Cybernetics is a specific way of conceiving the relation between information and government: It represented a way of bringing the epistemological and the ontological together in real time. The essay explores a paradigmatic case study in the evolution of this history: the audacious experiment in cybernetic management known as Project Cybersyn that was developed following Salvador Allende's ascension to power in Chile in 1970. In ideological terms, Allende's socialism and the violent doctrine of the Chicago School could not be more opposed. In another sense, however, Chilean cybernetics would serve as the prototype for a new form of governance that would finally award to the theories of the Chicago School a hegemonic control over global society.
In: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: official publication of Tallinn Technical University and the Estonian Academy of Sciences = Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised = Izvestija Akademii Nauk Ėstonii. Engineering = tehnikateadused = techničeskie nauki, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 135
In: Political analysis: official journal of the Society for Political Methodology, the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 3-30
The aggregate consumption pattern in Indonesia tends to be volatile due to economic, social, political instability, and disasters affecting consumption expenditure and social welfare. Relooking at public expenditure and its determinant with the 1992-2019 time series is the focus of current research. This review aims to find out the change of aggregate consumption in Indonesia with the Life-Cycle Hypothesis. The method used to authenticate the research was the Direct Error Correction Model. Using this approach, short- and long-term consumption estimation will be found that is useful to stakeholders. The result of the test shows there is a relationship between determinants and aggregate consumption in Indonesia in both the short and the long terms. In short term, inflation affects the change of aggregate consumption, while in the long term, GDP, interest rate, and inflation affect consumption. Estimation building on hypothesis testing is useful to policymakers, particularly for macro-credential adjustment.
An error correction model is used to capture the dynamics of British retail deposit and loan rate responses to changes in the central bank's base rate. The test is conducted using a monthly series of interest rates for four generic retail banking products over the period 1986–93. The adjustment process is found to vary considerably between and within banks and products. The results suggest that this market continues to exhibit many features of imperfect competition, and that adjustment differences could affect the speed of the money transmission mechanism.
Presented at the 4th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 7–8 October 2021. ; [Abstract] Due to the continuous development in the field of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies that have allowed researchers to take advantage of greater genetic samples in less time, it is a matter of relevance to improve the existing algorithms aimed at the enhancement of the quality of those generated reads. In this work, we present a Big Data tool implemented upon the open-source Apache Spark framework that is able to execute validated error-correction algorithms at an improved performance. The experimental evaluation conducted on a multi-core cluster has shown significant improvements in execution times, providing a maximum speedup of 9.5 over existing error correction tools when processing an NGS dataset with 25 million reads. ; This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (PID2019-104184RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and by Xunta de Galicia and FEDER funds of the European Union (Centro de Investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022, ref. ED431G2019/01; Consolidation Program of Competitive Reference Groups, ref. ED431C 2021/30) ; Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/01 ; Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/30
NAVSTAR is a triservice satellite navigation system designed to provide the means for military aircraft, ships, and ground users throughout the world to obtain precise position and velocity information at any time of day, in any kind of weather. Since the user's position is measured by the time delays between his location and several satellites, the additional delay due to tropospheric refraction must be taken into account. For angles above 5 degrees the time delay, or corresponding range error, can be estimated from the local surface refractivity, if known. The worldwide statistics of surface refractivity analyzed in this report show that refractivity is correlated with site latitude, height above sea level, and season, all of which should be readily known. Regression lines for range error corrections based on these parameters are derived, and the accuracy of the corrections are estimated. At 5 degrees, the minimum elevation angle at which NAVSTAR is intended to be used, the range error is about 80 ft. ; "Microwave Physics Laboratory Project 8682." ; AD0786928 (from ; "16 April 1974." ; Includes bibliographical references. ; NAVSTAR is a triservice satellite navigation system designed to provide the means for military aircraft, ships, and ground users throughout the world to obtain precise position and velocity information at any time of day, in any kind of weather. Since the user's position is measured by the time delays between his location and several satellites, the additional delay due to tropospheric refraction must be taken into account. For angles above 5 degrees the time delay, or corresponding range error, can be estimated from the local surface refractivity, if known. The worldwide statistics of surface refractivity analyzed in this report show that refractivity is correlated with site latitude, height above sea level, and season, all of which should be readily known. Regression lines for range error corrections based on these parameters are derived, and the accuracy of the corrections are estimated. At 5 degrees, the minimum elevation angle at which NAVSTAR is intended to be used, the range error is about 80 ft. ; Mode of access: Internet.