Essay: Law Faculty Blogs and Disruptive Innovation
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In: Driesen Wirtschaftswissenschaften
In: International journal of human resource management, Volume 21, Issue 2, p. 242-259
ISSN: 1466-4399
In: International finance review volume 20
Digital disruption is ubiquitous and has changed both the way businesses operate and the way people live. Disruption caused by innovation affects firms across multiple industries, from financial services to industrial firms, business processes to payment systems, manufacturing to supply chains. Further, scholars hear more and more about artificial intelligence (AI), big data, machine learning, blockchain, and fintech as examples of contemporary manifestations of disruptive technology that will profoundly influence disciplines beyond business and finance, such as law, health care and government. Global extensions of these technologies and innovations challenge the efficacy and boundaries of law. Indeed, disruptive innovations are potentially change the way we consider the future as humans versus some super artificial intelligence.This volume contains fourteen articles split across four parts, exploring the debate around the topics of fintech, AI, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. Featuring a cast of global contributors, this is an unmissable volume exploring the most current research on digital innovation in the financial and business worlds.
In: Public choice, Volume 187, Issue 1-2, p. 143-163
ISSN: 1573-7101
In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2020), DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2020.1785415
In: Revista de cercetare şi intervenţie socială: RCIS = Review of research and social intervention = Revue de recherche et intervention sociale, Volume 64, p. 9-24
ISSN: 1584-5397
This research aims to demystify disruptive innovation phenomena and its economic and societal impacts. The study is investigative in nature and highlights the gap between the current endorsed disruptive innovation theory and the actual impacts of the phenomena as evident in markets, industries, and societies. The study adopts a positivism philosophical approach and deductive reasoning that builds on secondary data from literature across multiple disciplines that have a strong correlation with the research topic and case study analysis of five market-leading organizations that have significantly impacted their respective industries. The paper presents a comprehensive definition and a conceptual framework that provides an appropriate illustration of the term disruptive innovation based on the conceptual findings. The findings reveal that despite challenging mainstream incumbents, disruptive innovation yields positive impacts on economies, consumers and societies. The research concludes by advocating further research to empirically test the conceptual framework and validate it through primary data and assess its generalizability.
In: The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, April 2019, Volume 8 Issue 4. IUP Publications, A Division of ICFAI - The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), India
Working paper
Inhalt -- I Digital, vernetzt, personalisiert - Versorgung weiter denken -- 1 Die Zukunft der Krebstherapie -- 2 Krebsdiagnose per Atemtest -- 3 Netflix, Nudging, Netzwerke - Die Zukunft der Versorgung chronisch kranker Menschen -- 4 Vernetzte Gesundheit heute und morgen -- 5 Digitale Prävention -- II Nano, Micro, Mega - Neue Technologien für die Medizin -- 1 Operieren im digitalen Raum - Mixed Reality in der Chirurgie -- 2 Operation im Genom - CRISPR/Cas9 als Chance für die Medizin -- 3 Nanosysteme für die personalisierte Medizin -- 4 Bazillen als Pillen - Die Zukunft der Mikrobiomtherapien -- III Wieder gehen, wieder sehen - Die Überwindung der Handicaps -- 1 Der Traum vom Gehen -- 2 Das Leben wieder in die Hand nehmen -- 3 Mit eigenen Augen sehen -- IV Nichts bleibt wie es ist - Wie KI unsere Gesundheit rasant verbessert -- 1 Performance Matrix - Intelligente Systeme verbessern Gesundheit -- 2 Amelia fühlt mit - Kognitive virtuelle Assistenten im Gesundheitswesen -- 3 Künstliche Intelligenz in Anamnese und Diagnose - Ein Bericht am Beispiel von Ada -- V Bits & -- Bytes statt Stahl & -- Strahl - Informations- und Datentechnologien revolutionieren die Medizin -- 1 Wendepunkt für Gesundheit -- 2 Weg mit den Datensilos -- 3 Datenschätze heben - Perspektiven für die Biomedizinische Informatik -- 4 Das digitale Gesundheitswesen - Das Ende des Sektorendenkens -- 5 data4life - Eine nutzerkontrollierte Gesundheitsdaten-Infrastruktur -- 6 Die Zukunftspotenziale der Blockchain-Technologie -- 7 eRezept - Eine konkrete Anwendung für die Blockchain -- VI Radikal anders - Neues Denken, neue Rollen, neue Systeme -- 1 Value-based Health Care - Der Paradigmenwechsel zu einem nutzenorientierten Gesundheitswesen.
In: Innovations: technology, governance, globalization, Volume 4, Issue 2, p. 101-117
ISSN: 1558-2485
In: IndraStra Global
Disruptive innovations are what make businesses and brands more effective in their industries. Instead of relying on technology to form the foundation of innovation, human capital must become the top priority.
Although technology influences the processes people use to innovate, it is the pure creativity from the modern entrepreneur which sets one business apart from others.
Without human capital, a business has nothing
Working paper
"The proposed book will serve as a point of reference for government officials and agencies about emergent trends in technology and the impacts these potentially have on governance. Discussions will include introductory synopsis of the technology, how the technology impacts specific government services, and how governments are responding to this changing environment, and the limitations they face, legal, budgetary, and political. Expects, including academic scholars, will find useful case studies for course materials illustrating government responses to disruptive innovations"--
In: Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series
In: Premier reference source
"The proposed book will serve as a point of reference for government officials and agencies about emergent trends in technology and the impacts these potentially have on governance. Discussions will include introductory synopsis of the technology, how the technology impacts specific government services, and how governments are responding to this changing environment, and the limitations they face, legal, budgetary, and political. Expects, including academic scholars, will find useful case studies for course materials illustrating government responses to disruptive innovations."
In: Lena Stephanie, Ravi S. Sharma & Narayan Ramasubbu, "The Digitalisation of Bollywood: adapting to disruptive innovation", to appear in: Media Asia, 39 (1), 2012.