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363712 Ergebnisse
In: Policing and society: an international journal of research and policy, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 437-438
ISSN: 1477-2728
In: Journal of political power, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 73-89
ISSN: 2158-3803
The separation of power and the branch of the judicial power are analyzed in the US and in the European countries (first of all in Italy and in Hungary). The effects of litigation on the constitutional rights in the USA and in Hungary are outlined and the new trends of political battles in the USA and in Italy which mean the moving the political combats into the courtrooms.
ISSN: 1535-4245
In: Constellations: an international journal of critical and democratic theory, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 53-73
ISSN: 1351-0487
Discusses the use of coercion in democracies, focusing on the tension between a majoritarian decision to employ coercion to achieve a particular end, & the decision to contest coercion. Using power synonymously with coercion, it is contended that in a large, interconnected polity, democracy requires coercion, & that majority rule is one standard mechanism for achieving a relatively just form of democratic coercion. Against the deliberative tradition, it is argued that approximation to procedurally fair coercion figures prominently in effecting democratic change. A set of procedures for theoretically ensuring that coercion is deployed fairly are presented along with the caveat that in practice, all forms of democratic coercion are unfair. W. Howard
Cover -- Half-Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- PART 1. Epistemological Foundations -- Introduction to Part 1 -- 1. Political Power, Institutions and Socio-economic Organizations -- 1.1. Explanations of the emergence of political power -- 1.2. The State, the achieved form of political power -- 1.3. The State as outdated form of political power: the new social powers -- 1.3.1. The relationships between economic power and politicalpower -- 1.3.2. Displacement of the capacity for action from the State to multinational corporations? -- 1.3.3. Technological proliferation and organizational mutations: the emergence of new powers? -- 1.3.4. The emergence of a fourth power through the development of new collective, discursive and decisional spaces: the media? -- 2. Subjective and Intersubjective Power -- 2.1. The concept of relational power, a concept of subject or subjects? -- 2.2. Interactions, translations and exchanges: locations, situations and manifestations of relational power -- 2.3. A desirous subject driving a relational power -- 3. Discursive Power: Words, Languages, Controls and Arguments -- 3.1. The active power of language in and of itself -- 3.1.1. The efficacy of words -- 3.1.2. Terminological mastery and the power of knowledge -- 3.2. The power of language in operation -- 3.2.1. Performative speech acts? -- 3.2.2. The construction of discourse within rhetoric -- 3.3. The predominance of social frameworks in the exercise of linguistic power -- 3.3.1. The control of language and the resulting conflict -- 3.3.2. Linguistic competence, an instrument of social reproduction -- 3.4. The symbolic and analogic power of language: acting on the imagination, feelings and desire -- PART 2. Mobilizing the Concept of Power in ICS -- Introduction to Part 2.