In 2019, Solomon Islands made international headlines when the country severed its decades-old alliance with Taiwan in exchange for a partnership with Beijing. The decision prompted international condemnation and terrified security experts. This penetrating investigation into the switch sheds light on China's wider foreign policy
In: This paper was submitted to a conference on the political economy of international law organized by University "La Sapienza." The proceedings from this conference will be edited by Professor Alberta Fabbricotti and published by Edward Elgar in 2016, Forthcoming.
After the WTO meeting in Seattle, WA, Dec 1999, disintegrated, demonstrations of globalization opposition at all multilateral economic meetings appear to have become commonplace. Whether the demonstrators' demands are legitimate or unjustified, the pressure on the member states of the multilateral trade & financial institutions to stem the negative consequences of globalization is growing. The collected speeches & communiques in the documentation presented here provide information on the measures of the International Monetary Fund for crisis prevention, reiterate the suggestions of the Europeans & Americans for a new world trade conference & reform of the WTO, & discuss the meaning of full trading power for the American president, & the position of the Euro in global financial structure. C. Houle
As the European Convention writes its final recommendations for an EU constitutional treaty this year, it's a good time for stockttaking. What is the current status of the convention itself, of the European Parliament, of "widening" to take in new members and "deepening" to more political integration? How do the supranational European Commission and the intergouvernmental European Council work? The head of the commission's delegation in Japan explains. (DGAP-TIP)
Since 1945 responsibility for atrocity has been individualized, and international tribunals and courts have been given effective jurisdiction over it. This article argues that the move to individual responsibility leaves significant 'excesses' of responsibility for war crimes unaccounted for. When courts do attempt to recognize the collective nature of war crime perpetration, through the doctrines of 'command responsibility', 'joint criminal enterprise' and 'state responsibility', the application of these doctrines has, it is argued, limited or perverse effects. The article suggests that instead of expecting courts to allocate excesses of responsibility, other accountability mechanisms should be used alongside trials to allocate political (rather than legal) responsibility for atrocity. The mechanisms favored here are 'Responsibility and Truth Commissions', i.e. well-resourced non-judicial commissions which are mandated to hold to account individual and collective actors rather than simply to provide an account of past violence.
Der Beitrag gibt einleitend einen historischen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Grenzkonflikte zwischen Rußland und China und geht dann näher auf die Vereinbarungen vom 16. Mai 1991 über die russisch-chinesische Grenze im Osten und vom 3. September 1994 über den Verlauf der Westgrenze ein. Die Bedeutung dieser beiden Abkommen für den Gesamtverlauf der russisch-chinesischen Grenzverhandlungen wird hervorgehoben. Der Autor geht darüber hinaus detailliert auf die Aufgaben, Funktionen und Aktivitäten der gemeinsamen russisch-chinesischen Demarkations- Kommission ein. Der Regulierung der komplexen Fragen des Grenzverlaufs in bezug auf die Flüsse wird dabei besonderes Augenmerk geschenkt. (BIOst-Mrk)