
65783 Ergebnisse


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The Three Gorges Dam Project: religious practices and heritage conservation ; a study of cultural remains and local popular religion in the xian of Yunyang (municipality of Chongqing)

In: China perspectives: Shenzhou-zhanwang, Heft 65, S. 2-14

ISSN: 2070-3449, 1011-2006

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online


Die Energiesituation der VR China gegenwärtig und im Jahre 2000

In: China aktuell: journal of current Chinese affairs, Band 16, Heft 8, S. 650-655

ISSN: 0341-6631

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online


The politics of the Three Gorges Project

In: Issues & studies: a social science quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian affairs, Band 26, Heft 12, S. 85-99

ISSN: 1013-2511

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online


Li Peng: Eine Biographie

In: China aktuell: journal of current Chinese affairs, Band 16, S. 859-866

ISSN: 0341-6631

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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