Cross-Border Bank Flows and Monetary Policy
In: International Finance Discussion Paper No. 1241
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In: International Finance Discussion Paper No. 1241
Working paper
In this paper, we use a rich dataset of several countries to analyze how sound political measures affect cross-border bank flows. Furthermore, our work is the first to comprehensively examine various components of political stability on the aforementioned subject using a larger sample than previous studies, and covering the period 1984&ndash ; 2013. Our paper will inform policy makers which particular aspects of political stability have a significant effect on cross-border bank flows and provide an outline on the favorable long term political and institutional development to increase such flows. We find that sound political measures&mdash ; and therefore, higher political stability&mdash ; increase cross-border bank flows, especially in advanced economies. Moreover, we find that in advanced economies, the political stability components ; socioeconomic conditions, investment profile, corruption within the political system, religious tensions, ethnic tensions, and bureaucracy quality have a positive and close association with such bank flows. In our work, we also find that policies aiming to increase political stability have a stronger impact after the financial crisis of 2008, namely with regard to policies that affect socioeconomic conditions, investment profile, corruption within the political system and religious tensions.
In: FRB of Cleveland Working Paper No. 24-05
In this paper, we use a rich dataset of several countries to analyze how sound political measures affect cross-border bank flows. Furthermore, our work is the first to comprehensively examine various components of political stability on the aforementioned subject using a larger sample than previous studies, and covering the period 1984-2013. Our paper will inform policy makers which particular aspects of political stability have a significant effect on cross-border bank flows and provide an outline on the favorable long term political and institutional development to increase such flows. We find that sound political measures-and therefore, higher political stability-increase cross-border bank flows, especially in advanced economies. Moreover, we find that in advanced economies, the political stability components; socioeconomic conditions, investment profile, corruption within the political system, religious tensions, ethnic tensions, and bureaucracy quality have a positive and close association with such bank flows. In our work, we also find that policies aiming to increase political stability have a stronger impact after the financial crisis of 2008, namely with regard to policies that affect socioeconomic conditions, investment profile, corruption within the political system and religious tensions
In: FRB International Finance Discussion Paper No. 1144
Working paper
In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Band 11, Heft 1
ISSN: 2662-9992
Publication issue de Pierre Kopp. Understanding the Financial Flows Generated by Human Trafficking. World Bank Conference: The Dynamics of Illicit Flows from Developing Countries, Sep 2009, Washington, United States. ; International audience
Publication issue de Pierre Kopp. Understanding the Financial Flows Generated by Human Trafficking. World Bank Conference: The Dynamics of Illicit Flows from Developing Countries, Sep 2009, Washington, United States. ; International audience
Publication issue de Pierre Kopp. Understanding the Financial Flows Generated by Human Trafficking. World Bank Conference: The Dynamics of Illicit Flows from Developing Countries, Sep 2009, Washington, United States. ; International audience
Publication issue de Pierre Kopp. Understanding the Financial Flows Generated by Human Trafficking. World Bank Conference: The Dynamics of Illicit Flows from Developing Countries, Sep 2009, Washington, United States. ; International audience