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Working paper
Contemporary Tendencies in the Evolution of Insolvency Law
In: International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science, 2017
[International] Insolvency Law – Legal Transplants
In: Il diritto concorsuale italiano e gli obiettivi di coordinamento con la disciplina eurounitaria. A cura di F. Pasquariello e M. TorselloPublisher: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (2021)
Chinese Insolvency Law Lacks Teeth
The speed by which China has moved towards a market economy has not been accompanied by a similar development of its judiciary system. Since the early 1990s, foundational national legislation with a direct effect on firms, such as laws dealing with contract, investment, liability and insolvency have be
English Corporate Insolvency Law: a Primer
In: E. Vaccari and E. Ghio, English corporate insolvency law. A primer (Edward ELgar Publishing, 2022)
Insolvency Law, Restructuring Law and Modern Financial Markets
In: LSE Law - Policy Briefing Paper No. 8
Working paper
Comparative Corporate Insolvency Law, Second Edition
In: European Corporate Governance Institute - Law Working Paper No. 738/2023
Harmonization of European Insolvency Law: Preventing Insolvency Law from Turning against Creditors by Upholding the Debt–Equity Divide
In: European company and financial law review: ECFR, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 403-444
ISSN: 1613-2556
In essence, insolvency law is collective debt collection law. By means of a collective procedure, insolvency law seeks to ensure that the going concern value is captured for the creditors. Where the shareholders possess the dominant voice outside of insolvency, in insolvency creditors take over this position and become the economic owners of the company. In three different settings shareholders can interfere with the insolvency process and try to capture all the value in the company or at least leave the creditors with the liquidation value and usurp the going concern surplus. These three settings are (i) shareholders as secured lenders, (ii) shareholders as acquirers out of pre-packs or other asset sales and (iii) shareholders under composition plans. The proposed EU Directive on Preventive Restructuring Frameworks and Second Chance (November 2016) contains measures in the field of composition plans as part of a preventive restructuring. The proposed directive addresses the potential problem that shareholders would usurp the going concern surplus by introducing the Absolute Priority Rule. The proposed directive should be considered a first step in the right direction. It should, however, be realized that the protection offered in the proposed directive could easily be circumvented by a shareholder financing not with capital but with secured shareholder loans. Also, if pre-pack sales or other sale processes do not limit interference by shareholders, shareholders will prefer the route of an asset sale above a restructuring.
Harmonisation of Substantive Insolvency Law in the EU
In: Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht, Forthcoming
Pre‑Insolvency Proceedings in Private International Law
In: National Journal for Legal Research and Innovative Ideas, Band 3 ISSUE 3
At the Crossroads of Company and Insolvency Law
Company Law, Insolvency Law, Restructuring Directive ; The article discusses one of the most fundamental aspects of corporate law, namely the intersection between company law and insolvency law, with specific regard to the recent EU Directive on Preventive Restructuring (EU 2019/1023, the 'Restructuring Directive' or 'Directive')2. It notes the forthcoming implementation of the Directive in the EU Member States. The key options for implementation of the Directive available to European legislators are introduced, including an option based on company law which, according to the recent LL.D.dissertation of the coauthor, would provide more tools for restructurings than are available under the frame works based on insolvency law. This would create efficient mechanisms in particular for the preventive restructuring of solvent companies, but also for the completion of a friendly takeover of a publiclylisted company through a scheme of arrangement under company law. The scheme of arrangement mechanism has also been included in the recently published European Model Company Act. ; Non peer reviewed
General Principles of EU Corporate and Insolvency Law
In: Forthcoming, Research Handbook on General Principles of EU Law (Edward Elgar Publishing), Editors: Professor Katja Ziegler, University of Leicester, Dr Päivi Neuvonen, University of Helsinki, Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax, Queen Mary, University of London
Working paper