292 Ergebnisse
Telephone Tapping in Spain
In: OBTAINING EVIDENCE IN THE AREA OF FREEDOM, SECURITY AND JUSTICE, EUROPEAN CRIMINAL LAW: AN OVERVIEW, pp. 277-304, Luis Arroyo Zapatero & Víctor Moreno Catena, eds., Cuenca, 2010
Jose Manuel Cuenca Toribio: Sociologia del Episcopado espanol e hispanoamericano (1789-1985)
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 57, S. 265
ISSN: 0048-7694
Valor y Ley
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 80, S. 121
ISSN: 0048-7694
Orientalizing New Spain: Perspectives on Asian Influence in Colonial Mexico
In: México y la Cuenca del Pacífico, Heft 43, S. 97-127
ISSN: 2007-5308
El hermano Antenor y su proselitismo masónico en Cuenca
The article analyzes Rodolfo Llopis's involvement with the Masons with the objective of estab- lishing a link with other important areas of his life. The educator became socialist to be able to transform an unjust society and he entered the Masons to form closer relationships with other personalities that, coming from different backgrounds, were unsatisfied with the Spain alfonsina. Masonry, complementary facet to pedagogy and politics, turned out to be another expression of his social commitment. Llopis' involve- ment with the Masons went through several stages. The first one began with his initiation in 1923, it was the most fertile developed fundamentally in Cuenca during the dictatorship primorriverista until obtaining his teacher's degree. The second, more leisurely, was during the republican years when he was more occupied with the political administration of education. In spite of everything Llopis didn't abandon the Masons until he had been in exile for some time. El artículo analiza la trayectoria masónica de Rodolfo Llopis con el objetivo de establecer su vinculación con otras facetas en las que destacó. El pedagogo se hizo socialista para poder transformar una sociedad injusta y entró en la masonería para entablar estrechas relaciones con otras personalidades que, desde distintos ámbitos, estaban insatisfechas con la España alfonsina. La masonería, faceta complementaria de la pedagogía y la política, resulta así ser otra de las vertientes de su compromiso social. La evo- lución masónica de Llopis conoce varias etapas. La primera, que se inicia con su iniciación en 1923, es la más fecunda y se desarrolla fundamentalmente en Cuenca durante la dictadura primorriverista hasta alcanzar el grado de maestro. La segunda, con una actividad masónica más pausada, cuando no alejada o «durmiente», es la de los años republicanos coincidiendo con el aumentó de sus tareas de gestión política de la educación. A pesar de todo Llopis no abandonará la masonería hasta bien avanzado su exilio.
A Late Pleistocene (MIS3) ungulate mammal assemblage (Los Rincones, Zaragoza, Spain) in the Eurosiberian–Mediterranean boundary
The Late Pleistocene archaeo-palaeontological sites in the Iberian Peninsula are located mainly on the coasts. Here, we present for the first time a palaeoenvironmental proxy for Upper Pleistocene locality (Marine Isotope Stage 3 MIS3) that is in the interior peninsular, in the Moncayo massif (Zaragoza). This is actually the boundary between Mediterranean and Eurosiberian climatic regions. This study is based in the site ungulates: Capra pyrenaica, which is larger in size than the current and fossil Capra from the Mediterranean area of the Iberian Peninsula. The horses have a small size, which is similar to that of the horses from Fontainhas and Casares. Significantly lesser in the number of specimens are the roe deer, the southern chamois and the auroch. The study and comparison of the faunal assemblage of the locality of Los Rincones with other sites of the Iberian MIS3 show a cluster of sites in the southern Peninsular, though separated, due to the abundance of Capra pyrenaica. The association of Los Rincones is similar to the southern peninsular sites such as Nerja, Gorham Cave, Cova Beneito and Zafarraya. The ungulate assemblage of Los Rincones represents a landscape with temperate climate, presence of steppe and patches of forest, similar to the current landscape surrounding the cavity today. ; We thank the Centro Espeleológico de Aragón (Speleological Centre of Aragon), in particular Mario Gisbert, for the discovery and topography of the cave. The Government of Aragon, the CEA (Centro de Espeleología de Aragón) and the University of Zaragoza have partially subsidised the palaeontological activities at Los Rincones. This study forms part of the projects 'Grupos Consolidados H54' of the Government of Aragon and IUCA (Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales) and CGL2012-38434-C03-01. The first author (VS) also thanks Alfred Sanchis (MPV), Josefina Barreiro and Patricia Pérez (MNCN), Julio Ramón (MAPH), Mario Laurino (IAN) José Ignacio Canudo (MPZ), Henriette Obermaier (LMU) and Caroline Lang (ZSM) for allowing him to study the material for comparison, as well as Lourdes Montes, Pillar Utrilla and Ma Fernanda Blasco for granting access to unpublished data on Gabasa as well as their valuable comments. He also thanks Raquel Rabal and Cristina Sola for their comments and discussion on taphonomy; Véra Eisenmann for her discussions and clarifications on horses; Jorge Colmenar for his help with the photographs, and Francisco Gutierrez and Ira Sasowsky for their valuable comments about karst and geology. Rupert Glasgow revised the English grammar. A particular thanks to palaeoartist Gianfranco Mensi for his precise reconstruction. The authors also thank Joan Madurell Malapeira and anonymous reviewer for the useful suggestions that greatly improved the manuscript. We are especially grateful for the comments and improvements of the editor Gareth Dyke. Finally, many thanks go to all the members of the excavation team of the 2009 and 2010 field campaigns at Los Rincones. ; Peer reviewed
'The crime of Cuenca' and 'Rocío': The limits of freedom ; El crimen de Cuenca y Rocío o los límites de la libertad
We intend in this paper to review the discourse of the Democratic Transition in Spain through the evolution of film censorship these years. We will focus specially in the judicial processes that "Cuenca's crime" ("El crimen de Cuenca", Pilar Miró, 1981) and "Rocío" (Fernando Ruiz Vergara, 1983) suffered then. We will make a brief account of the last years of an institution that biased reception of movies for the Spanish public for at least 40 years. We will stress that its formal disappearance matched similar legislation in other countries of democratic Europe. We are going to try the limits of freedom of speech during the Transition years through the study of the press at that time and what was published concerning the polemic exhibition of both films. Using the analysis of the media discourse from different ideological angles we think we have contributed to put into perspective the hopes, conflicts and resistances that the political changes of late 70s and early 80s. These came into birth with much more difficulty than it has usually been accepted. Finally, in coherence with this interdisciplinary effort of gaining perspective, we find it important to show the socio-economic changes of those years in a supranational scale: the emergence of economic neoliberalism, the establishment of the affluent society and the appearance of the consensual society as a consequence of the previous factors. ; Nos proponemos en este artículo matizar el relato de la Transición a partir de la censura cinematográfica en los primeros años de la democracia centrándonos en el discurso de la prensa sobre los avatares judiciales que sufrieron El crimen de Cuenca (Pilar Miró, 1979) y Rocío (Fernando Ruiz Vergara, 1983). Haremos primero un breve recorrido de los últimos años de la censura, una institución que mediatizó la recepción por parte del público español de las producciones cinematográficas durante cuarenta años para fijarnos en el momento de su desaparición formal, poco tiempo después que ocurriera en los países de la Europa democrática. Mediante el estudio de la prensa de la época y las polémicas surgidas a partir de la exhibición de los dos filmes, pretendemos aquí mostrar los límites de la libertad de expresión en un momento en el que la transición de la dictadura franquista a la democracia constitucional parecía más o menos consolidada. El análisis del discurso de los medios de comunicación de distintas tendencias ideológicas sobre las dos películas censuradas es inseparable de una reflexión sobre la Justicia y las esperanzas, conflictos y resistencias que a finales de los años 70 y principios de los 80 habían provocado un cambio político menos consensuado y con muchos más obstáculos que lo que hasta hace poco se ha querido reconocer.
The right to a minimum level of subsistence, with special reference to the Constitution of Spain,1978 ; El derecho a un mínimo vital con especial referencia a la Constitución española de 1978
Although we can find the recognition of the right to a minimum level of subsistence in some international declarations, this is not usually the case in national constitutions. In this article I will attempt to define this right (the concept, its foundation and the sources of International, European and Spanish Law), because several forums have claimed that it is merely a fundamental social right to guarantee civil and political rights. I will refer to some doctrinal and jurisprudential constructions that derive the right to a minimum level of subsistence from other rights which are recognized in national constitutions. Special reference shall be made to the case of Spain. ; Aunque podemos encontrar el reconocimiento del derecho a un mínimo vital en algunas declaraciones internacionales, esto no es habitual en las constituciones nacionales. En este trabajo trataré de definir este derecho (concepto, fundamento y fuentes de Derecho internacional, europeo y español), pues desde distintos foros se viene reivindicando como un derecho social fundamental para la garantía de los derechos civiles y políticos. Me referiré a algunas construcciones doctrinales y jurisprudenciales que derivan el derecho a un mínimo vital de otros derechos que sí están reconocidos en las Constituciones, especialmente en la española de 1978.
Impacto económico de agua salina en la agricultura de la Cuenca del Gállego
In: Comunicaciones I.N.I.A
In: Serie Economía n. 25
Simulation of direct run-off in a forest basin in northern Spain ; Simulación de la escorrentía directa en una cuenca forestal del norte de España
[ES] One of the most widespread methods to simulate the direct run-off hydrogram in the field of hydrological design is the Unitary Hydrogram (HU) technique. On the basis of a HU model based on an association of linear depots established on the basis of the drainage network of the river basin, a formulation is proposed to allow for the spatial variability of rain, with the ability to introduce different yethograms recorded in different locations. This model has been applied in the Oiartzun basin, with an area of 56.6 km², located in the eastern part of the province of Guipúzcoa, where three continuously recorded pluviometers are available. This basin in terms of uses, soils and physical characteristics is representative of the area. Four rainy events have been selected to evaluate the model. For these four events, the aggregated Hydrogram Geomorphologic Depósitos (HUIGD) model has been applied, introducing a single yethogram determined by Thiessen polygons, and the variant of the distributed HUIGD model that allows the introduction of the three yethograms. Although both models have a good simulation capability, the results provided by the distributed model improve in different respects those of the aggregate. Goñi, M.; López, J.; Gimena, F.; Aguirre, U. (2008). Simulation of direct run-off in a forest basin in northern Spain. Engineering of water. 15 (1): 19-28. López J.J., F.N. Gimena and M. Goñi, (2007). Geomorphological unit hydrogram of deposits. Basis for the calculation of design hydrograms in medium river basins. Cedex, Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of the Environment, Madrid. ; 19 28 15 1 ; [ES] One of the most widespread methods to simulate the direct run-off hydrogram in the field of hydrological design is the Unitary Hydrogram (HU) technique. On the basis of a HU model based on an association of linear depots established on the basis of the drainage network of the river basin, a formulation is proposed to allow for the spatial variability of rain, with the ...
Town and Country in Pre-Industrial Spain: Cuenca, 1550–1870. By David Sven Reher. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xiv, 337. $49.50
In: The journal of economic history, Band 51, Heft 3, S. 713-714
ISSN: 1471-6372
Town and Country in Pre-industral Spain: Cuenca, 1550-1870. By David Sven Reher (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xiv + 337 pp. $49.50)
In: Journal of social history, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 419-421
ISSN: 1527-1897
Las normas constitucionales de contenido social: Delimitacion y problematica de su eficacia juridica
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 76, S. 103
ISSN: 0048-7694