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1362 Ergebnisse
An Analysis of Messages About Tobacco in Military Installation Newspapers
Objectives. We sought to gauge the relative attention that tobacco control receives in military newspapers by comparing coverage of tobacco use with that of other health topics of importance to the military.
An erosion-based land classification system for military installations
In: Environmental management: an international journal for decision makers, scientists, and environmental auditors, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 251-257
ISSN: 1432-1009
U.S. military installations in NATO's southern region [microform] : report
"October 7, 1986." ; At head of title: 99th Congress, 2d session. Committee print. ; CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 86 H382-25 ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Microfiche. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Utility Systems Management - Bridging organizational divides at military installations
In: The military engineer: TME, Band 101, Heft 661, S. 67-68
ISSN: 0026-3982, 0462-4890
Scenario-Based Studies of Military Installations and Their Regions
In: Land Use Scenarios; Integrative Studies in Water Management & Land Deve, S. 27-42
Analyzing Mission Impact of Military Installations Microgrid for Resilience
This article develops a method to model, analyze, and design military microgrids with the objective to improve their resilience in the face of disconnections from the larger electrical grid. Military microgrids provide power to installation and base facilities to enable base mission objective accomplishments that are related to national security. Previous research, tools, and methods for microgrid design and assessment do not adequately address resilience in terms of accomplishing mission objectives and instead primarily focus on economic outcomes. This article proposes a novel metric to quantify microgrid resilience in terms of its ability to minimize the impact of power disruption on missions supported by the microgrid. The metric is used in a novel design method to ensure an islanded military microgrid can continue operations while disconnected for a two-week duration. Our model examines the ability to continue mission operations subject to various microgrid disruptions as well as equipment reliability.
Evaluation of noise around military installations / Triukšmo karinėse teritorijose įvertinimas
Noise is one of the most common adverse environmental factors. Military bases and airports and the areas surrounding them are affected by acoustic impact. The problem of military noise is researched in this article. Since 2004 Šiauliai Airport has been the site of NATO forces' base in the Baltic States for the protection of the region's airspace. Military aircraft are used for the mission. The Kairiai military grounds on the Curonian Lagoon is the only site in Lithuania where all kinds of military forces may arrange their training. Measurement of the level of noise caused by Šiauliai Airport in residential and public areas of the surrounding areas and by the Kairiai military grounds was carried out using a Nor121 digital sound analyser. It was found that the maximum noise level (Lmax) in the surroundings of Šiauliai Airport sometimes exceeds the permissible maximum noise level specified in HN 33:2007. Exceeding of Lmaxon aircraft flights was short (up to 5 minutes). The calculated level of noise Ldenand Lnightat all points of measurement within the territories surrounding Šiauliai Airport does not exceed the limit values and causes no damage to the health of the population in Šiauliai. The noise generated by shooting at Kairiai military grounds causes no damage to the health of residents. Santrauka Vienas iš plačiausiai paplitusių kenksmingų aplinkos veiksnių yra triukšmas. Akustinį poveikį patiria karinių poligonų ir aerodromų aplinka. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama karinio triukšmo problema. Nuo 2004 m. Šiaulių oro uostas tapo Baltijos šalių NATO pajėgų dislokacijos vieta, iš kurios vykdoma Baltijos šalių oro apsauga. Šiai apsaugai atlikti naudojami kariniai lėktuvai. Prie Kuršių marių įsikūręs Kairių poligonas yra vienintelis Lietuvoje, kuriame gali treniruotis visų rūšių karinės pajėgos. Šiaulių oro uosto triukšmo matavimai aplinkinių teritorijų gyvenamojoje ir viešosios paskirties aplinkoje bei Kairių poligone atlikti skaitmeniniu garso analizatoriumi Nr. 121. Nustatyta, kad maksimalus triukšmo lygis (Lmax) Šiaulių oro uosto aplinkoje kartais viršija leistinąjį maksimalų triukšmo lygį pagal HN 33:2007.Lmaxviršijimai, siejami su orlaivių skrydžiais, buvo trumpalaikiai (iki 5 min.). Apskaičiuoti dienos, vakaro, nakties triukšmo lygisLdvnir nakties triukšmo rodiklisLnaktiesneviršija ribinių triukšmo dydžių, Šiaulių miesto gyventojų sveikatai grėsmės nekelia. Kairių poligone šaudymo pratybų keliamas triukšmas gyventojų sveikatai grėsmės nekelia. First published online: 22 May 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai:triukšmo lygis,lauko pratybos,karinės teritorijos,poveikis aplinkai
Concealed carry aboard military installations: protecting your command and rights
In: Marine corps gazette: the Marine Corps Association newsletter, Band 99, Heft 10, S. 72
ISSN: 0025-3170
Assessing the Risks: Wildfire Impact on U.S. Military Installations in California
In: IJDRR-D-23-03663
Environmental federalism and U.S. military installations: A framework for compliance
In: INSS Occasional Paper, 14
World Affairs Online
Security Vulnerability Trends Related to Electric Power Supplied at Military Installations
The United States (U.S.) electric grid is considered one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century, yet it become apparent over the past few decades that it is not without its own set of problems. The deregulation of the U.S. electric system in the late 1990s eliminated monopolies and resulted in the nation's generation, transmission, and distribution systems becoming separate entities owned and operated by multiple companies. This created a market economy in which many electric companies failed to plan for the future, did not invest in maintenance and upgrades, and began to push the aggregate system to its maximum capacity. A number of cascading power outages in the late 1990s, culminated by the complete blackout of the northeastern U.S. in 2003, have subsequently caused the federal government to question the reliability of the nation's deregulated electric grid and take action to remedy current issues. Therefore, the objective of this study was to leverage the trend and spatial analysis capabilities embedded in typical geographic information system (GIS) platforms to examine power outage data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Utilizing the industry standard for GIS, ArcGIS, interpolation using the inverse distance weighted approach was used to calculate preliminary vulnerability levels at military installations based on EIA's power outage database from 2000 to 2009. The results of the study offer insight that will help key stakeholders better understand the state of the nation's electric grid and identify areas of concern. This allows stakeholders to be in a better position to address associated vulnerabilities by making appropriate plans for either system upgrades or mitigation efforts.
Master Planning for our Changing Environment - New guidance for military installations
In: The military engineer: TME, Band 104, Heft 679, S. 56-59
ISSN: 0026-3982, 0462-4890
Framework for Success - A framework and metrics for any military installation
In: The military engineer: TME, Band 102, Heft 665, S. 75-79
ISSN: 0026-3982, 0462-4890