Die Erhebung biometrischer Daten im Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe: Befunde und Perspektiven
In: RatSWD Research Notes, Band 31
442264 Ergebnisse
In: RatSWD Research Notes, Band 31
In: MEA Discussion Papers 161
SHARE is a unique panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks covering most of the European Union and Israel. To date, SHARE has collected three panel waves (2004, 2006, 2010) of current living circumstances and retrospective life histories (2008, SHARELIFE); 6 additional waves are planned until 2024. The more than 150 000 interviews give a broad picture of life after the age of 50 years, measuring physical and mental health, economic and non-economic activities, income and wealth, transfers of time and money within and outside the family as well as life satisfaction and well-being. The data are available to the scientific community free of charge at www.share-project.org after registration. SHARE is harmonized with the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and has become a role model for several ageing surveys worldwide. SHARE's scientific power is based on its panel design that grasps the dynamic character of the ageing process, its multidisciplinary approach that delivers the full picture of individual and societal ageing, and its cross-nationally ex-ante harmonized design that permits international comparisons of health, economic and social outcomes in Europe and the USA.
In: Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper No. 2013-292
Working paper
In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 18: Issue 3
Working paper
In: The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences, social sciences, Band 74, Heft 1, S. 95-104
ISSN: 1758-5368
AbstractObjectivesA growing literature acknowledges the association between childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and health in late adulthood (i.e., 50+). Less, however, is known about the association with mental health outcomes, such as depression. We use the Survey on Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to analyze overall and gender-specific associations between childhood SES and late-adulthood depression.MethodsUsing life history and contemporaneous data from 21,989 SHARE respondents in combination with principal component analysis we construct indices of childhood SES. We measure late-adulthood depression using the EURO-D scale. Contemporaneous SES is operationalized as the logarithm of household equivalized income. We estimate associations using linear regression models.ResultsWe document a positive association between childhood SES and the late-adulthood EURO-D score. The association persists even when allowing for contemporaneous SES. Zooming in on gender-specific associations reveals that the association for mental health is particularly pronounced for women.DiscussionOur findings reveal the long-term association between childhood socioeconomic conditions and depression later in life, which persists even after taking into account current socioeconomic conditions and are stronger for women than for men. These results imply that boosting childhood socioeconomic conditions can potentially have effects lasting well beyond the childhood phase.
In: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/14/355
Abstract Background Governments have been implementing policies aimed at halting the trend towards early retirement for Baby Boomers. Public policies can have a strong effect on when a person retires and this analysis contributes to an improved understanding of retirement aspirations in regards to health, social, workplace and economic determinants. Methods In October 2011 a telephone survey was undertaken with participants aged 50 to 65 years who were in paid employment and who had been in the workforce for the previous three years. Participants were obtained from two identical South Australian cohort studies - the North West Adelaide Health Study and the Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study. The results of the telephone survey were linked to the original cohort data. Data were weighted by sex, age, postcode and probability of selection in the household. Work related questions included how much they thought about their retirement, current occupation, employment status, type of workplace and hours worked per week. Health related questions included current smoking status, physical activity, body mass index, self-reported health status and overall life satisfaction. Uni-variable and multi-variable analyses were undertaken to compare the different associations between people who were and were not intending to retire. Results In total, 25.9% (n = 210) of people who were currently in paid employment indicated that they intend to retire completely from the workforce. The remainder indicated that they will continue to work (41.8% retire from full-time work but work part-time, 25.7% continue working part-time but reduce their current hours, and 6.7% never retire). The multi-variable results indicate that those with lower education, having a savings habit, and sales workers more likely to anticipate complete retirement. The self-employed, and those thinking only moderately about retirement, were more likely to extend their working life beyond age 65. Conclusion An important finding of this study is the large number of Baby Boomers who indicated that they would be happy to work part-time or never retire. Policies and continued dialogue aimed at making the workplace a safe, flexible and welcoming environment to accommodate this wish, and to entice others to take up this option over complete withdrawal from the labour force, is required.
In: The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy, Band 18, Heft 3
ISSN: 1935-1682
The combination of an increasing life expectancy, low fertility rates, and an early effective retirement age creates a pressure to act for governments and organizations. The pay-as-you-go social security systems of many countries are troubled by the increasing ratio of retirees to working people. In addition, many organizations face difficulties caused by a shrinking workforce and the accompanied shortage of skilled workers. To counteract, it is essential to create an environment in which older workers are encouraged to stay in the workforce. Therefore, it is important to understand which factors influence the retirement timing decision of workers. This study analyzes how widowhood and changes in demographic, health-related, and financial factors lead to changes in retirement plans of Health and Retirement Study (HRS) respondents. I compare respondents' actual retirement age with their retirement plans elicited in the HRS wave prior to retirement. The strongest change in retirement timing is caused by widowhood. Respondents who become widowed retire on average 1.7 years earlier than previously planned. The estimated effect of widowhood goes beyond the deterioration of physical health and mental health. My findings suggest that an intervention in an early stage after widowhood by the employer or by health and social care services can help the widowed employee to overcome the temporary adverse effects of widowhood and to prevent a precipitous retirement decision.
In: Wharton Pension Research Council Working Paper No. 2022-19
In: Journal of economic dynamics & control, Band 103, S. 123-157
ISSN: 0165-1889
In: Journal of European social policy, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 291-386
ISSN: 0958-9287
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