
361644 Ergebnisse


Open Access#3444762014

Indicators for a needs-based resource allocation in early childhood education: regional data as valid proxies for setting level needs? ; Indikatoren für eine bedarfsorientierte Finanzierung frühkindlicher Bildung - Sozialraumdaten als valide Proxies für Einzeleinrichtungen?


Open Access#3444772014

Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector


Open Access#3444782014

Acciones y reacciones en la lucha por la tierra: resistencias sociales en Sinaloa 1917-1940



Open Access#3444792014

Data law, a special regulation ; Le droit des données personnelles, une police administrative spéciale


Open Access#3444802014

Dayton Import-Export ; Peacebuilding Negotiations Between Interveners and Intervened in Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Peacebuilding Verhandlungen zwischen Intervenierenden und Intervenierten in Bosnien-Herzegowina


Open Access#3444812014

1000 Genomes Selection Browser 1.0: A genome browser dedicated to signatures of natural selection in modern humans


Open Access#3444822013

Children of the War. Traumatic Memories of the Civil War on Spanish Contemporary Cinema ; Criaturas de la guerra. Memorias traumáticas de la guerra civil en el cine español contemporáneo


Open Access#3444832013

La propiedad territorial indígena en la Provincia de Popayán (1831-1857): continuidad del proteccionismo, situación de excepción frente a lo dispuesto en otras provincias ; Consolidation of the 1853 Constitution: debates and consensus ; A consolidação da Constituição de 1853: debates e consensos


Open Access#3444842013

Critic to major contract consensus theories: John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas ; Crítica a las principales teorías del consenso contractual: John Rawls y Jürgen Habermas


Open Access#3444852012

The relation between ontology and politics in Heidegger's theory of "The Truth of Being" ; La relación entre ontología y política en la teoría de la "Verdad del Seyn" de Heidegger


Open Access#3444862012

Non-Combat Operations of China's Armed Forces in the 21st Century : Historical Development, Current Drivers and Implications for Military Projection


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#34448720. September 2011

Evolution of a campus sustainability network: a case study in organizational change

In: International journal of sustainability in higher education, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 395-429

ISSN: 1758-6739

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#3444882011

Gandhi and Ambedkar: Relevant and Divergent Approaches to the Indian Religious Scenario


Open Access#3444892011

Epistemologías de la política educativa y justicia social en América Latina


Open Access#3444902011

When the spirits are angry, God gains in popularity: Exploring the emergence of Bunong Protestantism in the Highlands of Cambodia