence and I attempt to provide an explanation of why thistradition has resonated so well with implicit and explicit movements in Denmark.