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2583 Ergebnisse
"Regulatory compliance and risk management pose significant challenges in today's rapidly evolving financial landscape. Integrating Industry 4.0 technologies such as automation, AI, and machine learning has added complexity to these challenges. Financial institutions need help to keep pace with regulatory changes and technological advancements, leading to inefficiencies and increased compliance costs. Integrating RegTech Solutions for Industry 4.0 provides a comprehensive solution to this problem by offering insights into how regtech can help financial institutions navigate these challenges effectively.Through a series of case studies, this book demonstrates how leading financial institutions have successfully implemented regtech solutions to streamline compliance processes and manage risks efficiently. By showcasing real-world applications, the book offers practical strategies and best practices for integrating regtech into financial operations. Furthermore, the book explores the regulatory implications of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as IoT and blockchain, providing readers with a holistic view of the regulatory landscape."--
Industry 4.0 is related to major changes, particularly in production. As such changes might have major implications for the labour market; the paper focuses on the assumptions of the human capital and its preparedness for Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic. The findings are based on EUROSTAT, MEYS, OECD, ISCED, CZSO, and WEF. Based on such data, twelve indicators were selected and described in the results. Subsequently, the correlation analysis was carried out, using the data of the Czech Republic in order to estimate which indicators are related and thus to obtain a more detailed view of areas that need to be improved. The level of computer skills in the Czech Republic are increasing. Internet connection is around 80%. The share of technical workers in the Czech Republic is in the range of 30-40%. In terms of expenditure on education, the Czech Republic belongs to the countries of the eastern region. The number of graduates of technical professions managed to catch up with the development of the European Union (EU). In terms of employment in High-tech and Medium-high-tech areas, the Czech Republic is one of the leaders in the EU. Czech students have great potential in basic computer skills.
In: Social Sciences, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 37
ISSN: 2076-0760
With the dawn of Industry 4.0, its productivity-boosting impact appears to be comfortably ensconced both in the media and in the scientific community. Still, our paper is to portend a rather dismal prognosis by outlining three big Inertia Forces (IFs) hindering the power of Industry 4.0 in reviving productivity growth in a more spectacular way. After applying a complexity view to the development of Industry 4.0 in deciphering the major IFs, the paper briefly exemplifies them by building on the case of Hungary, and it then draws some lessons for theorists and economic policy practitioners in the interest of a value-congruent development of Industry 4.0.
In: The Journal of Oriental Research Madras ISSN: 0022-3301, August 2021, 175
In: Management intercultural: jurnal bianual de cultură managerială coordonat de Fundația Română pentru Inteligența Afacerii, Band XXVI, Heft 52, S. 25-30
ISSN: 2285-9292
Industry 4.0, characterized by the integration of cyber-physical systems, advanced automation, and data-driven decision-making, marks a significant shift in manufacturing. This literature review synthesizes existing research to comprehensively explore Industry 4.0, encompassing its historical context, principles, technological enablers, challenges, applications, future directions, and implications. This literature review employed a systematic approach to gather and analyze relevant research articles on Industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0 is a major change that occurs in the manufacturing industry where the application of internet-based technology and information technology is key in forming a value chain network. This study aims to explore the application of industry 4.0 in the perspective of technology adoption theory, with a qualitative approach to five garment companies in Indonesia. Application of Industry 4.0 is seen in two aspects, namely technology for production and management, and Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework is used as a reference in analysing the factors that influence companies in adopting industry 4.0. The results of this study indicated that Indonesian garment companies have done a considerable technological transformation into more sophisticated direction. Adoption of new production machines, improvement in software systems, and the new and improved construction of factories that lead to the use of more modern technology were conducted at firm level. However, in general there are no companies that completely deploy industry 4.0. Several factors were identified as the determinants to this adoption process; in the technological context it consists of benefits and costs consideration; in the organizational context, it includes management support and workforce competence; while in the environmental context it consists of the product life cycle, global competition, and government support.
In: Слободан Комазец, Рајко Буквић, Бојан Димитријевић, Драган Петровић. Србија у савременим геоекономским процесима, Београд: Институт за међународну политику и привреду, 2022, стр. 349–361
In: Sage open, Band 6, Heft 2
ISSN: 2158-2440
This article is focused on the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 and consequently the Internet-connected technologies for the creation of value added for organizations and society. The contribution of the article is mainly conceptual. With the development of the Internet, the Internet of things that is central to the new industrial revolution has led to "Industry 4.0." The aim of this article is to synthesize the known theory and practices of Industry 4.0, and to investigate the changes that will result from Industry 4.0 and with the development of the Internet of things.
In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Band 8, Heft 5, S. 130
ISSN: 2076-0760
The aim of the paper is to identify some of the factors that affect the introduction of Industry 4.0 elements to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The article is concerned with factors that can be impulsive for SMEs and factors that, on the contrary, are limiting for SMEs to integrate Industry 4.0 into the enterprises. These factors are the result of a short brainstorming with some employees of 72 selected SMEs for case studies. The analysis of 1018 Czech SMEs showed that the introduction of Industry 4.0 is related to the size of the enterprise. Fisher's Factorial Test based on a four-fold contingency table tested the data. The majority of medium-sized enterprises consider introducing digitization and robotization elements in the next 5 years, while in the case of micro-enterprises it was less than a half of the enterprises of the sample. At the same time, the relation between the enterprises with a written strategy and enterprises planning to implement Industry 4.0 was demonstrated.
The Industry 4.0 wave is built on technological advancement that is bringing about significant change. The impact of Industry 4.0 is being felt across all industries, including the education sector. During the 2019 State of the Nation address, the President of South Africa pointed out that the government was seeking to respond to the change in skills requirements. In this paper, a systematic literature review will be performed to investigate Industry 4.0 skills requirements in the engineering profession and the role of capability development in meeting Industry 4.0 requirements. An exploration of the impact of Industry 4.0 on technical institutions as opposed to academic institutions will also be discussed. This paper incorporates this exploratory investigation into detailed research on developing a skills development framework that seeks to bridge the gap between Industry 4.0 skills requirements and development in South Africa ; Die verskynsel van Industrie 4.0 word gedryf deur tegnologiese vordering wat beduidende verandering teweegbring. Die impak van Industrie 4.0 is oor alle industrieë waarneembaar, insluitend die onderwyssektor. Gedurende die 2019-staatsrede het die President van Suid-Afrika daarop gewys dat die regering poog om die verandering in vereistes vir vaardighede te hanteer. In hierdie artikel word 'n sistematiese literatuuroorsig uitgevoer om vas te stel wat die vereistes is vir Industrie 4.0-vaardighede in die ingenieursprofessie asook die rol van vaardigheidsontwikkeling om aan Industrie 4.0-vereistes te voldoen. 'n Ondersoek na die impak van Industrie 4.0 op tegniese instellings in teenstelling met akademiese instellings word ook bespreek. Hierdie werkstuk inkorporeer hierdie verkennende ondersoek in gedetailleerde navorsing oor 'n vaardigheidsontwikkelingstruktuur wat ten doel het om die gaping tussen vereistes vir vaardighede vir Industrie 4.0 en ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika te oorbrug
In: EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
This book presents the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges in several aspects of Industry 4.0, including the key technologies and business impacts. The book is relevant to a variety of stakeholders due to Industry 4.0s broad impact in many fields. Topics include digital workplace solutions for employee engagement, entrepreneurship and innovation, and Blockchain for business security. The authors cover Industry 4.0 both from a theoretical and applicable standpoint. Describes Industry 4.0 and its effect on technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation; Presents Industry 4.0s technological advances, trends, challenges, and their impact on business strategy; Includes information relevant to researchers, professors, students, and professionals interested Industry 4.0.
In: Systems research and behavioral science: the official journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, Band 37, Heft 4, S. 741-748
ISSN: 1099-1743
AbstractThis paper analyses the definition and connotation of Industry 4.0 and proposes that intelligent manufacturing and innovative service are the two core elements of the Industry 4.0. The paper also discusses standardization, integrated information system, training and education, artificial intelligence applications, and the infrastructure issues for the development of Industry 4.0.