A Contemporary History of Art in Egypt as Told by Artists Through Portraiture
In: ASA 2013 Annual Meeting Paper
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In: ASA 2013 Annual Meeting Paper
Working paper
In: Rethinking marxism: RM ; a journal of economics, culture, and society, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 1-20
ISSN: 0893-5696
In: Glossarium artis: [deutsch-französisch-englisch] Bd. 9
Diana Wechsler's curatorial essay entitled "Images between reality and utopia. Art and history in Argentina" offers a penetrating gaze into two centuries of artistic production in this southern country. In her history, Wechsler reconciles the encompassing whole with the sharpness of each episode that comprises the book of charts with which she invokes Aby Warburg's figure. Rather than a replication of her approach, the following words refer to provisional answers that —as I consider myself politically a historian— I have reached through my doctoral research of the relations between art and politics in Argentina from the 1960s until the 2001 crisis —two of the moments that Wechsler examines more closely. I do not think I am mistaken if I say that they are possible answers to shared questions. Even on the basis of a general coincidence of our viewpoints, I hope that their presentation will either arouse dialogue or else humbly complement the ideas so solidly expressed in Wechsler's text.
In: Griot: Revista de Filosofia, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 98-111
This article presents a comparative analysis of two concepts proposed and developed in two very different areas: the concept of themata, proposed by Gerald Holton in the area of the history of science and related to the processes of production and diffusion of scientific knowledge, and the concept of Pathosformeln, proposed by Aby Warburg in the area of history of art and related to some important historical and epochal continuities of artistic production. Despite the very different disciplinary contexts in which they were proposed, and despite the specificities that naturally ensure the identity of each of the concepts, it is shown in this article how themata and Pathosformeln have undeniable and important affinities. In fact, both correspond to entities that have a long historical persistence, a cyclical nature, and a great disciplinary, cultural and epochal transversality, in conjunction with a great capacity to assume specific forms at a given time and in a given context. Despite the roots in very different areas, the affinities are strong enough to recognize that themata and Pathosformeln belong to a conceptual network with great potential for understanding, not only the science and art, but also the historical and transdisciplinary dynamics of culture in general.
En el ensayo La Exforma , Nicolas Bourriaud se pregunta por la relación entre el arte y la política en la contemporaneidad. En dicha relación, el autor observa una operación común que atraviesa todas las capas de la existencia: la expulsión. De este modo, el mundo se encuentra dividido entre: lo real y lo ideal. El primer concepto refiere a lo productivo, lo útil; el segundo, a lo no-rentable. Ahora bien, ¿qué se expulsa?, ¿quiénes determinan lo que se excluye? ; In the essay La Exforma [The exform], Nicolas Bourriaud asks about the relationship between art and politics in contemporaneity. In this relation the author observes a common operation that crosses all the layers of existence: the expulsion. In this way the world is divided between: the real and the ideal. The first concept refers to the productive, the useful; the second, to the non-profitable. Now, what is ejected? Who determines what is excluded? ; Reseña a Nicolas Bourriaud (2015). La exforma . Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Adriana Hidalgo, 142 páginas ; Facultad de Bellas Artes
Explores the history of WPW, from the founding members' early efforts to support fellow women artists, to the cultural exchanges and international exhibitions in which members have taken part. The author examines their artistic achievements and the recognition they received from both the national and the international art world.
In: Marxism and culture
In: Rethinking marxism: RM ; a journal of economics, culture, and society ; official journal of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 1-20
ISSN: 1475-8059
In: Local development & society, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 29-43
ISSN: 2688-3600
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 91, Heft 2, S. 480-481
ISSN: 1548-1433
In: Latin American research review, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 7-50
ISSN: 1542-4278
In 1949 the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress published A Guide to the Art of Latin America (gala), an annotated bibliography of the literature on Latin America since the Conquest; it covered the years up to 1942, when the Handbook of Latin American Studies (hlas) had begun its annual bibliographies. "It is a startling fact" the Introduction begins, "that no single work deals comprehensively with the history of art in the Latin American countries."