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Working paper
Der Autor stellt ein Modell Globalen Lernens vor, das von vier Säulen getragen wird. Globale Erziehung im Sinne des Autors vollzieht sich nicht allein durch die Beschäftigung mit globalen ökologischen oder ökonomischen Problemen, sondern muss von einer grundlegenden Veränderung unseres (industriellen) reduktionistischen Blickwinkels und Bewusstseins - hin zu einem holistischen Selbstverständnis begleitet werden. (DIPF/Orig.)
In: Asian journal of research in social sciences and humanities: AJRSH, Band 11, Heft 10, S. 414-418
ISSN: 2249-7315
The emblem of the Federal Education and Science Supervision Service contains a crossing of the scroll (a symbol of knowledge) and the so-called fasces, Lictor's axe and a bundle of rods. The Romans borrowed this sinister symbol from the Etruscans. It meant the right of authorities to execute and punish their people. The same symbol can be seen in the emblems of two more government agencies: Federal Penal Service and Federal Bailiff Service. It comes to mind that "fascism" derives from "fasces", doesn't it? The character of the present-day government policy towards the system of higher education is rather penal. The flow of new prohibitions, restrictions and demands coming from the power structures is very strong. As usual, the purposes are good: to raise the quality of education, to stop "selling diplomas", and to bring Russian institutions of higher education to the level of high international ratings. How efficient is this policy? Does it encourage renovation of the system of higher education? Does it support the leading universities in their competition for a student or a highly qualified professor, as well as for the prestige of Russian architectural school? Where does the current trend in professional education lead? Does it have any alternatives? As usual, the materials of the Education section are full of urgent and thorny issues. ; В гербе Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки (Рособрнадзора) изображены скрещенный свиток (символ знаний) и так называемый фасций, ликторский топорик и пучок розог, стянутых ремнем. Символ, надо сказать, довольно зловещий: римляне переняли этот символ у этрусков, и означал он право властей казнить и наказывать своих подданных. Этот же символ присутствует в гербах еще двух государственных структур – Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний и Федеральной службы судебных приставов. Не вспомнить ли, что от слова «фасций» происходит слово «фашизм»? Современная политика государства по отношению к системе высшего образования в значительной степени несет карательный характер. Все новые запреты, ограничения, требования бурным потоком льются из властных кабинетов. Цель, как всегда, вполне благая – повысить качество образования, прекратить «торговлю дипломами», вывести российские вузы на уровень высоких международных рейтингов. Насколько эффективна такая политика? Способствует ли она обновлению системы высшего образования? Помогает ли передовым вузам в борьбе за абитуриента, за преподавателя высшей квалификации, за авторитет российской школы архитектурного образования? Куда ведет отечественную архитектуру сегодняшний тренд в профессиональном образовании и есть ли ему альтернативы?Как обычно, материалы раздела «Образование» полны вопросов – жгучих, болезненных, актуальных.
Teacher education program should be structured and modified based on the findings of the researches in the field of education. Content, pedagogy, and technology are to be integrated. Furthermore, at the time of planning for teacher education program, policies, legislations, needs of the society and students, futuristic perspective, employability, technological advancement, and infrastructural issues should be given due attention.
In: Public administration: an international quarterly, Band 86, Heft 4, S. 951-968
ISSN: 0033-3298
In: International library of the philosophy of education, 18
Parts 1 and 4 not published for 1968/69. ; Issued in 4 parts: 1. State governments (called 1948/49-1961/62 Federal Government and states); 2. Public school systems (called 1948/49-1961/62 Counties and cities); 3. Higher education; 4. Education associations (called 1948/49 Education associations and directories). ; Mode of access: Internet. ; Vols. for 1948/49-1952/53 issued by the Federal Security Agency; 1952/53-1967/68 by the U.S. Office of Education; 1968/69 by the National Center for Educational Statistics. ; Continued by: Education directory. State governments, ISSN 0083-2685; Education directory. Public school systems, ISSN 0083-2677; Education directory. Higher education, ISSN 0083-2669, and: Education directory. Education associations, 0083-2650.
This article discusses the development of transnational activities in the Chinese secondary school sector, particularly at the senior level. It describes how growth has outpaced quality control, and discusses the role that the China Centralised Government is likely to take in terms of future quality management.
Teacher education program should be structured and modified based on the findings of the researches in the field of education. Content, pedagogy, and technology are to be integrated. Furthermore, at the time of planning for teacher education program, policies, legislations, needs of the society and students, futuristic perspective, employability, technological advancement, and infrastructural issues should be given due attention.
The 1990s have witnessed growing demand for learning throughout the world. Compelling incentives for individuals, economies and societies to raise education levels have driven increased participation in a widening range of learning activities by people of all ages, from the earliest years through later adulthood. Educational progress has, however, been uneven both across and within countries. This volume sheds light on the comparative performance of education systems, with an analysis that extends to the financial and human resources invested in education, how education and learning systems op
In: Curriculum inquiry: a journal from The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 283-309
ISSN: 1467-873X