Finansovaja decentralizacija i mestnoe samoupravlenie v period reform
In: Voprosy ėkonomiki: ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni ežemesjačnyj žurnal ; Vserossijskoe ėkonomičeskoe izdanie = Issues of economics
ISSN: 0042-8736
112 Ergebnisse
In: Voprosy ėkonomiki: ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni ežemesjačnyj žurnal ; Vserossijskoe ėkonomičeskoe izdanie = Issues of economics
ISSN: 0042-8736
World Affairs Online
Pitanje prave mjere decentralizacije unutar Grada Zagreba analizira se u širem okviru. Ističe se decentralizacija kao jedan od temeljnih reformskih procesa u suvremenim političko-upravljačkim sustavima europskih zemalja. No, decentralizacija nije jedini proces koji utječe na formiranje dobrih standarda upravljanja gradovima: nužno je uzeti u obzir i doktrinu dobrog upravljanja, koju podupire Europska unija, niz drugih međunarodnih organizacija, ali i sve veći broj zemalja. U ostvarenju standarda dobrog gradskog upravljanja razmatra se uloga mjesne samouprave u Hrvatskoj, a napose u velikim gradovima i Gradu Zagrebu. Upozorava se da osnivanje preko dvije stotine mjesnih odbora kao zasebnih pravnih osoba vodi prema fragmentaciji Grada Zagreba i bitno otežava ili čak i onemogućuje integrirano gradsko upravljanje i smisleno rješavanje urbanih i upravljačkih problema. ; The issue of adequate decentralisation within the City of Zagreb is analysed in the broader frame. Decentralisation is one of the main reform processes of the current governance system in European countries. However, decentralisation is not the only process that influences the standards of good urban governance. Good governance doctrine, supported and implemented in the European Union, many other international organisations, and increasing number of countries world-wide, should be taken into consideration as well. The role of territorial selfgovernment below municipal level in implementation of good urban governance standards in Croatia, especially within large cities and the City of Zagreb, is discussed. It should be emphasised that establishing more than two hundred of territorial committees as separate and full legal entities can cause managerial fragmentation in the City of Zagreb and hinder or even impede integral urban management and sound solving of numerous urban and managerial problems.
In: Politička revija: časopis za politikologiju, komunikologiju i primenjenu politiku = Political review : magazine for political science, communications and applied politics, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 97-116
Decentralization is frequently seen to provide an impact for the develop-ment of local government. However, for developing countries, such as Indonesia, decentralization is not adequately understood from an administrative concept or merely from the government politics. Obstacle found in local areas, such as a low index of human development, low local competitiveness and inadequate public service can become an issue by local politics to interfere local government. Two cases of local government in Indonesia, Jembrana and Banyuwangi regency can be the illustration of this matter based on the case analysis and on empirical data analysis in those two areas. A descriptive analysis revealed that Jembrana regency is successful in running its local government, that can be seen from its high innovative level. Conversely, Banyuwangi regency, despite having a blueprint of its innovative area, encounters failure in its application. Failure or success in those two areas is more heavily affected by local political intervention in those intended areas. In Jembrana, local politics does not too enormously interfere its local government, while in Banyuwangi the local politics strongly interferes.DOI: ; Decentralizacija siejama su didesne vietos valdžios įtaka, operatyvesniais sprendimais. Tačiau besivystančiose šalyse, tokiose kaip Indonezija, decentralizacijos poveikis yra nepakankamai ištyrinėtas ir vietos valdžios sprendimų decentralizuotas įgyvendinimas vertinamas prieštaringai. Žemas žmogaus socialinės raidos indeksas, silpnas vietos savivaldos konkurencingumas ir nepakankama viešųjų paslaugų kokybė gali paskatinti politinę valdžią labiau kištis į vietiniu lygmeniu įgyvendinamą politiką. Straipsnyje pateikta centralizacijos ir decentralizacijos koncepcijų raidos analizė, teoriškai apibūdinami iššūkiai besivystančioms šalims, taip pat pateikiama dviejų vietos savivaldos atvejų – Indonezijos Bali salos Jembrana regiono ir Javos salos Banyuwangi regiono – vystymosi analizė palankios ...
This article seeks to lay a theoretical foundation of the internal decentralization (decentralization in the local municipality): its essence and content are defined, the main forms as well as the kinds of forms are identified. This Is performed by using theoretical propositions of decentralization in the state (at the state level) following different researchers' works and verifying whether they are suitable for local municipalities of Lithuania and other countries. In the article the set goal is being sought by these actions: 1) the origin and the meaning of the word "decentralization" are explained; 2) the essence and the content of decentralization in the state (at the state level) are defined; 3) the essence and the content of decentralization in the local municipality are defined, its main forms and kinds of forms are named; 4) currently the most frequently applied forms of internal decentralization in local municipalities of other countries are submitted. In the opinion of the author of the article, decentralization in the local municipality for internal decentralization in the local municipality) means the transfer of the powers assigned to municipal bodies, which belong to a higher hierarchical level, to a subordinate or non-subordinate bodies, which belong to a lower hierarchical level, or division of powers to a bigger number of bodies of the same hierarchical level. The bodies that have received these powers are guaranteed some discretion to make decisions and operate. Moreover, a certain interaction (relations, responsibilities) between the bodies that have transferred the powers and the ones that have received those powers is foreseen. From the author's of the article point of view, the internal decentralization in the local municipality is performed by these forms: 1) deconcentration; 2) transfer of powers (delegation); 3) fiscal decentralization; 4) economic decentralization. The author thinks that at present the most frequently applied forms of internal decentralization in municipalities of different countries are the following ones: 1) composition of branch and/or functional committees (commissions) of municipal councils and transfer of powers (delegation) to them to operate and to adopt decisions on behalf of the municipal council; 2) transfer of a part of powers (delegation) of municipal councils (representative government institutions) to the executive institution; 3) application of different ways of economic decentralization, starting with the most ordinary and gradually moving to the introduction of more complicated forms of PPP (Public Private Partnership); 4) transfer of powers (delegation) to the territorial communities (with executive bodies) of residential areas or their parts; 5) transfer of powers (delegation) to communal organizations, frequently called neighbourhood communi ties"; 6) transfer of powers (delegation) to the self-government bodies of schools, to public services consumers' protection councils or bodies of a similar type; 7) composition of structural-territorial subdivisions of the municipal administration (with different legal status) and transfer of powers (delegation) to them to manage the affairs of the inhabitants of one or several residential areas, to provide basic administrative and/or public services. ; Straipsnyje apibrėžiama decentralizacija vietos savivaldybėje (sinonimai - vidinė decentralizacija, vidinė decentralizacija vietos savivaldybėje): aiškinama jos esmė ir turinys, nurodomos jos pagrindinės formos: dekoncentravimas, įgaliojimų perdavimas, finansinė decentralizacija, ekonominė decentralizacija. Apibrėžiant decentralizaciją vietos savivaldybėje vadovaujamasi nuostata, kad ji savo esme, turiniu ir formomis yra labai panaši į decentralizaciją tokioje labai sudėtingoje socialinėje sistemoje (teritoriniame socialiniame junginyje) kaip valstybė. Todėl tai, kas tinka apibūdinant decentralizaciją valstybėje, dialektiškai gali būti panaudota ir apibrėžiant decentralizaciją vietos savivaldybėje. Taip pat rašoma apie tai, kokios decentralizacijos formos dabartiniu metu dažniausios Lietuvos ir kitų šalių vietos savivaldybėse.
In: Srpska politička misao: Serbian political thought, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 273-289
In: Nacionalni interes, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 123-150
Territorial – administrative division is a tangible entity of the existence of each state. It serves for the implementation of multiple organizational purposes, shows the scope of decentralization. Legally, the 6th Government of Lithuania developed the territorial decentralization reform in 1994. At present we have the 16th Government in Lithuania. Despite that we have a rather stable system of territorial – administrative division the ongoing debates over the regional level of governing and regional policy appear to be puzzling, they arise in the government's programs rather than in public and academic discourses. Thus the question persists: what are the trajectories that the debates over territorial decentralization could disclose along the followed scenarios? The paper is based on Pollit and Bouckaert's (2011, p. 75-76) methodological ideas. It aim at revealing the debate trajectories and scenarios applicable at least in three ways: (1) theoretically – a new historical fact ha s been substantiated; (2) discursively – the debates have been made public and (3) practically – governments could better understand the evolution of programs. While implementing the task, the official documents should be analyzed (government programs, laws, regulations, national and regional strategies, etc.), other scientific sources should be used as well.
Territorial – administrative division is a tangible entity of the existence of each state. It serves for the implementation of multiple organizational purposes, shows the scope of decentralization. Legally, the 6th Government of Lithuania developed the territorial decentralization reform in 1994. At present we have the 16th Government in Lithuania. Despite that we have a rather stable system of territorial – administrative division the ongoing debates over the regional level of governing and regional policy appear to be puzzling, they arise in the government's programs rather than in public and academic discourses. Thus the question persists: what are the trajectories that the debates over territorial decentralization could disclose along the followed scenarios? The paper is based on Pollit and Bouckaert's (2011, p. 75-76) methodological ideas. It aim at revealing the debate trajectories and scenarios applicable at least in three ways: (1) theoretically – a new historical fact ha s been substantiated; (2) discursively – the debates have been made public and (3) practically – governments could better understand the evolution of programs. While implementing the task, the official documents should be analyzed (government programs, laws, regulations, national and regional strategies, etc.), other scientific sources should be used as well.
Territorial – administrative division is a tangible entity of the existence of each state. It serves for the implementation of multiple organizational purposes, shows the scope of decentralization. Legally, the 6th Government of Lithuania developed the territorial decentralization reform in 1994. At present we have the 16th Government in Lithuania. Despite that we have a rather stable system of territorial – administrative division the ongoing debates over the regional level of governing and regional policy appear to be puzzling, they arise in the government's programs rather than in public and academic discourses. Thus the question persists: what are the trajectories that the debates over territorial decentralization could disclose along the followed scenarios? The paper is based on Pollit and Bouckaert's (2011, p. 75-76) methodological ideas. It aim at revealing the debate trajectories and scenarios applicable at least in three ways: (1) theoretically – a new historical fact ha s been substantiated; (2) discursively – the debates have been made public and (3) practically – governments could better understand the evolution of programs. While implementing the task, the official documents should be analyzed (government programs, laws, regulations, national and regional strategies, etc.), other scientific sources should be used as well.
Territorial – administrative division is a tangible entity of the existence of each state. It serves for the implementation of multiple organizational purposes, shows the scope of decentralization. Legally, the 6th Government of Lithuania developed the territorial decentralization reform in 1994. At present we have the 16th Government in Lithuania. Despite that we have a rather stable system of territorial – administrative division the ongoing debates over the regional level of governing and regional policy appear to be puzzling, they arise in the government's programs rather than in public and academic discourses. Thus the question persists: what are the trajectories that the debates over territorial decentralization could disclose along the followed scenarios? The paper is based on Pollit and Bouckaert's (2011, p. 75-76) methodological ideas. It aim at revealing the debate trajectories and scenarios applicable at least in three ways: (1) theoretically – a new historical fact ha s been substantiated; (2) discursively – the debates have been made public and (3) practically – governments could better understand the evolution of programs. While implementing the task, the official documents should be analyzed (government programs, laws, regulations, national and regional strategies, etc.), other scientific sources should be used as well.
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the progress of a little more than two decades of political decentralisation in Mexico, through so-called "educational federalism". The Agreement for the Modernisation of Basic Education in 1992 was a turning point in the history of education in Mexico, because it represented the first attempt at comprehensive reform in the sense that, in addition to curricular reform and the promotion of social participation, it comprised the overall redesign of the organisation and management of the education system. Our analysis aims to show the dislocation suffered by the national education policy due to the lack of coordination between the actions of different levels of government. We do not intend to argue against federalism as a system of political organisation, but to draw attention to the concrete experience of educational decentralisation in Mexico, and how the advantages of decentralisation can be undermined by shortcomings in its design and implementation. ; Rad nudi pregled razvoja političke decentralizacije u Meksiku u trajanju nešto više od dva desetljeća, u okviru tzv. »obrazovnog federalizma«. Sporazum o modernizaciji osnovnog obrazovanja iz 1992 ključni je trenutak u povijesti meksičkog obrazovnog sustava jer predstavlja prvi pokušaj sveobuhvatne reforme. Osim kurikularne reforme i poticanja društvene participacije sporazum također podrazumijeva potpuno preoblikovanje ustroja obrazovnog sustava i načina upravljanja njime. U radu se nastoji prikazati raskorak u nacionalnoj obrazovnoj politici do kojega dolazi zbog nedostatka koordinacije između poteza različitih razina vlasti. Ne namjerava se osporavati federalizam kao politički sustav, već se želi opisati specifično iskustvo s obrazovnom decentralizacijom u Meksiku, i pojasniti kako prednosti decentralizacije mogu umanjiti nedostatci u oblikovanju i implementaciji.
True this paper it would be analyzed sub-municipal government as a organizational form of local governance with comparative perspective, and elements which generally formed sub-municipal government as a tools for delivery of local public services and managing of local initiatives which are important for the local community. These two roles are crucial for understanding of dynamic in sub-municipal government. Special focus would be held on sub-municipal government in South- Eastern European countries, which they have a common history and institutional framework, with the main question: how can sub-municipal government contribute to strengthening of decentralization and democratic processes in the local community directly and, indirectly in whole society. Self-government systems which are highly decentralized usually have developed sub-municipal government. On the other side, in centralized countries sub-municipal government usually has reduced role which is connected with managing of public tasks connected with local community needs. The main question is how sub-municipal government can improve decentralization, and how those efforts at the end of the day contribute to better development of whole society. ; U radu se analizirala institucija podopćinskog poglavarstva kao organizacijski oblik lokalne uprave sa komparativnom perspektivom i elementi koji su općenito činili podopćinsku vlast kao oruđe za pružanje lokalnih javnih usluga i upravljanje lokalnim inicijativama važnim za lokalna zajednica. Ove dvije uloge su ključne za razumijevanje dinamike u podopćinskoj vlasti. Poseban fokus stavljen je na podopćinske vlasti u zemljama jugoistočne Europe, koje imaju zajedničku povijest i institucionalni okvir, s glavnim pitanjem: kako podopćinska vlast može pridonijeti jačanju decentralizacije i demokratskih procesa u lokalnoj zajednici izravno i neizravno u cijelom društvu. Sustavi samouprave koji su visoko decentralizirani obično imaju razvijenu podopćinsku upravu. S druge strane, u centraliziranim zemljama podopćinska vlast obično ima smanjenu ulogu koja je povezana s upravljanjem javnim zadacima povezanim s potrebama lokalne zajednice. Glavno pitanje je kako pod-općinska vlast može poboljšati decentralizaciju i kako ti napori na kraju dana doprinose boljem razvoju cijelog društva.
Ovaj članak se bavi prikazom procesa decentralizacije u Srbiji od 2000. do 2011. godine imajući u vidu da bi ovaj proces ujedno morao biti i proces podizanja kapaciteta lokalnih vlasti. U radu se prati transformacija svakog od bitnih činilaca autonomije lokalne vlasti i njenih menadžerijalnih potencijala: ustavni i zakonski status, izbori i model organizacije vlasti, nadležnosti, finansiranje, pružanje usluga, participacija građana, te odnos države i lokalne samouprave. Ovaj kompleksan proces zahteva vreme, podizanje znanja i veština svih nivoa vlasti (posebno lokalne), posvećenost političke elite demokratskim vrednostima i tesno je vezan sa podizanjem stepena demokratske političke kulture. ; This paper provides a review of the process of decentralisation in Serbia from 2000 to 2011, bearing in mind that this process should at the same time be a process of enhancing the local government capacity. The paper traces the transformation of each of the essential factors of the autonomy of local government and its managerial potentials: its constitutional and legal status, elections and the model of the organisation of government, competences, funding, provision of services, citizen participation, and the relationship between the state and local self-government. This complex process is time-consuming, requires upgrading knowledge and skills at all levels of government (local government in particular), a commitment of the political elite to democratic values, and is closely tied to increasing the level of democratic political culture.