Disestablishing the School: De-Bunking Justifications for State Intervention in Education
Cover -- Half Title -- Dedication -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements -- 1 Education and the state -- Introduction -- West's 'market model' -- 2 Equality of opportunity -- Introduction -- West on equality of opportunity -- Williams on equality of opportunity -- Rawls on equality of opportunity -- Why Dworkin cares about equality -- For 'equality of opportunity' read 'an adequate education for all' -- 3 Education for democracy -- Introduction -- West on education for democracy -- Education for participation in democracy -- State versus nonstate education for democracy: contingent arguments -- State versus nonstate education for democracy: noncontingent arguments -- Justifications for democracy and fitness tests for participation -- 'Education for democracy': markets and the state -- 4 Education for autonomy -- Introduction -- White on a compulsory curriculum for autonomy -- Raz on the state promotion of autonomy: negative arguments -- Raz on the state promotion of autonomy -- Challenging Raz's 'contingent objection' -- The epistemic argument and the curriculum -- Against state promotion of education for autonomy -- 5 Democratic control of education -- Introduction -- Democratic control of the curriculum: an argument from political equality -- Improving democracy by improving voting systems -- Riker and Nathan on the limitations of democracy -- Questioning the conditions of Arrow's theorem -- Logrolling and democratic control of education -- Democracy versus markets -- Fleshing out West's 'minimum adequate education for all' -- 6 Education as a public good -- Introduction -- Grace on education as a public good -- Education and the 'public goods dilemma' -- West's market model and externalities -- West's market model and the 'public goods dilemma' -- 7 Education and the state revisited -- Bibliography