Digitale Bürgerbeteiligungsprozesse sind inzwischen als etabliert anzusehen. Es gibt allerdings so gut wie keine Studien, die mobile Beteiligungskonzepte untersuchen. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich diesem neuen Phänomen digitaler Partizipation unter dem Aspekt der sozialen Verzerrung. Können Städte durch die Nutzung smarter Beteiligungsinstrumente auch jene Gruppen der Stadtgesellschaft mobilisieren, die sich traditionell nicht oder kaum politisch engagieren? Gelingt es also durch die Nutzung von neueren Formen der digitalen Beteiligung andere als die "üblichen Verdächtigen" zu mobilisieren? Die Analyse zweier Beteiligungsprozesse mittels der "BürgerApp" in der Stadt Tübingen in den Jahren 2019 und 2020 lässt vermuten, dass traditionell wenig partizipationsfreudige Bürgerinnen und Bürger auch durch Apps nicht signifikant stärker mobilisiert werden. Im Gegenteil, wir finden unter den Teilnehmenden an den "Smartphone-Konsultationsprozessen" vor allem männliche Bürger mittleren Alters mit einer starken Technikneugierde.
Family policies not only provide money, time and infrastructure to families, but also convey normative assumptions about what is considered desirable or acceptable in paid work and family care. This study conceptualises and empirically investigates how priming respondents with brief media report-like information on existing day care policy entitlements and the economic consequences of maternal employment interruptions may change personal normative beliefs about parental work-care arrangements. Furthermore, we analyse whether these effects differ between groups of respondents assumed to vary in their degree of affectedness by the information as well as previous knowledge. The theoretical framework builds on the concept of normative policy feedback effects (Soroka and Wlezien, 2010; Gangl and Ziefle, 2015) combined with social norm theory (Bicchieri, 2017) and human cognition theories (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986; Evans and Stanovich, 2013). The study is based on a fully randomized survey experiment in Wave 12 of the German Family Panel (pairfam) and applies linear and ordinal logistic regressions with cluster-robust standard errors to a sample of 5,783 respondents. Our results suggest that priming respondents with information on day care policy and long-term economic risks of maternal employment interruptions increases acceptance of intensive day care use across the full sample and especially for mothers with children below school entry age. It further increases support for longer hours spent in paid work among childless women and mothers with school-aged children. Norms regarding paternal working hours are largely unaffected by the information given in this survey experiment.
Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es, verschiedene Formen digitaler Ungleichheit im Rahmen von Kollaborationsprozessen online zu untersuchen. Konkret analysieren wir digitale Ungleichheiten hinsichtlich der geografischen Herkunft von Editor*innen der Wikipedia. Der aktuelle Forschungsstand zeigt, dass Teilnehmer*innen aus Industrieländern hier besonders stark vertreten sind, während in anderen Regionen (insbesondere in sogenannten Entwicklungsländern) kaum Menschen teilnehmen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie sich die Autor*innengeographie in der Bearbeitung (Partizipation, Einfluss und Erfolg) von Artikeln zu den Unabhängigkeitsprozessen ehemaliger Kolonien in Afrika widerspiegelt. Die Analyse basiert auf insgesamt 354 Wikipedia-Artikeln. Anhand der Geolokalisierung von 75% der beteiligten Editor*innen (N = 23.408) zeigen wir, dass die meisten Bearbeitungen von Editor*innen aus Frankreich vorgenommen werden. Dieses Ungleichgewicht zeigt sich auch gemessen am gesamten Textanteil im Laufe der Zeit. Auf der Ebene der einzelnen Nutzer*innen lässt sich jedoch feststellen, dass Editor*innen aus Frankreich nur geringfügig erfolgreicher sind als jene aus den afrikanischen Nachfolgestaaten, wenn es um die längerfristige Sichtbarkeit ihrer Beiträge geht.
This research investigates how the interplay between demographics, economics and welfare state transfers affects the impact of the ageing process on income redistribution, at both intra and intergenerational levels. We combine different EU comparable data sources with microsimulation techniques in order to measure how agents resort to the three available resource allocation devices over their lifecycle (asset market and public and private transfers), extending the National Transfer Accounts (NTA) methodology at the micro level. Agents are heterogeneous in age, gender, education level and family type. Simulating population dynamics at the micro level allows us to capture not only the ageing process but also the educational transition and the change in family structures occurring in parallel. The resulting projection model allows us to simulate the lifetime net transfers received by individuals from the government and the family, and to compute the adjustment needed to keep the sustainability of the welfare system. The analysis is applied to four European countries representing different welfare state regimes (Spain, Austria, Finland and the United Kingdom). We find differences in the role of private and public transfers in intra and intergenerational redistribution across countries, which can be linked to the various welfare state regimes. Apart from the expected differences observed by gender and by education level, there are significant differences in the interplay between private and public transfers related to parenthood. While parents privately transfer substantially more than childless people in all studied countries, the Austrian welfare state is the only one that compensates high and medium education groups for these differences through higher public transfers to parents. Such compensation is much weaker and more targeted towards the lower educated in the other countries.
Bisherige Forschung und die öffentliche Debatte lassen vermuten, dass Menschen aus ländlichen Regionen eher rechtspopulistisch wählen als Menschen in nicht-ländlichen Regionen. Gab es diesen Stadt-Land-Unterschied auch bei der Bundestagswahl 2021? Welche Rollen spielen die wirtschaftliche Situation und die infrastrukturelle Versorgung des Wohnorts bzw. dessen Lage in West- oder Ostdeutschland? Durch die Verknüpfung von Umfragedaten und Informationen zu den Stadt- und Landkreisen der befragten Personen präsentieren wir visuelle und statistische Analysen zum Einfluss des Wohnorts auf die Wahlentscheidung. Wir zeigen, dass einzelne Merkmale des Wohnortes mit einer erhöhten Chance der AfD-Wahl einhergehen. Alle örtlichen Erklärungsfaktoren zusammengenommen, sticht der positive Zusammenhang zwischen AfD-Wahl und Wohnort in einem Kreis in Ostdeutschland heraus.
Der Deutsche Freiwilligensurvey (FWS) ist seit zwei Jahrzehnten die Basis für die Berichterstattung zum freiwilligen Engagement in Deutschland. Er wird seit 1999 alle fünf Jahre als telefonische, bevölkerungsrepräsentative Studie durchgeführt. Aktuell liegen die Daten der fünften Erhebung aus dem Jahr 2019 vor. Als freiwilliges Engagement werden Tätigkeiten gefasst, die freiwillig und gemeinschaftsbezogen ausgeübt werden, im öffentlichen Raum stattfinden und nicht auf materiellen Gewinn gerichtet sind.
In: Journal of population economics: international research on the economics of population, household, and human resources, Band 34, Heft 3, S. 825-864
There is significant heterogeneity in actual skill use within occupations even though occupations are differentiated by the task workers should perform during work. Using data on 12 countries which are available both in the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies survey and International Social Survey Program, we show that women use their cognitive skills less than men even within the same occupation. The gap in skill intensity cannot be explained by differences in worker characteristics or in cognitive skills. Instead, we show that living in a partnership significantly increases the skill use of men compared with women. We argue that having a partner affects skill use through time allocation as the gender penalty of partnered women is halved once we control for working hours and hours spent on housework. Finally, we do not find evidence of workplace discrimination against women.
The confluence of entrepreneurship, gender, sustainability and especially the social dimension is intricate and underestimated. This book analyses social entrepreneurship through a gender lens by portraying German female social entrepreneurs and their political, social and economic contexts. Within a descriptive qualitative research design, a secondary analysis of different dimensions of the social entrepreneurship system and twenty-five in-depth interviews with social entrepreneurs and experts were conducted. The author shows that this sector entails potential to re-do gender and reframe the economy, challenging norms and borders towards systemic change. Attending to the call for more research in this field, the main goal of this study is to portray female social entrepreneurs in Germany. Focus is set on describing their perspectives through an analysis of the gendered profile of German social entrepreneurs as distinctive and contextually influenced as well as on assessing structural limitations and individual agency. To achieve this, the book proposes a descriptive and a cross-sectional qualitative research design. A conceptual and theoretical frame was developed based on a social constructionist and poststructuralist epistemological approach. Moreover, a secondary analysis of female social entrepreneurship in Germany was undertaken. Key results include, among others, the development of an integrative frame for the analysis of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem, insights into social entrepreneur's personal paths, as well as their enterprises purposes and management practices, ideas to promote the sector and discussions around its potential. Additionally, practices of doing gender are described, which show that a diverse spectrum of discourses on gender is utilized. Through the secondary analysis mainly political and economic policies and the forms and contents of initiatives that support and promote social enterprises are illustrated. Finally, recommendations for the field and future research are suggested.
Objective: This study examines the convergence of employment behaviour and work-life balance of foreign-born women with those of native-born Spanish women between 2014 and 2018. Background: The changing role of women in the labour market is a central development of the past century. However, the study of female labour market participation has focused on native women, typically with a college education. Method: We use the Spanish Labour Force Survey and its 2018 ad hoc module on the reconciliation of work and family life to compare the working behaviours of native and migrant women. We use a matching algorithm to construct a sample of native workers with comparable human capital and living arrangement characteristics. Results: The segmentation of the Spanish labour market leads to the concentration of female immigrants in specific occupational niches with precarious employment conditions, regardless of the length of their stay in the country. The country's employment and care regime forces female migrants to deal with their care responsibilities differently than their native counterparts: i.e., migrants are more likely than natives to interrupt their employment to fulfil household duties, and are less likely to engage in part-time work and to outsource care provision to family and professional caregivers. Conclusion: Female immigrants are doubly penalised as both immigrants and mothers.
Die Kenntnis über eine Behinderung des Ungeborenen wird von betroffenen Eltern oft als schockierend erlebt. Neben der Schwangeren sind auch werdende Väter von einem Befund emotional betroffen. Entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit wird Männern in dieser Situation aber kaum zuteil. "Kann und möchte ich Vater eines behinderten Kindes sein? Welche Entscheidung wird meine Partnerin treffen? Was heißt es für uns als Paar, mit einem behinderten Kind zu leben?" - Im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der eigenen Belastung und einer erlebten Verantwortung berichten Männer von ihren Erfahrungen, Konflikten und deren Bewältigung.
Häusliche Pflege-Arrangements in Deutschland funktionieren häufig nur, weil eine ausländische Live-in-Pflegekraft beschäftigt wird. Der Bekanntheitsgrad dieses Versorgungsmodells steht seinem rechtlich unsicheren Kontext gegenüber. Wie werden die Arbeitsverhältnisse mit Live-in-Betreuungskräften von Angehörigen Pflegebedürftiger ausgestaltet? Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, welche Wissens- und Handlungsmuster die befragten Personen anleiten.
Purpose: This article investigates female vocational students' strategies for becoming part of a workplace community, what these strategies are and how they are tied to the formation of vocational identities within male-dominated industrial work. Of particular interest is how female students enrolled on Swedish upper secondary industrial programmes experience workplace-based learning at industrial workplaces as part of their vocational education. The theoretical framework derives from Wenger's concept of community of practice, but his theoretical concept does not explicitly include gender dimensions. Therefore, the concept of community of practice is also combined with Paechter's assumption of gender, whereby femininity and masculinity can be considered as different communities of practice. Methods: The article draws on evidence from a Swedish study based on interviews with 20 female students enrolled on the industrial programme at six upper secondary schools. In this vocational programme, there is a distinct gender distribution and only a small minority of the students on the programme are girls. In the analysis, the focus is on the female students' strategies used during workplace-based learning to become part of the work community which consists almost exclusively of male workers. Findings: The female students deliberately negotiated vocational identities as female industrial workers to become accepted in the male-dominated work community. The findings highlight three specific strategies that the female students used: Acting like gender does not matter, acting like boys (not like drama queens), and acting tough and joking around. The female students' strategies were part of - and tied to - a complex vocational identity formation process that featured contradictory requirements. By taking individual responsibility, they identified relevant information for becoming industrial workers and chose to act like boys. The female students saw no problem with being a girl, yet they struggled with implicit, diffuse and hidden gender structures and prejudices in the male-dominated industrial companies. Nevertheless, they strived for what they perceived to be an attractive vocational identity as industrial workers; it was an alternative, atypically feminine way of being that attracted the female students. Conclusions: The study concludes that female students mostly rely on their individual agency when interacting with others in the male-dominated workplace community. A "gendered vocational identity" is formed which shows that the identity formation of female students is a complex double process, in which vocational and gender identities are formed simultaneously and in parallel within the male-dominated workplace.
Dieser Beitrag begibt sich auf die Spur feministisch-geschlechterforscherischer Auseinandersetzungen mit neuen (digitalen) Technologien. Damit verfolgt er ein zweifaches Ziel: Erstens die gegenwärtig mit Blick auf Digitalisierung aus Geschlechterperspektive aufgeworfenen Fragen - nach den Effekten der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, nach der Vergeschlechtlichung digitaler Artefakte sowie nach den Potenzialen digitaler Technologien für feministische Politik - einzuordnen in eine längere Tradition der Entwicklung und des Einsatzes neuer Technologien sowie deren kritische Begleitung durch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschungen; zweitens Lehren aus den dabei errungenen Einsichten zu ziehen und ausgehend hiervon zu reflektieren, wie aktuelle Digitalisierungsschübe aus feministischer, insbesondere intersektionaler, Sicht einzuschätzen sind und wo Konfliktlinien und Potenziale liegen.
Objective: The study investigates how partner support affects different types of work-to-family and family-to-work conflicts in dual-earner couples divided by gender and parenthood. Background: In Germany, as in other Western Countries, interrole conflicts between work and family increase, especially within dual-earner couples. Only few studies focused on the effects of partner support on different types of these conflicts. Method: We use longitudinal data deriving from waves 6 to 10 of the German Family Panel (pairfam) to uncover the extent to which the perception of having a supportive partner reduces time- and strain-based work-to-family and family-to-work conflicts. We conduct longitudinal structural equation models based on information of 1,252 persons, which are full-time employed and live in a dual-earner relationship. Results: Whereas for men partner support helps reduce stress-based work-to-family conflicts, for women perceived partner support is not beneficial. Within a subsample of parents, the experience of work-to-family conflicts is likely irrespective of partner support. Overall, women's family-to-work conflicts appear to be reduced by their partners' support whereas for men this detrimental effect only applies in the case of stress-based family-to-work conflicts. Conclusion: To sum up the findings, the differences for men and women in the effect of partner support on different types of interrole conflicts indicate a still existing impact of traditional gender norms that connect femininity to house work and masculinity to employed work.
Warum identifizieren sich Fachkräfte der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe leidenschaftlich mit dem Gerechtigkeitsideal der Vielfalt? Welche Verheißungen stecken im professionellen Ideal der Diversity-reflexiven Beziehung? Die Autorin nimmt in ihrer feministisch-lacanianisch angelegten Studie jenes Begehren in den Blick, das Fachkräfte an Vielfalt heften. Die damit verbundene Ausgestaltung der pädagogischen Beziehung deutet sie vor dem Hintergrund einer postödipalen und zugleich geschlechtsspezifischen Gesellschaftskonstellation, in welcher der Andere innerhalb der pädagogischen Beziehung paradoxerweise an Bedeutung zu verlieren scheint.