After more than one decade of sustained economic growth, accompanied by falling poverty and inequality, Brazil has been hit by an economic recession starting in 2014. This paper investigates the consequences of this labor market shock for the victory of far-right Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 presidential election. Using a shiftshare approach and exploring the differential effects of the recession by gender and race, we show that heterogeneity in exposure to the labor demand shock by the different groups is a key factor explaining the victory of Bolsonaro. Our results show that male-specific labor market shocks increase support for Bolsonaro, while female-specific shocks have the opposite effect. Interestingly, we do not find any effect by race. We hypothesize that, once facing economic insecurities, men feel more compelled to vote for a figure that exacerbates masculine stereotypes, as a way of compensating for the loss in economic status. Women, on the other hand, when confronted with economic shocks and the prospect of Bolsonaro's election, respond by rejecting his political agenda in favor of a more pro-social platform.
A categoria de espaço foi concebida quando o ser humano estabeleceu qualitativamente a diferenciação entre espaços sagrado e profano. Esta é a abordagem que norteia a escrita deste artigo a partir das contribuições teóricas de Eliade (2010), Rosendahl (2010), Corrêa (2007, 2013) Cassirer (1994) e Hobsbawm (2014). O nosso desafio é interpretar as formas simbólicas presentes na tradição religiosa das Folias de Reis. Dentre elas elegemos a "Visitação dos Magos", retratada no Evangelho de Mateus e na tela de Albrecht Dürer (pintor renascentista alemão, do século 16). As re(invenções) dessa passagem bíblica contribuem para que o espírito natalino seja reatualizado, ritualisticamente, ao final e início de cada ano pelos devotos dos Santos Reis, os quais, guiados pela Estrala, acreditam na hierofania de Deus em forma de Menino.
The concept of sustainability, with three pillars, environmental, social and economic appeared in the context of our society as a possible solution to our planet problems and challenges and it rapidly achieved the business world. Companies started to be committed to the future and to sustainability, through Corporate Social Responsibility practices, adopting a business model that evaluates the consequences and impacts of its actions and contemplates social and environmental aspects in its financial vision (Aligleri et. al., 2009). If we think about the footwear industry, that largely contributes to and is affected by the environmental degradation and social challenges that the society is now facing, it makes all sense to understand how companies in this sector operate, particularly in terms of environmental protection. If at an early stage, this industry was only concerned with fulfilment of the requirements established by environmental legislation, more recently it has been worried about the impact of its products and processes on the environment and has identified in these products a new business opportunity and a way to differentiate their products on the market. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand what strategies Portuguese companies in footwear industry adopt relatively to sustainability and environmental protection, namely in terms of green marketing strategies. In addition, it will be important to realise their importance for companies and motivations that lead to the adoption of this type of practices focused in environmental sustainability. ; O conceito de sustentabilidade, incluindo os seus três pilares, ambiental, social e económico surgiu na nossa sociedade como uma possível solução para os problemas e desafios que o nosso planeta enfrenta, mas rapidamente se difundiu para o contexto empresarial. As empresas começaram a estar atentas e comprometidas com o futuro e a sustentabilidade, através da adoção de práticas de responsabilidade social e de um modelo de negócio que avalia as consequências e impactos das suas ações e que contempla aspetos sociais e ambientais na sua perspetiva financeira (Aligleri et. al., 2009). Se pensarmos na indústria do calçado, que muito contribui e ao mesmo tempo é afetada pela degradação ambiental e pelos desafios sociais que a nossa sociedade hoje enfrenta, faz todo o sentido perceber como é que as empresas atuam neste setor, nomeadamente em relação à proteção do ambiente. Se numa fase inicial, esta indústria estava apenas preocupada com o cumprimento dos requisitos estabelecidos pela legislação ambiental, mais recentemente tem revelado cuidado com o impacto dos seus produtos e processos no ambiente e tem identificado nestes produtos uma nova oportunidade de negócio e uma forma de diferenciar a sua oferta no mercado. Assim sendo, o objetivo desta tese é perceber que estratégias são adotadas pelas empresas portuguesas no setor do calçado, nomeadamente práticas de marketing verde. Adicionalmente será importante explorar a sua importância para as empresas, assim como as motivações que levam à adoção deste tipo de estratégias focadas na sustentabilidade ambiental.
Abstract The controversy surrounding the integrity of Paul Hansen's award winning World Press Photo of the Year 2013 has moved the debate on ethics and digital images into a new and highly sophisticated technical level. There seems to be no consensus among forensic analyst experts on the question of knowing whether the photograph submitted to 2013 competition is composite or not. In this article, we contend that should ethical principles be preserved from drifting into a set of virtually unlimited technical specifications, the framework for designing and thinking ethical guidelines ruling the use of news images should abandon old conventions and find a new ground where to legitimate photojournalism's social function.
In ideological terms, punk is a contestation movement in its artistic, economic and social dimensions. It resembled the 1960s' garage rock since it favoured the public mobilization of youths through the proliferation of bands that campaigned for the do it yourself strategy. In Western societies, punk represented a departure from and a repositioning towards the existing social structure for which it also provided a soundtrack. It is in this context that we ap-proach the Portuguese punk, considering its importance in a society under recent processes of democratization and modernization. In fact, sociological theory must contribute to understand the set of social practices related to music in light of both the structural principles and properties of social life and the new emergent subjectivities, particularly among youths. Thus, in this article, we propose to look at punk from its protagonists' discourses. We will consider the words used by punk bands in two ways: their names and the words they use in their lyrics. In both cases, we deal with self-representation issues: who are we, how do we position and distinguish ourselves from others, what do we have to say about ourselves, our time and our world? What are our values and what do we have to say regarding dominant social values? What are the causes that move us, how do we want to act, how do we want the world to be like? As with any other self-representations, content is not independent from form. Therefore, mat-ters such as identification and actors (who speaks? who is he/she speaking to?) or language (how does the speaker express him/herself? Which codes does he/she resort to? Using which forms?) are also examined. Our analysis suggests that the punk discourse about identity tends to be structured around three main axes: (a) cosmopolitanism; (b) the radical assumption of an irreducible difference towards social order; and (c) an ambivalent attitude towards politics and political action.
Aportación al estudio de los judíos cortesanos portugueses, en especial, el caso de Don David Negro. Consejero y funcionario regio del Rey Don Fernando y, más tarde, rabí de Castilla, en el reinado de Juan I. Don David participó en la rebelión política de 1383 - 1385 que culminó en la ascensión al trono de Mestre de Avis, Don João I de Portugal. ; Contribution to the study of Portuguese Judaic courtiers, in particular of Don David Negro. King Fernando's councilor and royal servant, and the later rabbi in Castilla, during the reign of Juan I. Don David took part in the political rebellion of 1383 - 1385 which resulted in the rise of the Master of Avis to the throne of Portugal - D. João I.
Energy plays a crucial role in the survival of the current civilizational model and the dispute regarding its control present a constant challenge to State security. Portugal is highly dependent on other countries in terms of energy supply. Moreover, Algeria was the sixth biggest Oil exporting country in 2011 and is the second biggest exporter of Natural Gas to Portugal. Considering this and the effects of the Arab Spring in northern Africa, the situation requires assessment so as to determine strategies to reduce the risk for Portugal. This paper is divided into 4 parts: introduction and 3 chapters. After making evident the relevance of the discussed theme, we present the concepts of security and energy safety and analyze the current situation in Portugal and in Algeria. In the final chapter, we propose a strategy for Portugal to contribute to the stabilization of Algeria and face the situation of Algerian supply of Oil and Natural Gas being reduced/interrupted; we suggest three Strategic Actions to strengthen the energy safety in Portugal regarding importation of hydrocarbons from Algeria within the context of the Arab Spring. So that Portugal can maintain energy safety regarding Algerian hydrocarbon supply, a critical approach should be used to influence Algeria towards progress, greater democracy and stability and a neo-realistic approach based on a more diverse hydrocarbon supply source, enhancement of renewable endogenous resources, maintenance and development of strategic reserves and planning alternatives of energy supply. Thus, three Strategic Actions (LAE) are identified: LAE 1 - Support the Algerian development and improve the Portuguese trade balance; LAE 2 - Invest in endogenous resources for energy production; LAE 3 – Widen the options for importing Natural Gas. The best option for the Portuguese situation is an integrated approach by means of adopting policies that allow for the three LAES simultaneously.
This paper analyses job legal processes in Fortaleza Labour Court Conciliation and Judgement during 1930 and 1940 decades, encompassing several professional job categories such as bakers, servants, workers, commercial workers, auction aides and white colars in order to understand job conflicts, intolerance and negotiations among boss, workers and labour judges, taking into consideration not only the use or not of job legislation, but also the meanings of Labour Justice for the local society. The methodology employed historical discussion about the theme by situating Labour Justice, its implementation, functioning and relationships with job market. Also, oral history is used as a tool to theme discussion based on reports able to give evidence to (re)meanings of job relationship networkings among labour justice, boss and worker. Local media also contributed to the understanding of these complex job inter-relationships. Keywords: Justice. Job. Trade union. Job legal considerations. ; O artigo analisa os processos trabalhistas da Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Fortaleza, nas décadas de trinta e quarenta do século XX, de trabalhadores de várias categorias profissionais, como padeiros, serventes, operários, comerciários, auxiliares de leiloeiro e de escritório, buscando perceber os conflitos, intolerâncias e negociações entre patrões, trabalhadores e juízes, quando da aplicação ou não das leis trabalhistas, bem como os significados da Justiça do Trabalho para a sociedade local. Buscamos realizar uma discussão historiográfica sobre o tema, contextualizando a Justiça do Trabalho, sua implantação e funcionamento e suas relações no mercado de trabalho. A história oral é mais um instrumento para a discussão da temática, em que os depoimentos podem evidenciar os (re)significados das teias de relações estabelecidas entre justiça, patrão e empregado. A imprensa local também contribui na compreensão desse emaranhado mundo do trabalho. Palavras-chave: Justiça.Trabalho. Sindicato. Consideração das leis trabalhistas.
AbstractThe article aims to answer the following question: how is it possible that in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a series of daily activities were suspended in the name of preserving life, police violence has not only continued but worsened in the United States and in Brazil? We argue that racism structures social relations both in the United States and in Brazil, functioning as an essential activity of states that remain involved in the production of different types of physical and symbolic death even amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Contrary to mainstream International Relations, which narrates its central categories – such as the state – as neutral and non-racialised, we will draw attention to the racial origin of the state and its institutions, such as the police. This article aims to look at these two contexts, Brazil and the United States, in a crossed way. This analysis is only possible because, despite the heterogeneity of the two scenarios, we understand that racism is constitutive of global order and of the institutions that sustain its unfair and unequal character.