Paradigms for structural growth and development in Italy: Pasquale Saraceno's contribution to the theory and practice of economic policy
In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Band 51, S. 361-370
ISSN: 1873-6017
125 Ergebnisse
In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Band 51, S. 361-370
ISSN: 1873-6017
In: Revista Perspectivas: Notas sobre intervención y acción social, Heft 28, S. 55
ISSN: 0717-1714
El presente artículo aborda los principales resultados de una investigación realizada durante los años 2014-2015, titulada "Participación juvenil en relación a derechos: Impactos en el Proyecto y Cultura Institucional de las escuelas públicas", correspondiente a la convocatoria de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica 2014 de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. El objeto de estudio permitió investigar los impactos instituyentes que la participación estudiantil organizada en la escuela plantea al Proyecto y la Cultura Institucional de escuelas públicas, de la mencionada ciudad. Específicamente, el trabajo aborda tres tipos de impactos instituyentes que se plantean en la dimensión del Proyecto Institucional de escuelas públicas frente a la participación política juvenil, poniendo énfasis en aquellos impactos que ofrecen la posibilidad de objetivar, entrenar o consolidar derechos en el espacio escolar. Finalmente, en las conclusiones se incorporarán al debate algunos resultados de mi tesis doctoral, cuya afinidad temática puede resultar provechosa para la reflexión
In the last 20 years, during berlusconismo period, a new form of politics and new reality of the "MoVimento 5 Stelle", created by Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio (1954-2016), have risen in Italy, reaching an essential role after the 2013 election. Aim of this paper is to show how, with Grillo's activities, the teatro della politica has become a teatro della crisi in the use of a theatrical language and contemporary dramatic expression. From a theatrical perspective, Nobel laureate Dario Fo (1926-2016) has become a noble father of the movement. Following Fo's sample, Grillo, entertainer and activist, has theatralized the crisis with one-man shows and theatre happenings, where the performance was essential. The dialectic between Fo and the two founders of the movement is developed in the book Il Grillo canta sempre al tramonto, constructed as a theatrical play where the chapters are similar to acts, the sub-chapters to scenes.
The work focuses on results of the research developmented during 2014- 2015, titled "Youth participation rights regarding Impacts project and institutional culture of public schools" for the convening of the Ministry of Science and Technology University 2014 Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. The object of study called us to investigate the impacts instituent organized student participation in school raises the Culture Project and Institutional Public Schools Córdoba. Specifically, the paper addresses three types of instituting impacts arising in the institutional dimension of public schools Project to juvenile political participation, emphatizing in there impacts that offer the ability to objectify, train or consolidate rights in the school space. Finally, in the conclusions are incorporated to the debate some results of the doctoral, that can are nutritive for the reflection ; El presente artículo aborda los principales resultados de una investigación realizada durante los años 2014-2015, titulada "Participación juvenil en relación a derechos: Impactos en el Proyecto y Cultura Institucional de las escuelas públicas", correspondiente a la convocatoria de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica 2014 de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina3 . El objeto de estudio permitió investigar los impactos instituyentes que la participación estudiantil organizada en la escuela plantea al Proyecto y la Cultura Institucional de escuelas públicas, de la mencionada ciudad. Específicamente, el trabajo aborda tres tipos de impactos instituyentes que se plantean en la dimensión del Proyecto Institucional de escuelas públicas frente a la participación política juvenil, poniendo énfasis en aquellos impactos que ofrecen la posibilidad de objetivar, entrenar o consolidar derechos en el espacio escolar. Finalmente, en las conclusiones se incorporarán al debate algunos resultados de mi tesis doctoral4 , cuya afinidad temática puede resultar provechosa para la reflexión
Questa tesi utilizza metodologie differenti al fine di esplorare argomenti generalmente ascritti all'economia dello sviluppo. Il primo capitolo discute la letteratura sul capitale sociale scomponendolo nel suo componente strutturale, le reti, e cognitivo, la fiducia. Ogni componente è a sua volta scomposto in diverse sotto-dimensioni una delle quali, il particolarismo, è utilizzato nel secondo capitolo, sia a livello teorico che empirico, come determinante di forme di corruzione collusiva. Come previsto dalla teoria, il particolarismo ha un effetto positivo e causale sulla probabilità di offrire una tangente. Il terzo capitolo valuta l'impatto di un progetto di estensione agricola realizzato in Etiopia, volto ad introdurre la coltivazione di nuovi prodotti ortofrutticoli insieme ad alcune tecniche e strumenti innovativi. Empiricamente si utilizzano gli strumenti della valutazione d'impatto combinando confronti tra villaggi, attraverso una stima difference-in-differences, con una comparazione all'interno del villaggio usando uno studio controllato randomizzato. I risultati indicano che il progetto ha contribuito alla diversificazione produttiva ma non ha influenzato i ricavi ottenuti dalla vendita dei prodotti ortofrutticoli e, di conseguenza, il benessere delle famiglie. Il quarto capitolo mostra come meccanismi incentivati sufficientemente simili elicitino decisioni correlate in termini di avversione al rischio solo quando si tengono in considerazione altri atteggiamenti relativi al rischio. Inoltre si studia la correlazione tra l'avversione al rischio riportata e l'avversione al rischio ottenuta tramite lotterie. I risultati suggeriscono una misurata validità esterna dei due metodi studiati. ; This dissertation makes use of several methodologies to explore topics ascribed to the field of development economics. Chapter 1 reviews the literature on social capital by presenting a decomposition of trust and networks -- the cognitive and the structural component of social capital, respectively--, in several sub-dimensions. One of this dimension is used in chapter 2 where we investigate, both theoretically and empirically, the role played by the cultural norm of particularism, as opposed to universalism, for collusive bribery. Consistent with the theory, particularism is found to have a positive causal effect on the probability of offering a bribe. Chapter 3 assesses the impact of a small-scale agricultural extension project implemented in rural Ethiopia aimed at introducing the cultivation of horticultural gardens. Empirically, a mixed impact evaluation design is used combining across-villages comparisons, through difference-in-differences estimations, with a within village randomized control trial. The findings indicate that the project contributes to production diversification while it does not influence total revenues from sales, household welfare and diet. Chapter 4 shows that similar incentivized mechanisms elicit similar decisions in terms of monetary risk aversion only if other risk-related attitudes are accounted for. Furthermore, it examines whether individuals' characteristics and a self-assessed measure of risk aversion relate to individuals' choices in lotteries. The findings suggest that there is some external validity of the two studied tasks as predictors of self-reported risk attitudes.
Il lavoro presentato ha come oggetto la realizzazione di un corso online, traendo ispirazione da un corso frontale, e precisamente dal corso di "Sociologia dei nuovi media" della professoressa Bracciale, corso obbligatorio del primo anno delle lauree magistrali di Comunicazione d'impresa e politica delle risorse umane (LM59) e di Sociologia e servizio sociale(LM88) del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di Pisa. Lo scopo è di dimostrare come le tecnologie, ormai inserite pienamente e totalmente all'interno della vita quotidiana, possano rappresentare un veicolo di conoscenza e sapere, rendendo più semplice l'apprendimento e più accattivante lo studio. E-learning significa, infatti, apprendimento "elettronico", che viene attuato e trasmesso attraverso le tecnologie, eliminando i vincoli di spazio e tempo e permettendo la fruizione degli apprendimenti con maggiore autonomia da parte del discente. Ciò non significa che l'e-learning debba sostituire la formazione "faccia a faccia", ma, allo stato attuale, esso rappresenta un supporto e un ausilio importante che integra quella tradizionale. Infatti la tipologia più applicabile attualmente è quella del blended learning, mix di formazione online e frontale. Il progetto si articola in due parti: una teorica e una empirica. La prima si suddivide in due capitoli. • Il primo capitolo descrive e fornisce un quadro sociale e tecnologico all'interno del quale si inserisce l'e-learning: si parte dalla definizione, data da diversi esperti, la sua storia e trasformazioni, partendo dalla nascita della FAD (Formazione a distanza), e si arriva a esporre le nuove frontiere dell'evoluzione, attraverso l'uso delle tecnologie mobile, dei social network site e dei mondi virtuali. Un particolare focus viene dato alla situazione attuale negli Atenei italiani e gli sviluppi previsti per i corsi virtuali. • Nel secondo capitolo vengono analizzate le caratteristiche (come la descrizione delle varie tipologie di apprendimento e la nascita di nuove figure professionali poliedriche e multifunzionali), e le criticità (dai costi relativi alla progettazione e erogazione ai sistemi di valutazione, ancora acerbi). La seconda parte disegna le fasi della progettazione del corso vero e proprio, disponibile presso la piattaforma Moodle di Scienze Politiche (url: Dopo l'attuazione delle classiche azioni preliminari di un corso di formazione (analisi dei fabbisogni e individuazione degli obiettivi), la realizzazione del corso ha previsto la suddivisione degli argomenti in Learning Object, unità minime, autonome e riutilizzabili, e per ognuno è stata realizzata la stesura di uno storyboard, documento guida che esplicita tutte le fasi e i contenuti, testuali e multimediali, come video, immagini e animazioni, che verranno poi erogati nel corso. Terminata la progettazione, si è passati alla realizzazione e all'erogazione online. Sono stati creati account e profili del corso sui maggiori social network (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) e tools di approfondimento (, per rendere la piattaforma ancora più social e interattiva. In conclusione, è stata creata una breve guida che descrive le fasi di progettazione e di erogazione. Essa prende spunto sia dall'esperienza vissuta sia dai consigli esposti dalle numerose guide sull'argomento, cartacee e virtuali, sperando possa essere utile a chiunque voglia provare a creare il proprio corso con l'impiego di minime risorse umane e economiche. Grazie per l'attenzione.
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 257-262
ISSN: 1179-6391
This article reports the results of an empirical study to investigate the reference group orientations of industrially employed professionals. Sample personnel included 128 engineers and 51 scientists, who were divided into four personnel types: locals, cosmopolitans, local/cosmopolitans,
and uncommitted. Through a questionnaire survey, sample respondents provided data reflecting their level of commitment to a variety of groups in which they held membership. Primary findings of the study include the following: (a) among engineers, both cosmopolitans and local/cosmopolitans
exhibit stronger orientations toward their internal work groups and external professional engineering groups than locals, and (b) among scientists, locals possess a stronger orientation toward their internal departments than cosmopolitans.
Objetivo. Abordar la participación política y sus construcciones estratégicas en la escuela pública cordobesa. Metodología. El trabajo se centra en un estudio cualitativo desarrollado en el ámbito educativo de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, vinculado a la temática de la participación juvenil en escuelas públicas. Resultados. El artículo se centró en uno de los capítulos de la tesis que aporta específicamente a la disciplina del trabajo social, ya que da cuenta de diversas estrategias y su relación con la construcción de ciudadanía en este tramo o ciclo vital de ser "estudiante secundario". Esto en escuelas públicas ubicadas en barrios de la ciudad. Conclusiones. Se aporta al trabajo social ya que da cuenta de múltiples estrategias en la construcción de ciudadanía desde la escuela secundaria. ; Objetivo. Abordar la participación política y sus construcciones estratégicas en la escuela pública cordobesa. Metodología. El trabajo se centra en un estudio cualitativo desarrollado en el ámbito educativo de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, vinculado a la temática de la participación juvenil en escuelas públicas. Resultados. El artículo se centró en uno de los capítulos de la tesis que aporta específicamente a la disciplina del trabajo social, ya que da cuenta de diversas estrategias y su relación con la construcción de ciudadanía en este tramo o ciclo vital de ser "estudiante secundario". Esto en escuelas públicas ubicadas en barrios de la ciudad. Conclusiones. Se aporta al trabajo social ya que da cuenta de múltiples estrategias en la construcción de ciudadanía desde la escuela secundaria.
In: Palobra: palabras que obra ; revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Educación, Universidad de Cartagena, Heft 12, S. 204-219
ISSN: 2346-2884
El estudio de los derechos gremiales de los estudiantes secundarios en las escuelas públicas ha sido una temática escasamente indagada en nuestro medio. Las dificultades organizativas se encuentran relacionadas con las trayectorias estudiantiles en las instancias organizativas como los centros de estudiantes, las estructuras de poder institucional y normativo instaladas en las escuelas, y las particulares condiciones de los escenarios escolares. El juego de los diversos sujetos presentes en la institución se complejiza por la dinámica y ejercicio del poder en la escena institucional escolar. Al respecto nos preguntamos: ¿Qué parámetros organizativos se plantean respecto de la participación ciudadana de los jóvenes estudiantes? ¿Qué viabilidad plantean los gérmenes organizativos de estudiantes secundarios en los formatos actuales para la agremiación juvenil? Los derechos ciudadanos sean civiles, políticos, sociales gremiales o reproductivos, permanecen condicionados en términos estructurales, por la lógicas de organización social tanto como por los espacios sociales e institucionales, incluida la escuela. En tal sentido, la investigación que planteamos pretende hacer un aporte al estudio de las particularidades de los procesos de institucionalización de centros de estudiantes en escuelas medias y su relación con la construcción de representaciones sociales delos jóvenes en torno a la ciudadanía.
In: The international journal of transgenderism: IJT, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 104-116
ISSN: 1434-4599
The study of trade union rights of high school students in public schools has been a subject scarcely investigated in our academic environment. Organizational difficulties are related to student trajectories in organizational groups such as student centers, institutional power structures and policies installed in schools, and the particular conditions of school settings. The role of the people present in these institutions becomes more complex due to the dynamics and rules in this institutionalized school setting. In this regard we ask: -What organizational parameters arise regarding the participation of young students?; -What organizational viability does the conforming nucleus of high school students are able to offer in the current standards for youth unions? Citizens' rights either civil, political, social or reproductive associations, remain controlled, in structural terms, by the logic of social organization as well as by social and institutional spaces, including schools. In this regard, this research proposes a contributionto the study of the peculiarities of the process of institutionalization of student centers at middle schools and examines its relationship with the construction of social representations of young people in terms of citizenship. ; El estudio de los derechos gremiales de los estudiantes secundarios en las escuelas públicas ha sido una temática escasamente indagada en nuestro medio. Las dificultades organizativas se encuentran relacionadas con las trayectorias estudiantiles en las instancias organizativas como los centros de estudiantes, las estructuras de poder institucional y normativo instaladas en las escuelas, y las particulares condiciones de los escenarios escolares. El juego de los diversos sujetos presentes en la institución se complejiza por la dinámica y ejercicio del poder en la escena institucional escolar. Al respecto nos preguntamos: ¿Qué parámetros organizativos se plantean respecto de la participación ciudadana de los jóvenes estudiantes? ¿Qué viabilidad plantean los gérmenes organizativos de estudiantes secundarios en los formatos actuales para la agremiación juvenil? Los derechos ciudadanos sean civiles, políticos, sociales gremiales o reproductivos, permanecen condicionados en términos estructurales, por la lógicas de organización social tanto como por los espacios sociales e institucionales, incluida la escuela. En tal sentido, la investigación que planteamos pretende hacer un aporte al estudio de las particularidades de los procesos de institucionalización de centros de estudiantes en escuelas medias y su relación con la construcción de representaciones sociales delos jóvenes en torno a la ciudadanía.
In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Band 29, Heft 6, S. 507-515
ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X
An empirical research study was conducted to determine the relationships between the personality needs and identification models of organizational personnel. Also examined were the effects of managerial position upon such relationships. Variables under investigation included n Affiliation, n Achievement, organizational identification, work group identification, occupational identification, and external group identification. To reflect the impacts of differing occupations and organizational philosophies, data was collected and analyzed from a geographically diverse sample of 187 U.S. industrial employees. Significant findings of the study showed that (a) among managers, both n Affiliation and n Achievement were directly associated with each of the identification models, whereas (b) among nonmanagers, n Affiliation was related directly to occupational identification and work group identification, with n Achievement being directly associated only with occupational identification.
In: Public personnel management, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 53-58
ISSN: 1945-7421
In: Contributions to Economics
Chapter 1. Economics and the Commons: History, Tragedies, and Some Exercises -- Chapter 2. Expanding the Notion of the Commons: Is Love the Greatest Commons in Which We Should Thrive? -- Chapter 3. Economics and the Ethics of Care -- Chapter 4. Economics and the Ethics of Care: A Response -- Chapter 5. Franciscan Wealth. The Roots of Franciscan Economic Thought -- Chapter 6. Franciscan Wealth. The Roots of Franciscan Economic Thought: a Comment -- Chapter 7. The Power of Purposeful Business -- Chapter 8. 'Growing the Pie' in a Catholic Social Thought Perspective -- Chapter 9. Generating Commons Makes Cities Alive -- Chapter 10. Preserving Our Commons: Call to Action -- Chapter 11. Winning Ideas: Lessons from Free-market Economics for the Economics of Francesco -- Chapter 12. Possible Paths to Follow in Francesco's Economy. Based on the Analysis of Sabina Alkire and Agnus Richie and the Experiences Walked So Far -- Chapter 13. Moral Sentiments, Social choice and the Commons -- Chapter 14. Where Are "we" in the Economy? - Some Reflections on the Place of Moral Sentiments and the Commons in Redefining Economics -- Chapter 15. The Economy of Francesco and the Age of Sustainable Development -- Chapter 16. Gratuitousness -- Chapter 17. Peace, Faith, and Economy -- Chapter 18. Peace, Faith, and Economy. A Comment.
In: Contributions to economics
This book proposes a new approach to economics, starting from the commons and based on the Economy of Francesco (EoF), a worldwide movement of young people who aim to change the current economic models and working towards a fair, sustainable, and inclusive economic system. EoF was convened by Pope Francis and is inspired by the example of St. Francis of Assisi, featuring Franciscan economic roots and institutions, as well as theories of the social sciences. The authors raise and answer several important questions throughout the volume, such as: What if the economic courses taught in the universities across the globe focused their attention on the topics of the commons rather than on private goods? What if social businesses, rather than being considered as a hybrid form of businesses, became the normal approach, and ethical and green finance ruled over the standard financial sector? Is it possible to move away from the primacy of the consumers to the preeminence of ethical consumers who express their preferences for an inclusive, sustainable, and workers-friendly economic system with their daily choices? Using a unique approach, the book includes the contributions of prominent scholars which are integrated and discussed by young international scholars, providing a fresh analysis with a glance of hope for the future. The book is a must-read for students, scholars, and researchers of economics and related disciplines interested in alternatives to the current economic mainstream in general, and the Economy of Francesco in particular.