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593 Ergebnisse
Intro; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword by Mark Stibbe; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. The emerging picture of spiritual abuse; 2. The definitional challenge -- what are we talking about?; 3. What are the key features of spiritual abuse?; 4. How does it make you feel? Exploring the impact of spiritual abuse; 5. Responding well to disclosures of spiritual abuse; 6. The challenge of authentic leadership; 7. Creating safer cultures and healthier environments; 8. Where do we go from here?; Appendix: about thirtyone:eight; Notes; References
The Enneagram is like a mirror, reflecting dimensions of ourselves that are sometimes hard to see. In this helpful guide, spiritual director and Enneagram teacher Alice Fryling offers an introduction to each number of the Enneagram, with questions and meditations to lead you into deeper self-awareness and reveal how you can experience God's love more abundantly.
In: Christian worldview integration series
Introduction / John Coe and Todd W. Hall -- Psychology at confession -- Our journeys toward a transformational psychology -- Foundations for a transformational psychology -- Ways of seeing christianity and psychology / Todd W. Hall and John Coe -- Foundations and contours of a transformational psychology / John Coe -- Transformation of the psychologist and the spiritual : epistemological disciplines and virtues (level 1) -- Methodology for doing transformational psychology in the spirit (level -- Methodological problems confronting contemporary psychology as a science / John Coe -- An Old Testament model for a transformational science and psychology / John Coe -- Faith and reality constraints on doing psychology in the spirit / John Coe -- The knowledge spiral in a science of values / Todd W. Hall -- The content of a transformational psychology (level 3) -- The data for a transformational psychology and the uniqueness of scripture / John Coe -- The person as spirit : personal identity, natures, freedom and relationality / John Coe -- The person as spirit : human attachments and relationality / Todd W. Hall -- The person as spirit : beyond relationality to union / John Coe -- A transformational approach to psychopathology, sin and the demonic / John Coe -- A transformational psychology of health and wholeness inside and outside of faith / John Coe -- Transformational psychology and the praxis of soul care (level 4) -- Psychotherapy and the spiritual stories we live by / Todd W. Hall -- Ancient and modern soul care : toward mending the split between mind and spirit / Todd W. Hall and John Coe -- The ultimate goal of a transformational psychology (level 5) -- Transformational psychology in the C hristian university and seminary / John Coe
In: Ashgate science and religion series
"This book is not an official publication of the Conference on politics, economics and Christianity, but it is a direct outcome of Copec."--p. 7. ; Preface, by A. D. Lindsay.--Introduction, by J. H. Muirhead.--The Christian ideal and some of its competitors, by J. W. Harvey.--Goodness, beauty and truth, by Helen Wodehouse.--Goodness and happiness, by O. C. Quick.--Goodness and justice, by A. D. Lindsay.--Conflicting standards and moral progress, by G. F. Barbour.--Conflicting obligations: (a) Individual action, by H.J.W. Hetherington.--Conflicting obligations: (b) In group action, by H.J.W. Hetherington.--The family, by Erica Lindsay.--Ethics and economics, by H.G. Wood.--The evolutionist and biological view of life, by J.A. Thomson.--Peace in the will of God, by C.C.J. Webb.--Epilogue, by W. Temple.--Appendix. Modern determinism in economics and psychology, by A.D. Lindsay. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Social compass: international review of socio-religious studies, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 551-560
ISSN: 1461-7404
Dans cet article, l'auteur s'interroge sur les facteurs histo riques et sociaux qui font obstacle à l'intégration des castes inférieures dans les communautés chrétiennes du Kerala. Si, dans l'ensemble de la structure sociale de l'Inde, les chrétiens s'intègrent difficilement, pour ceux qui proviennent des castes inférieures, cette difficulté est plus grande encore. Les con versions ont été nombreuses à l'intérieur de ces castes et ont représenté un moyen concret de promotion sociale; toutefois, dans le système ecclésial lui-même, une ségrégation sub siste : lieux de culte séparés, personnel ecclésiastique différent selon les castes, etc... Aussi, le retour à l'hindouisme est-il de plus en plus fré quent dans les castes inférieures qui, de cette manière, ob tiennent de nouveau l'assistance des pouvoirs publics. On assiste également à la création d'Eglises indépendantes, qui recrutent dans ces castes, et dont le message social est plus ou moins radical et révolutionnaire. L'auteur estime que l'obstacle principal réside dans l'im possibilité de modifier l'image sociale, mais aussi dans l'iden tité des castes inférieures. La conversion au christianisme n'a pu transformer une religiosité plus ou moins magique, pas plus qu'elle n'a pu modifier les modèles familiaux ou le niveau de vie.
Resetting the agenda -- The conflict motif in historical perspective -- From conflict to concordism -- Integration under the microscope : historical perspective -- Integration : contemporary views -- Insights from n neuropsychology : an overview -- Insights from neuropsychology about spirituality -- Insights about conversion, morality, wisdom, and memory -- Insights from evolutionary psychology -- Insights about human needs and motivation -- Social psychology and faith : stories of conflict, concordism, and authentic congruence (by David G. Myers) -- The way ahead for psychological science and Christian faith.
In: Anthropology of Christianity 17
"Tracing the rise and development of the Ghanaian video film industry between 1985 and 2010, Sensational Movies examines video movies as seismographic devices recording a culture and society in turmoil. This book captures the dynamic process of popular filmmaking in Ghana as a new medium for the imagination and tracks the interlacing of the medium's technological, economic, social, cultural, and religious aspects. Stepping into the void left by the defunct state film industry, video movies negotiate the imaginaries deployed by state cinema on the one hand and Christianity on the other. Birgit Meyer analyzes Ghanaian video as a powerful, sensational form. Colliding with the state film industry's representations of culture, these movies are indebted to religious notions of divination and revelation. Exploring the format of "film as revelation," Meyer unpacks the affinity between cinematic and popular Christian modes of looking and showcases the transgressive potential haunting figurations of the occult. In this brilliant study, Meyer offers a deep, conceptually innovative analysis of the role of visual culture within the politics and aesthetics of religious world making."--Provided by publisher
Foreword: toward a unified Christian psychology / Eric L. Johnson -- The European movement for Christian anthropology, psychology and psychotherapy / Anna Ostaszewska -- The concept of person as anthropological basis for Christian psychology and psychotherapy / Romuald Jaworski -- Applying whole person principles in healthcare-assessment and diagnosis of the whole person / Mike Sheldon -- Relationship with God and with others: the role of personality / Olena Yaremko -- Ecotherapy within a creationist approach / Francesco Catino -- The gap between spirit and psyche: the psychospiritual faculties / Mar Alvarez, Montserrat Lafuente -- The terms spirituality and spiritual in Russian Orthodox doctrine - their meaning for psychotherapy / Andrey Lorgus -- God - the forgotten defender / Krzysztof Wojcieszek -- Christian psychology : integrating Christian spiritual beliefs into therapeutic processes / Nicolene Joubert -- The synergy paradigm in Christian psychology / Zenon Uchnast -- Characteristics of a Christian psychology, demonstrated by the example of forgiveness / Wolfram Soldan -- Integrative psychotherapy: a Christian approach / Anna Ostaszewska -- Face and image in Christian psychotherapy / Elena Strigo -- Emotional chaos theory and the emergence of personal identity: a positive psychology that complements Christian anthropology / Trevor Griffiths -- Therapy of religious clients with guilt and sin feelings in Christian orthodox psychology / Olga Krasnikova -- Longing for the Father - father wound in Christian therapy / Saara Kinnunen -- Setting boundaries in a dialogical way / Werner May.
'Unsettled Minds' examines how 19th- and 20th-century American beleivers rejected older, often evangelical theological traditions and turned to scientific psychologies to formulate new ideas about mind and spirit and new practices for spiritual growth
In: Psychology, religions, and spirituality
Foreword / Martin E. Marty -- Ad testimonium / Archbishop Desmond Tutu -- Preface / J. Harold Ellens -- Introduction / J. Harold Ellens -- The destructive power of religion / J. Harold Ellens -- The Bible made me do it / D. Andrew Kille -- The Quran, Muhammad, and Jihad in context / Charles T. Davis III -- Religious metaphors can kill / J. Harold Ellens -- The disarmament of God / Jack Miles -- The interface of religion, psychology, and violence / J. Harold Ellens -- The dynamics of prejudice / J. Harold Ellens -- Destructive and constructive religion in relation to shame and terror / Jack T. Hanford -- The role of self-justification in violence / LeRoy H. Aden -- Toxic texts / J. Harold Ellens -- Jihad in the Quran, then and now / J. Harold Ellens -- The myth of redemptive violence / Walter Wink -- Beyond just war and pacifism : Jesus nonviolent way / Walter Wink -- Fundamentalism, orthodoxy, and violence / J. Harold Ellens -- The myth of redemptive violence or the myth of redemptive love / Wayne G. Rollins -- Violence and Christ : God's crisis and ours / J. Harold Ellens -- Conclusion: Revenge, justice, hope, and grace / J. Harold Ellens
In: Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books
The integration of psychology and Christianity / Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman -- A Christian view of persons / Stanton L. Jones, Laura Miguélez and Richard E. Butman -- Classical psychoanalysis / Stanton L. Jones, Robert Watson and Richard E. Butman -- Contemporary psychodynamic psychotherapies / Michael W. Mangis, Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman -- Behavior therapy / Stanton L. Jones, Kelly Flanagan and Richard E. Butman -- Cognitive therapy / Mark R. McMinn, Stanton L. Jones, Michael J. Vogel and Richard E. Butman -- Person-centered therapy / Terri Watson, Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman -- Experiential therapies / Terri Watson, Tracey Lee, Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman -- Family systems theory and therapy / David Van Dyke, Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman -- Community psychology and preventative intervention strategies / Sally Schwer Canning -- Responsible eclecticism and the challenges of contemporary practice / Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman -- Christian psychotherapy and the person of the Christian psychotherapist / Richard E. Butman and Stanton L. Jones