De l'ouest au centre de l'Afrique soudano sahélienne, l'intensification et la modernisation des systèmes de production promues par les services de l'élevage et de l'environnement n'ont pas immédiatement séduit les pasteurs. Les changements majeurs ne sont intervenus dans le pastoralisme qu'à partir des années 70-80, poussés d'abord par les grandes sécheresses qui ont décimé les cheptels et ensuite par l'afflux d'agriculteurs migrants sur des territoires à vocation pastorale. Des études emboîtées sur les systèmes pastoraux menées dans le cadre de quatre thèses de doctorat en cours à AgroParisTech et de deux projets (ARDESAC (Appui à la Recherche Régionale pour le Développement des Savanes d'Afrique Centrale) et DURAS (Promotion du Développement Durable dans les systèmes de Recherche Agricole du Sud)) exécutés au Cameroun, Tchad, Mali et Burkina Faso, relèvent les transformations en cours, en précisent les modalités et en dégagent les enjeux généraux nourris de spécificités locales. Dans cette zone, les pasteurs nomades se sont progressivement sédentarisés pour s'approprier des territoires à partir desquels ils organisent des transhumances stratégiques du bétail, et parfois une délocalisation d'une partie du troupeau vers des sites plus favorables. Ils ont adopté l'agriculture céréalière et font preuve d'innovation en utilisant la fumure animale, la main d'oeuvre salariée et les herbicides, ce qui leur permet de diversifier les revenus et de suppléer à la décapitalisation du bétail souvent vécue comme un drame. Par contre, leurs systèmes d'élevage semblent toujours réduits à une posture de résistance. L'amenuisement des ressources pastorales qui fait suite à la saturation foncière et à un usage extra élevage accru des biomasses, ne s'accompagne pas encore d'actions pour améliorer leur disponibilité et leur gestion. Plus préoccupés par la pérennité de leur cheptel, les éleveurs sont peu enclins à innover et à s'organiser en groupes et, exceptés ceux de la zone périurbaine, ne saisissent pas encore totalement l'opportunité du marché de la viande et du lait en forte expansion. Leur pleine intégration au projet de développement du territoire dépend des relations d'échanges (ressources, services, connaissances, intérêts) avec les autres acteurs du développement rural, qui sont à renforcer. Les enjeux de la transformation du pastoralisme sont donc d'ordre écologique, économique et social. La présente communication vise une analyse comparée des systèmes pastoraux d'Afrique de l'ouest où la tradition d'élevage est plus ancienne et portée par des producteurs mieux organisés pour intensifier la production, et ceux d'Afrique centrale où ces processus sont en voie d'émergence. Les systèmes d'élevage, les relations agriculture élevage et les filières des produits d'élevage sont étudiés pour comprendre les modalités des pratiques, les logiques d'acteurs et leurs impacts sur la durabilité des ressources naturelles, la rentabilité économique et l'équité sociale. Enfin, les perspectives sont dégagées pour accompagner le développement durable des systèmes pastoraux.
Una premisa feminista anima a (des)nombrar ¿dónde es aquí? Un desde dónde que no se acota en predicar(le) a/de un sujeto un listado de adjetivos, modificadores o etiquetas de pertenencia; más que de una identidad carente de reconocimiento se trata del acontecer de un emplazamiento político. Posibilidades del decir que hacen que el hacer escuela, el recorrido de una investigación o las derivas de la militancia se vean radicalmente trastocadas. Presentamos las formas en las que el adscribir y el enunciar se anudan a los modos de hacer audibles y visibles como posicionamiento político individual y colectivo por dentro/fuera la escuela. Estas líneas acechan la posición nómade -de val flores-, la localización limitada y específica de un conocimiento situado, precario, itinerante que despliegan una pedagogía antinormativa, animada por una epistemología feminista descentrada del no saber y del no hacer; desde un feminismo under, microfeminismo o feminismo rapsódico disloca los regímenes de luz, de la modernidad en su encarnadura cartesiana, a los que pretendemos abrir(les) la puerta para jugar a probar. Expulsadas de la zona de concentración lumínica las ignorancias constituyen lo incognoscible, lo ininteligible, lo innominado, para las que se divisan al menos tres rutas: la memoria, el lenguaje, la afectividad. ; A feminist premise encourages to (un)name where is here? A from of where that hasn´t limit in preaching to/from the subject, in a list of adjectives, conditionals or in labels; more than an identity lacking in recognition, it is about the occurrence of a political location. It is about the possibilities of "saying" than can radically disrupt the starting of a movement, the journey of an investigation, or the drifts of militancy. We present here the ways in which "subscribing-to" or "stating" link to the ways of "making-audible and - visible" as an individual or collective political standpoint, inside/outside the movement. These lines stalk the nomadic position—of val flores—, the limited and specific location of a situated, precarious, itinerant knowledge, which deploys an anti-regulatory pedagogy driven by a feminist epistemology, from an "under" feminism, animated by an offcentered feminist epistemology of not knowing and not doing. This is about a rhapsodic feminism that dislocates the regimes of light of modernity in its Cartesian embodiment to play to prove. The ignorances expelled from the area of light concentration are integrated into the remains of the unknown, the unnamed, from there you can see at least three routes: memory, language, affections. ; Fil: Alvarado, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentina
This book traces a number of common themes relating to the representation of Irish Travellers in Irish popular tradition and how these themes have impacted on Ireland?s collective imagination. A particular focus of the book is on the exploration of the Traveller as?Other?, an ""Other"" who is perceived as both inside and outside Ireland?s collective ideation. Frequently constructed as a group whose cultural tenets are in a dichotomous opposition to that of the?settled? community, this book demonstrates the ambivalence and complexity of the Irish Traveller 'Other' in the context of a European postcolonial country
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Автор знакомит с характерными чертами скифоидных культурных объединений в Средней Европе. Главным признаком скифских влияний на оседлые, земледельческие общества центра Европы были, однако, военные грабительские набеги. Археологически эти события фиксируются находками скифского оружия (главным образом, наконечниками стрел) на территории городищ и скальных убежищ. Представляется историческая интерпретация этих процессов и разбор дискуссионных вопросов. ; The fact that the Scythians installed themselves in the forest-steppe and steppe areas of Eastern Europe at the transition between the 8th and 7th centuries BC brought about changes in the ethnic, geopolitical and cultural situation in the region. It also created a new, important factor influencing the history of the central part of the continent. This was the opening moment for a long period of confrontation, which continued until historical times, between the settled Central-European societies and herding groups originating from the Great Steppe, distinguished by a specific lifestyle and economy as well as by a different model of other socio-cultural behaviour. This confrontation most often took a violent course, which in historical times was reflected by a whole list of expansionist peoples (the Mongols, the Magyars, the Avars, the Huns, the Sarmatians/Iazyges) who all chose the Carpathian Basin as their destination. For the proto-historical period, however, given the lack of a written record that would shed light on the discussed region and its history, the interpretation of the above processes has provoked a lot of controversy and posed a methodological dilemma. Some scholars regard them as symptoms of the population movements and physical presence of the nomads, while others prefer to speak of a cultural transfer, still within the limits of dialogue between cultures representing different civilization models. As early as in the beginnings of the 7th century BC, there appear cemeteries with skeleton burials in Transylvania, furnished with sets of weaponry typical of Scythian warriors. The appearance of the Transylvanian group was most likely connected with the formation of Scythian groups in the forest-steppe zone on the middle Dnieper River in the 7th century BC. It was the westward continuation of the same processes that were the effect of the search for new ecological niches in circum-steppe areas by Scythian nomads. Slightly later than the Transylvanian group, but still in the 7th century BC, in the middle and upper Dniester basin another group with Scythian cultural traits started to develop, namely the so-called Western Podolia group. However, this grouping had a clearly syncretic character. The Scythian ethnos probably played the role of a predominant social superstratum, although the newcomers were mainly men warriors. The formation of groups with a Scythian component in the Carpathian Basin was crowned with the development of the Vekerzug culture in the Great Hungarian Plain. Its oldest assemblages appeared in the north-eastern part of this region around the transition between the 7th/6th centuries BC. The Vekerzug culture is represented by large biritual cemeteries, with the predominance of skeleton burials over cremations. Its unique trait is the presence of separate horse burials, and, exceptionally, the burials of horses with wagons. These burials reflect the important economic role played in this environment by horse breeding (the breeds which were descended from Tarpans). Generally, Scythian-type elements were not particularly numerous here, and they were typically discovered in richer assemblages (the graves of the elite). However, the most striking manifestation of Scythian expansion directed towards Central Europe is a wave of nomadic military infiltration, referred to in the literature as the 'Scythian invasions'. Archaeological finds that provided the basis for the concept of military incursions by invaders equipped with Scythian weaponry were recorded in the zone stretching from Transdanubia, through Moravia towards the Moravian Gate and further, along the Oder River, as far as to Lower Lusatia, and to central Poland in the north. These are primarily arrowheads of the Scythain type, discovered in defensive settlements and the rock shelters used by the local population as refu-gia. Among other places, the arrowheads were found lodged in the embankments or walls of fortified settlements that bore traces of conquest and destruction (by fire). In the so-called 'acropolis' of the Hallstatt-era fortified settlement at Smolenice, with strong defenses in the form of stone walls, the concentrations of arrowheads were found close to the gates and around the most easily approachable part of the fortifications. Sometimes, human skeletons are also discovered in such settlements, and their context suggests they belonged to victims of a surprise attack. The best evidenced cases of the destruction of such defensive settlements date within a period spanning more or less 100 years, between the transition from the 7th/6th centuries BC and the late 6th century BC. The driving force behind these looting raids were no doubt the elites whose mentality was typical of the Scythian (nomadic) set of cultural behaviours. The character of the archaeological record clearly indicates that these raids were not aimed at gaining control of new lands, but rather on gaining booty that would offer economic profits. The lack of written records confirming the western direction of the Scythian expansion, raised from time to time as an argument in the context of the issues discussed in this paper, does not fully take into account the historical context and objective circumstances in which such written sources were created. Central Europe remained beyond the limits of the world known to the ancient authors, which obviously made the identification of particular episodes impossible. At the same time, we cannot ignore the fact that the picture emerging from the archaeological evidence is virtually the same as that recorded over the Caucasus and in Asia Minor, i.e. in the territories affected by the historically confirmed expansion of the Scythians. In light of the above, we cannot regard Central Europe as a zone 'beyond history' in that period, if only because of the effects of the expansion that bore all the traits of a nomadic war strategy. Thus, a 'historical' diagnosis requires a detailed and comprehensive assessment of the archaeological context. The lack or paucity of written sources cannot be an obstacle to building an historical vision of socio-cultural processes.
Science is first and foremost an intellectual activity, an activity of thought. Therefore, how do we, as information scientists, respond intellectually to what is happening in the world of information and knowledge development, given the context of new sociocultural and knowledge landscapes? Information Science as an Interscienceposes many challenges both to information science, philosophy and to information practice, and only when information science is understood as an interscience that operates in a multifaceted way, will it be able to comply with these challenges. In the fulfilment of this task it needs to be accompanied by a philosophical approach that will take it beyond the merely critical and linear approach to scientific work. For this reason a critical philosophical approach is proposed that will be characterised by multiple styles of thinking and organised by a compositional inspiration. This initiative is carried by the conviction that information science will hereby be enabled to make contributions to significant knowledge inventions that may bring about a better world. Chapters focus on the rethinking of human thinking, our unique ability that enables us to cope with the world in which we live, in terms of the unique science with which we are involved. Subsequent chapters explore different approaches to the establishment of a new scientific spirit, the demands these developments pose for human thinking, for questions of method and the implications for information science regarding its proposed functioning as a nomad science in the context of information practice and information work. Final chapters highlight the proposed responsibility of focusing on information and inventiveness and new styles of information and knowledge work.focuses on rethinking information science to achieve a constructive scientific approach provides an alternative methodological approach in the study of information science shows how a change in scientific approach will have vast implications for the understanding and dissemination of knowledgepresents the implications of a new approach for knowledge workers, and the dynamics of their workexplores the future of thinking about science, knowledge and its nature and the ethical implications Carel S. (Fanie) de Beer is Emeritus Professor at the Department of Information Science, University of South Africa (Unisa), Pretoria, South Africa, and is currently an Extraordinary Professor of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. He graduated in Agriculture and Philosophy (doctoral studies) at the University of Pretoria and the University of Paris X. Nanterre, France. He has taught Philosophy, Communications and Information Science at various universities, undertaken research in all these fields, and was involved in consultancy work in the fields of knowledge generation, invention, dissemination and application. His research interests include the philosophy and theory of information, philosophies and theories of technics and technology, and knowledge invention, dissemination and utilization. He is also committed to research on reading theory and on the re-invention of human spirituality and noology.
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Nests of settlements were the basis of the research on family and tribal structure of the Slavs (Nevrs, Scythians-ploughmen, Scythians-farmers, and Veneds of the Zarubyntsi culture) of the 7th century BCE – 2nd century CE, which was published in the "Ukrainoznavstvo" journal (2022, №. 2–4). Mapping the nests of settlements on modern maps makes it possible to compare the changes in the location of the named Slavic tribes over time, which in fact offers a new method of sociocultural anthropology – the method of family-tribe geography of the Slavs–Ukrainians ethnogenesis. This method permits to detect the characteristic features of the social, cultural, and economic life of the clans and tribes of the Slavs in the chain of epochs with the help of various branches of science: archaeology, ethnography, linguistics, anthropology, as well as folklore, beliefs, law, crafts, and technologies. And the main thing is that this method allows you to move away from ethnically undefined "carriers of archaeological cultures", which are a relic of Soviet archaeology and do not allow studying the ancient history of families and peoples that inhabited the territory of Eastern Europe since the Palaeolithic. During the modern war, Ukrainians-farmers, for the Russians "Little Russians", are very energetically freeing themselves from the arms of nomads, herdsmen, "Great Russians". The artificially created unity of russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian has already faded into the past. At the same time, interest in the ancient history of the Ukrainian people, which is hidden in archaeological sites and their interpretations, is constantly growing in the world.Our attention is drawn to Jordan's message about the various ethnonyms of the Veneds (the name by which the early Slavs were called), according to which the Veneds are divided into separate tribes that have names according to their families or places of residence. This message is confirmed in this article.Based on the research of archaeologists (largely based on L. Pobol's collection of monuments, which includes 517 late Zarubyntsi settlements), we have localised 50 nests settlements of Slavs-Veneds of the 2nd–5th centuries CE on the map of Belarus. (Fig. 1). It has been established that the tribes of the historical Slavs-Veneds of the late stage of the Zarubyntsi culture occupied the same territory of the Upper Dnipro where 36 tribes of the Zarubyntsi culture of the early stage of the 3rd century BCE lived – the 2nd century CE ("Ukrainian Studies," 2022, № 4, Fig. 14). So, there are reasons to express the opinion that the north-western part of the Veneds of the late Zarubyntsi culture – the ancestors of the current Belarusians – lived with the ancestors of the Ukrainians on the same territory for thousands of years, that is, they have a common history. And the Pripyat River did not divide our nations but united them for many centuries.
On the basis of different sources, mainly annual regional statistical surveys, the stages of the formation of the health care system of the Semipalatinsk region of the Steppe Governor General are revealed. At the first stage, the end of the 60s — 80s of the 19th century, the accession of the Steppe Territory to the Russian Empire was completed. The integrating policy of this ethnoregion into the political-legal and socio-economic space of the empire was initiated. In the social sphere, it led to the creation of a health system. The procesas had a number of specific features due to the absence of zemstvos and zemstvo medicine and the predominance of Kazakh nomads in the ethnosocial structure of the region. Therefore, in contrast to the central regions of Russia, the development of the health care system in the Steppe Territory was dealt with by the provincial and regional administrations. The second stage (the end of the 80s 19th century — 1917) is associated with the beginning of the mass migration of peasant migrants from the European part of Russia to the Steppe Territory. This stage is characterized by the expansion of the network of regional and county medical institutions, the improvement of their material and technical base, the expansion of the specialization of practicing doctors, and the solution of the personnel problem. Also, at that stage, the system of management of medical institutions was improved and government organizations, for example, the Resettlement Department, were involved in solving problems related to health care services for the p opulation. In general, statistics show that by 1917 the quality of health care services and the percentage of population involvement remained at a low level. ; На основе разноплановых источников, главным образом ежегодных областных статистических обзоров, выявляются этапы становления системы здравоохранения Семипалатинской области Степного генерал-губернаторства. На первом этапе — конец 60-х гг. — конец 80-х гг. XIX в., завершилось присоединение Степного края к России и была инициирована политика интеграции данного этнорегиона в политико-правовое и социально-экономическое пространство империи. В социальной сфере в том числе это повлекло создание системы здравоохранения. Данный процесс имел ряд специфических черт, обусловленных отсутствием земств и земской медицины и преобладанием в этносоциальной структуре региона казахов-кочевников. Поэтому в отличие от центральных регионов России вопросами развития системы здравоохранения в Степном крае занимались губернские и областные управления. Второй этап — конец 80-х гг. XIX в. — 1917 г. — связан с началом массовой миграции крестьян-переселенцев из европейской части России в Степной край. Для данного этапа стало характерно укрупнение сети областных и уездных медицинских учреждений, улучшение их материально-технической базы, расширение специализации практикующих врачей, решение кадровой проблемы. Также на этом этапе происходило усовершенствование системы руководства медицинскими учреждениями и привлечение к решению проблем, связанных с медицинским обслуживанием населения, правительственных организаций, например Переселенческого управления. В целом, из материалов статистики следует, что к 1917 г. качество оказания медицинских услуг и процент вовлеченности населения в их получение оставались на низком уровне.
Collebechi, M. E., Gobato, F. (Comp.) (2017). Formación en el horizonte digital. Bernal, Argentina : Secretaría de Educación Virtual, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. ; Formar en el horizonte digital reúne buena parte de las discusiones y preocupaciones que, en torno a dicha relación y en el marco de la articulación entre comunicación, cultura y educación, tuvieron lugar en el IV Foro Internacional de Educación Superior en Entornos Virtuales, realizado en octubre de 2014 en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. El propósito fue relacionar las políticas públicas y académicas, las prácticas de los sujetos educativos y los fenómenos emergentes tales como la creciente bimodalidad de las instituciones universitarias, con el análisis diagnóstico de los procesos socioculturales que son el contexto de posibilidad e intelección de tales políticas, prácticas y características emergentes. ; Presentación / por Walter Marcelo Campi – Introducción. La formación en tiempos digitales / por Federico Gobato y María Eugenia Collebechi – Primera parte. Claves socioculturales para pensar la educación en tiempos digitales. -- cap. 1. Educación transmedia: hacia una pedagogía polifónica / por Carlos Scolari. – cap. 2. Interrogaciones acerca de lo "nómade" y conjeturas hacia la intervención educativa / por Débora Nakache – cap. 3. Cibercultura, comunicación digital y procesos de subjetivación entre adolescentes / por Marcelo Urresti – cap. 4. Tiempo, espacio y educación en el trabajo informacional / por Mariano Zukerfeld – cap. 5. Indexación de textos breves: (d)escribir el acá/ahora en la comunicación por teléfono móvil / por Lucía Cantamutto – Segunda parte. Las instituciones frente a los desafíos de los tiempos digitales – cap. 1. Políticas públicas de inclusión de tecnologías en la educación. El modelo 1 a 1 en Uruguay / por Ana Rivoir – cap. 2. El Programa Conectar Igualdad y las políticas de inclusión del estado argentino / por Constanza Necuzzi – cap. 3. Instituciones universitarias en tiempos digitales: desafíos, problemas y alternativas institucionales / por Marta Mena – cap. 4. Hacia la universidad bimodal: dimensiones de un proceso incipiente / por Alejandro Villar – Tercera parte. Los actores educativos en los escenarios digitales – cap. 1. La transformación de lo Impensable (tomando una cucharada de la propia medicina) / por Silvia Carrió y Jorge Janson – cap. 2. Arte e investigación en el ámbito académico / por Mariela Yeregui – cap. 3. Dispositivo hipermedial dinámico "Memoria y Experiencia Cossettini": una propuesta de prácticas abiertas y recursos compartidos "en(-)torno" a una mesa de arena / por Patricia San Martín – cap. 4. La escritura colaborativa mediada por tecnologías digitales e interactivas en la universidad / por Guadalupe Álvarez – Cuarta parte. Recursos, movilidad, difusión y asociatividad – cap. 1. Variaciones en torno a las Humanidades Digitales / por Juan José Mendoza – cap. 2. tecnología para el desarrollo integral, la educación y la igualdad de oportunidades de niños, niñas y jóvenes / por Marcela Czarny – cap. 3. Aportes de las revistas científicas de acceso abierto a la difusión del conocimiento por Matías Vlahusic – cap. 4. Transmisiones sincrónicas: alternativas de intercambio académico y movilidad internacional / por Sebastián Torre.
Le présent rapport porte sur la vulnérabilité climatique et environnementale des systèmes agro-pastoraux dans le centre ouest du Tchad. Ce rapport répond à l'engagement du FIDA d'assurer la résilience climatique des bénéficiaires des investissements du FIDA. Dans le cadre de son nouveau cycle d'investissement (FIDA10), la question de la vulnérabilité des populations rurales face au changement climatique doit être au coeur des nouvelles actions protées dans les années à venir. Les ressources allouées au Tchad dans le cadre IFAD10 appuieront un nouveau projet d'investissement à Kanem, Bar El Gazal, Hadjer Lamis, Batha et Guera conformément au programme stratégique conjoint Tchad-FIDA. Ce projet sera conçu courant 2017. Compte tenu du manque d'informations détaillées et adaptées sur les impacts du changement climatique dans la zone cible, le FIDA a sollicité une expertise du CIRAD afin de conduire une analyse climatique et environnementale pour informer sa conception de projet à venir. Le nouvel investissement du FIDA visera l'agro‐pastoralisme et les chaines de valeur des légumes, de la viande et des fourrages afin de sortir les petits exploitants de la pauvreté, en leur fournissant des moyens de subsistance plus rentables et plus durables. Ces investissements doivent aussi englober la résilience climatique et l'amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. Dans la zone cible, le bétail et les systèmes agro-pastoraux sont importants. Les tendances passées et actuelles mettent l'accent sur la vulnérabilité élevée de ces systèmes aux phénomènes climatiques extrêmes et progressifs et devrait augmenter dans un proche avenir. L'objectif du rapport est donc de connaitre la principale vulnérabilité des moyens de subsistance des zones cibles (production, population, chaines de valeur, etc.) au climat actuel et futur est d'une importance capitale pour concevoir un projet avec une plus grande probabilité de succès et une durabilité accrue. Les principales conclusions du rapport sont : -Une légère augmentation des pluies se constate depuis les années 2010 et devrait se poursuivre dans les années 2030‐2050 avec une augmentation des températures de 1 à 2°c. -L'occupation du sol montre une plus forte mise en culture avec une dégradation rapide des espaces de savanes due à la prédation anthropique. -L'agriculture devient une pratique dominante, liée a l'évolution et à la pression démographique, provoquant de nombreux conflits avec les pasteurs. -L'agro-pastoralisme est un mode de production plus vulnérable au changement climatique à cause de la sédentarisation des troupeaux. -Les systèmes d'élevage pastoral et nomade qui s'adaptent mieux au changement climatique grâce aux différents régimes de mobilité a sécuriser par des politiques foncières adéquates. -L'insécurité alimentaire varie fortement d'une année sur l'autre en fonction des pluies et des récoltes, l'élevage apporte des rentrées financières quand l'agriculture offre des produits pour l'autoconsommation. Ainsi développer l'élevage permet de diminuer les risques des aléas extrêmes, développer l'agriculture permet dépasser les seuils de survie dans les ménages. Pour améliorer concomitamment ces deux systèmes de production, un développement intégrant une approche de préservation écologique des milieux en vue d'une plus grande résilience climatique des paysages agro‐pastoraux et pastoraux est à repenser.