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86146 Ergebnisse
'Coriolis Effect' on Economic Policies
Working paper
Reflections on Malaysian economic policies
Sec.I. Economic Growth -- Sect.II.Development and Inequality -- Sec.III. Economic Competitiveness -- Sec.IV. Inflation and Prices -- Sec.V. Human Capital -- Sec.VI. National Budgeting -- Sec.VII. Industry and Trade -- Sec.VIII. Natural Resources -- Sec.IX. Regional Development -- Sec.X. Others
In: Latin American weekly report, Heft 30, S. 4-5
ISSN: 0143-5280
Constitutional neutrality among economic policies
In: Public choice, Band 152, Heft 3-4, S. 455-459
ISSN: 1573-7101
Pakistan's Economic Policies and Performance
On Nixon's New Economic Policies
In: Review of radical political economics, Band 4, Heft 4, S. 131-136
ISSN: 1552-8502
Economic policies and security: Oil
In: Strategic survey, Band 71, Heft 1, S. 68-71
ISSN: 1476-4997
Economic policies and security: Protectionism
In: Strategic survey, Band 71, Heft 1, S. 65-67
ISSN: 1476-4997
Economic policies for sustainable development
In: Economy & [and] environment 7
World Affairs Online
Multiple choices : economic policies in crisis
Las crisis macroeconómicas frustran expectativas, amenazan en cumplimiento de promesas contractuales y se asocian a menudo con dramáticas revisiones de niveles de vida y percepciones de riqueza. Esos acontecimientos pertenecen a una familia de episodios memorables que dejan rastros duraderos en el comportamiento de las personas y en el desempeño macroeconómico. Pero todas las crisis tienen sus rasgos idiosincráticos. En materia de políticas, las particularidades importan, y a menudo resultan esenciales. De especial relevancia son las posiciones de activos y los flujos de fondos de los principales sectores, gobiernos y bancos centrales entre ellos. En este trabajo se discuten opciones de política una vez manifestada una crisis, en función del tipo e intensidad de la perturbación. Se exploran potencialidades y limitaciones de instrumentos monetarios, fiscales y reestructuraciones de deuda dependiendo de condiciones como los niveles de deuda pública y privada, y el grado de segmentación de los mercados de crédito. También se tratan acciones de prevención, incluyendo administración macroeconómica, esquemas de regulación, y medidas para modificar incentivos, particularmente en el sistema financiero. ; Macroeconomic crises frustrate expectations, threaten the fulfillment of contractual promises and force dramatic revisions of living standards and wealth perceptions. They belong to a family of memorable episodes that leave traces in economic behavior and performance for a long time. But all crises have their own idiosyncrasies. When it comes to policies, the particularities matter and are often essential. Of particular importance are the balance sheets and cash flows of the major sectors, including governments and the central bank. In this paper we review policy options after the fact, according to the types and the intensities of the disturbances. We explore possibilities and limitations of monetary instruments, fiscal policies and debt restructurings, depending on conditions such as levels of public and private indebtedness and the degree of segmentation of credit markets. It also addresses preventive policies, including macro management, regulation, and measures to modify incentives, especially in the financial sector.
Economic Policies of New Iran
In: Strategic analysis: a monthly journal of the IDSA, Band 3, Heft 5, S. 195-198
ISSN: 1754-0054