Decoherence in supernova neutrino transformations suppressed by deleptonization
16 pages, 12 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 14.60.Pq; 97.60.Bw.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000251987300100.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: ; In the dense-neutrino region at 50-400 km above the neutrino sphere in a supernova, neutrino-neutrino interactions cause large flavor transformations. We study when the multiangle nature of the neutrino trajectories leads to flavor decoherence between different angular modes. We consider a two-flavor mixing scenario between nu(e) and another flavor nu(x) and assume the usual hierarchy F-nu e > F-[overline nu][sub e] > F-nu x = F-[overline nu][sub x] for the number fluxes. We define epsilon = (F-nu e - F-[overline nu][sub e])/(F-[overline nu][sub e] - F-[overline nu][sub x]) as a measure for the deleptonization flux which is the one crucial parameter. The transition between the quasi-single-angle behavior and multiangle decoherence is abrupt as a function of epsilon. For typical choices of other parameters, multiangle decoherence is suppressed for epsilon greater than or similar to 0.3, but a much smaller asymmetry suffices if the neutrino mass hierarchy is normal and the mixing angle small. The critical epsilon depends logarithmically on the neutrino luminosity. In a realistic supernova scenario, the deleptonization flux is probably enough to suppress multiangle decoherence. ; This work was partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under the Grant No. TR-27 "Neutrinos and Beyond", by The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics "Origin and Structure of the Universe" (Garching and Munich), by the European Union under the ILIAS project (Contract No. RII3-CT-2004-506222) and an RT Network (Contract No. MRTNCT-2004-503369), and by the Spanish grants FPA2005-01269 (MEC) and ACOMP07-270 (Generalitat Valenciana). A. E. has been supported by a FPU grant from the Spanish Government. S. P. and R. T. were supported by MEC contracts (Ramón y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva, respectively). ; Peer reviewed