The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952
In: The economic history review, Band 41, Heft 4, S. 667
ISSN: 1468-0289
24 Ergebnisse
In: The economic history review, Band 41, Heft 4, S. 667
ISSN: 1468-0289
In: The economic history review, Band 41, Heft 3, S. 503
ISSN: 1468-0289
In: Economica, Band 27, Heft 105, S. 92
In: The economic history review, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 569
ISSN: 1468-0289
In: Executive briefing paper 5
In: Survival: global politics and strategy, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 187-191
ISSN: 1468-2699
In: The economic history review, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 555-636
ISSN: 1468-0289
Book Reviews in This Article:R. H. Hilton. A Medieval Society: the West Midlands at the End of the Thirteenth Century.R. I. Jack (Ed.). The Grey of Ruthin Valor. The Valor of the English lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, drawn up from the ministers' accounts of 1467‐8.Roger Howell. Newcastle upon Tyne and the Puritan Revolution. A Study of the Civil War in North England.J. D. Marshall (Ed.). The Autobiography of William Stout of Lancaster 1665‐1752.Naomi Riches. The Agricultural Revolution in Norfolk.Frank Booker. Industrial Archaeology of the Tamar Valley.Francis E. Hyde with contributions from J. R. Harris and A. M. Bourn. Shipping Enterprise and Management, 1830‐1939: Harrisons of Liverpool.David L. Smith. The Dalmellington Iron Company. Its Engines and Men.J. R. Vincent. Pollbooks: How Victorians Voted.Maurice Cowling. 1867: Disraeli, Gladstone, and Revolution. The Passing of the Second Reform Bill.E. D. Mackerness (Ed.). The Journals of George Sturt, 1890‐1927.Bentley B. Gilbert. The Evolution of National Insurance in Great Britain. The Origins of the Welfare State.A. T. K. Grant. A Study of the Capital Market in Britain from 1919‐36.Walford Johnson, John Whyman, George Wykes. A Short Economic and Social History of Twentieth Century Britain.PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1966(i) Medieval(ii) 1500‐1700(iii) 1700‐1800(iv) Since 1800Philip Grierson. Bibliographie Numismatique.A. Ferrer. The Argentine Economy. An Economic History of Argentina.J. Hovy. Het voorstel van 1751 tot instelling van een bepeskt vrijhavenstelsel in de Republick.Theo P. M. de Jong. De krimpende horizon van de Hollandse kooplieden. Hollands welvaren in het Caribisch zeegebied, 1780‐1830.G. L. Adhya. Early Indian Economics. Studies in the Economic Life of Northern and Western India 200 B.C. to A.D. 300.T. H. Beaglehole. Thomas Munro and the Development of Administrative Policy in Madras, 1792‐1818.Karl Polanyi. Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy.R. J. Hammond. Portugal and Africa, 1815‐1910.Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore. Africa since 1800.C. R. Boxer. Portuguese Society in the Tropics. The Municipal Councils of Goa, Macao, Bahia, and Luanda, 1510‐1800.GERMANY Beiträge zur Wirtschafts‐ und Stadtgeschichte. Festschrift für Hektor Ammann. Festschrift Hermann Aubin zum 80. Geburtstag. Wirtschaft, Geschichte und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Friedrich Lütge.Friedrich Lutge. Die Agrarverfassung des frühen Mittelalters im mitteldeutschen Raum vornehmlich in der Karolingerzeit.Philippe Dollinger. Die Hanse.Karl‐Friedrich Olechnowitz. Handel und Seeschiffahrt der späten Hanse.Wilhelm Abel. Agrarkrisen und Agrarkonjunktur. Eine Geschichte der Land‐ und Ernährungs‐wirtschaft Mitteleuropas seit dent hohen Mittelalter.Martin Grosser. Anleitung zu der Landwirtschaft.Walter Achilles. Vermögensverhältnisse braunschweigischer Bauernhöfe im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.Carl Jantke and Dietrich Hilger (Eds.). Die Eigentumslosen. 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L'Arte della lana in Padova duranle il governo della Repubblica di Venezia, 1405‐1797.Marino Berengo. Nobili e mercanti nella Lucca del Cinquecento.G. Belloni. Scritture inedite e dissertazioni "Del Commercio".Mario Bandini. Incontro con gli scrittori italiani di politica agraria—dalla metà del Settecento alla metà dell' Ottocento. Insegnamenti di agricoltura parmigiana del XVIII secolo.Luigi Dal Pane. La finanza toscana dagli inizi del secolo XVIII alla caduta del Granducato.Carlo Vanzetti. Due secoli di storia dell' agricoltura Veronese.Pasquale Villani. La vendita dei beni dello stato nel regno di Napoli (1806‐1815).Domenico Demarco. Banco, e congiuntura nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia.Piero Barucci. Il pensiero economico di Melchiorre Gioia.Luigi De Rosa. Il Banco di Napoli nella vita economica nazionale, 1863‐1883.Giorgio Porisini. L'agricoltura ravennate nell' età giolittiana. Prime ricerche.Giuseppe Are. Il problema dello sviluppo industriale nell' età della Destra.PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1966Philippe Dollinger and Philippe Wolff. Bibliographie d'histoire des villes de France.Pierre Chaunu. La Civilisation de l'Europe Classique.Michel Morineau. Jauges et méthodes de jauge anciennes et modernes. Annuaire statistique de la France, 1966. Villages désertés et histoire économique. XI‐XVIII siècle.Robert Boutruche (Ed.). Bordeaux de 1453 à 1715.Michel Mollat and Paul Adam. Les aspects internationaux de la découverte océanique aux XVe et XVIe siècles.Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. Les Paysans du Languedoc.F. Mauro. Le XVIe siècle européen. Aspects économiques.J. Bertin, S. Bonin, P. Chaunu. Les Philippines et le Pacifique des Ibériques, XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe siècles. Construction graphique.Gaston Rambert. Histoire du Commerce de Marseille.Pierre Goubert. Louis XIV et vingt millions de Français.Ferreol Rebuffat and Marcel Courdurie. Marseille et le négoce monétaire international (1785‐1790).Albert Silbert. Le Portugal méditerranéen à la fin de l'Ancien Régime. XVIIIe‐début du XIXe siècle. Contribution à l'histoire agraire comparée.Abel Poitrineau. La vie rurale en Basse‐Auvergne au XVIIIe siècle (1726‐1780).Jean Meyer. La Noblesse bretonne au XVIIIe siècle.T. J. Markovitch. L'industrie française de 1789 à 1964. Analyse des faits.Jacques Toulemonde. Naissance d'une métropole. Histoire économique et sociale de Roubaix et Tourcoing au XIXe siècle.Roger Priouret. La Caisse des dépǒts. Cent‐cinquante ans d'histoire financière.Jean Bouvier, François Furet, and Marcel Gillet. Le mouvement du profit en France au XIXe siècle, Matériaux et Etudes.Modern History since 1500: (a) Rural(b) Non‐rural