EU-Ukraine relations and the Eastern partnership: challenges, progress and potential
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 259-276
ISSN: 1384-6299
306717 Ergebnisse
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 259-276
ISSN: 1384-6299
World Affairs Online
This edition of the Evening covers EU Ukraine Package, Iran Worried, The Sphere, and More.
In: International politics: a journal of transnational issues and global problems
ISSN: 1740-3898
World Affairs Online
In: International politics: a journal of transnational issues and global problems, Band 61, Heft 6, S. 1078-1096
ISSN: 1740-3898
In: EUI Department of Law Research Paper No. 2014/09
Working paper
In: Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, Heft 2, S. 125-159
The article focuses on the features of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the economic consequences of its implementation for Ukraine. The impact on foreign trade, export–import component of trade with the EU, problems and prospects for introducing European standards in Ukraine are determined. The study hypothesises that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement has worsened the already weak economic situation in Ukraine and led to a reorientation of Ukraine's foreign trade with a simultaneous loss of markets to which Ukraine exported high value-added products and their replacement for EU markets where only raw materials are exported. It also led to a loss of more than a quarter of its own industrial production and the gradual transformation of Ukraine into a raw material appendage of Europe.
In: The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, S. 59-99
In: Nijhoff international trade law series volume 16
Economic aspects of state support measures (subsidies) with specific consideration of agriculture -- Introduction to agricultural policies in Ukraine -- External factors with influence on Ukrainian grain policies -- Subsidy definition : international approaches in regulation -- The EU practice on agricultural support -- Interplay between state support for grain in Ukraine and international trade commitments -- Export measures for foodstuffs : rationale, forms, and impact
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 259-276
ISSN: 1875-8223
The purpose of this article was to propose an analysis of the response to the European Union's (EU's) Eastern Partnership project with the main focus on how it has been received by the largest partner-country: Ukraine. The article draws on the experience of the author in the European Parliament and is based on Ukrainian, Russian, and EU sources. The article analyses the key issues in EU-Ukraine relations in 2009-2010, in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and Eastern Partnership evolution, as well as the main challenges ahead.
In: Nijhoff international trade law series v. 16
Front Matter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Economic Aspects of State Support Measures (Subsidies) with Specific Consideration of Agriculture -- Introduction to Agricultural Policies in Ukraine -- External Factors with Influence on Ukrainian Grain Policies -- Subsidy Definition: International Approaches in Regulation -- The eu Practice on Agricultural Support -- Interplay between State Support for Grain in Ukraine and International Trade Commitments -- Export Measures for Foodstuffs: Rationale, Forms, and Impact -- Final Conclusions.
The article dedicated to the liberalization of the visa regime between Ukraine and the EU. The article contains analysis of the main stages of the formation of Schengen zone main documents regulating relationships between Ukraine and the EU. Prospects of visa liberalization are outlined. ; Artykuł jest o liberalizacji reżimu wizowego między Ukrainą a Unią Europejską. Omówiono o głównych etapach tworzenia strefy Schengen oraz przeanalizowano podstawowe dokumenty, które regulują stosunki państwa Ukrainy z Unią Europejską. Określono perspektywy liberalizacji systemu wizowego dla Ukrainy. ; В статті мовиться про лібералізацію візового режиму України зЄС. Розглянуто основні етапи формування шенгенської зони та проаналізовані основні документи, які регулюють та регламентуютьстосунки держава Україна з Європейським Союзом. Окреслені перспективи візової лібералізації для України.
In: The Hague journal of diplomacy, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 488-516
ISSN: 1871-191X
This article contributes to the theorisation of collaborative public diplomacy by introducing a perceptual approach. Engaging with the collaborative diplomacy paradigm developed to conceptualise public diplomacy in the context of non-traditional security threats and conflicts, as well as nation building, the article explores and compares perceptions of the European Union (EU) as a public diplomacy actor in Ukraine (tracked in 50 elite interviews) and in Brussels (13 interviews with EU practitioners). The article engages with a concept of a 'perception gap' hypothesising a gap between the Others' perception of the EU and the EU's self-perception. It furthers the conceptualisation of a perception gap by suggesting to consider it at cognitive, normative and emotive levels in the image structure and arguing variation between the levels. The article contends that a perception gap is a critical factor in preventing genuine dialogue, engagement and listening — key concepts proposed by the collaborative diplomacy paradigm.
In: Review of Central and East European Law, Band 39
Working paper
In: Journal of European integration: Revue d'intégration européenne
ISSN: 1477-2280
World Affairs Online