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11229 Ergebnisse
Internal Control Practices in Casino Gaming
In: The journal of hospitality financial management: publ. on behalf of the Association of Hospitality Financial Management Education, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 33-48
ISSN: 2152-2790
Internal Control Effectiveness and Trade Credit
In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (Forthcoming)
Official Services Internal Audit and Internal Control General Review
Internal audit and internal control in particular Turkey and many European Union countries taking the place of a stronger administrative structure, administrative structures in other countries also tend to have entered into the establishment of this system. They have become concepts that are highly concentrated with the economic crises around the world. Internal audit and internal control, which are constantly developing in the international arena, today emerge as rising values. Internal audit and internal control activities, which were first applied in the private sector, started to find a place in public services in time. With the significant effect of the new public management approach, public internal audit and internal control practices have developed and become widespread. In 2003, some legislative arrangements were made within the framework of the European Union harmonization process and as a result of the requirements of the transformation in public administration. Among these regulations, the general scope of public internal audit and internal control was revealed by including the concepts of internal audit and internal control in the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018, In this study, it is aimed to examine the internal audit and internal control practices of official rest homes, which are public service enterprises. Within the scope of the study, the concepts of internal audit and internal control will be examined first. Secondly, information on public internal audit and internal control will be given, and explanations regarding the internal audits of official rest homes will be presented.
Ensemble Learning for Corporate Internal Control
Stopping Hamburglars: Applying Effective Internal Control
In: Issues in accounting education, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 165-181
ISSN: 1558-7983
Understanding effective internal control is vital for accounting and business students. Examples of fraud and loss through poor internal control are widespread in practice. The learning objectives of this teaching case focus on improving students' ability to comprehensively evaluate internal control practices and suggest and justify new practices where applicable. The McDonald's Monopoly fraud is a real-life example of a situation where multiple internal control failures had substantial financial and reputational consequences for McDonald's, particularly its outsourcing partners involved in operationalizing the monopoly game. We use this factual case to illustrate control system shortcomings, allowing students to evaluate internal control and suggest internal control techniques with reference to all five components of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control—Integrated Framework.
JEL Classifications: A22.
Internal Control Weakness and Corporate Divestitures
In: University of Miami Business School Research Paper No. 4915582
Internal Control Quality and Investment Efficiency
In: Accounting Horizons, Band 34, Heft 2
Internal Control in Accounting Research: A Review
In: The University of Auckland Business School Research Paper Series, 2019
In: Gênero & Direito, Band 8, Heft 4
ISSN: 2179-7137
The question of the existence of an effective internal control system is now of particular relevance. The current stage of the economic entities operation in the Russian Federation is a stage of changing the external and internal environment of management, characterized by a high level of uncertainty and instability, which consists in toughening of competitive relations. Domestic organizations have to operate in the conditions of rapid change and development of technologies, a tough competitive environment, growing business diversification, and inconsistency of domestic legislation. One of the main factors for creating the competitiveness of organizations is effective management, based on quality, reliable and complete information about the managed facility. The paper reveals key questions about the internal control of commercial organizations in the non-financial sector. The main interpretations of the term "internal control" and components of the internal control system are considered, the stages of internal control formation are outlined, the place of internal control in a corporate governance system is substantiated, and official powers in the internal control system are identified. Also, the authors present the main documents which should be noted when studying the issue of internal control. The main methods used in this work are the information systematization, processing and generalization.
Internal Control Quality and Boardroom Backscratching
In: Evaluation review: a journal of applied social research
ISSN: 1552-3926
In modern firms, conflicts may arise between the chief executive officer and board of directors due to the separation of ownership and operations. Such conflicts may weaken listed companies' performance in the short term or affect their development in the long term. Using data on Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2013 to 2022, this study empirically examines the impact of internal control quality on boardroom backscratching. We find that internal control quality significantly mitigates boardroom backscratching by reducing agency costs and increasing analyst attention. This effect is more significant in firms where the management holds less power and the product market is highly competitive. Furthermore, the mitigating effects of internal control quality on boardroom backscratching effectively reduce the risk of the company's share price collapsing. Overall, this study enriches the literature on boardroom backscratching and internal control quality, and provides valuable references for stakeholders, including listed companies, to improve firm governance efficiency and, thus, maintain the stability of capital markets.
CEO Characteristics and Internal Control Quality
In: Corporate governance: an international review, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 24-42
ISSN: 1467-8683
AbstractManuscript TypeEmpiricalResearch Question/IssueThis study investigates the influence of CEO characteristics on internal control quality in the U.S.Research Findings/InsightsUsing a sample of 4,374 ExecuComp non‐financial firms, we find that CEO entrenchment and age are significantly associated with a material internal control weakness disclosure (MW) under Sarbanes‐Oxley Section 404 (SOX 404). Our results demonstrate that entrenchment and age may affect CEOs' behavior in response to the SOX 404 internal control requirements.Theoretical/Academic ImplicationsThis study provides empirical support for the influence of CEO characteristics on material internal control weakness. As a result, the effects of internal control mechanisms are likely to be decreased in firms with entrenched and younger CEOs, consistent with entrenchment theory.Practitioner/Policy ImplicationsThis study offers insights to regulators and lawmakers interested in the effects of CEO characteristics on internal control weakness. Importantly, it points out that CEO entrenchment and age are likely to affect the strength of internal control mechanisms.
Early Internal Control Practices in the United States Army and the Evolution of Internal Control Practices in Businesses
In: Accounting historians journal: a publication of the Academy of Accounting Historians Section of the American Accounting Association, Band 47, Heft 1, S. 1-18
ISSN: 2327-4468
This research analyzes, via an examination of documents from a frontier fort, Fort Abercrombie, Dakota Territory, the internal controls the U.S. Army had in place in the mid-1800s. Findings include: (1) that there are controls in place that safeguard assets, encourage efficient and effective use of funds, and comply with appropriations passed by the U.S. Congress; (2) the army's control system is similar in nature to the effective control system identified by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission; and (3) the army contributed to the evolution of internal controls in business.
Regulatory fragmentation and internal control weaknesses
In: Journal of accounting and public policy, Band 44, S. 107191
ISSN: 0278-4254