Theoretical aspects of (self-)empowerment, in the background of capability approach, are presented in the article as well as the results of the empirical research which analyse peculiarities of (self-)empowerment and its connection with employment (capability for work) of people suffering from epilepsy. According to the results of this research, a significant part of people suffering from epilepsy do not consider themselves as the rulers of their own life. They also believe their rate of (self-)empowerment is low. In addition, people suffering from epilepsy estimate the subjective control while making personal choices (and controlling their own life in general) as low. A bigger part of them would like to make some changes although only one out of two feels responsible for those changes. People suffering from epilepsy tend to believe that their influence on activities in society would be low. Employment capability has a significant connection with the empowerment indicators of people suffering from epilepsy. The empowerment indicators of employed people suffering from epilepsy were significantly higher compared to the same indicators of capability for work of unemployed people suffering from epilepsy as well as with persons without capability for work. A tendency of a higher empowerment evaluation of employed persons can be noticed in all of the estimated fields: (self-) empowerment as a control, (self-)empowerment as a choice, (self-)empowerment as a change and (self-)empowerment in a society.
It is important for youth to participate successfully in the labour market from the viewpoint of economy de-velopment. The increase of youth employment and decrease of unemployment determines a longer period of economic activity of a particular generation and faster development of national economy. The tendency of growing employment of Lithuanian population is inherent for middle aged and elder people, but not for the youth. Employment of young people up to 25 years declines mostly because of increased emigration to the Western countries. A lot of clever, educated young people leave our country every year. A part of them is going to continue their studies, acquire some experience or find a job according to speciality. others exchange their diplomas for unqualified but better paid than in Lithuania work. Due to one–sided emigration of manpower (especially qualified) our country sustains obvious losses: lost investments in human capital; decline of production, etc. Scientific literature notes that the ownership of a home promotes the decrease of emigra-tion. The article deals with the influence of purchasing conditions of living space for the youth's integration into the national labour market. Accomplished sociological survey of the last year students in higher schools showed that the most of young people are seeking to start working as quickly as possible and to receive salaries as high as possible in order to take a loan for purchasing their own home. The government can't participate directly increasing salaries (except fixing the minimum salary level), and while raising salaries for budgetary and office employees influences budgetary expenses. Therefore this article after the analysis of the structure of housing market in Lithuania, possibilities for house purchase and problems of state support for youth provides some suggestions that could help young people to acquire their own homes. Article in Lithuanian. Būsto įsigijimo sąlygų įtaka jaunimui įsitvirtinti nacionalinėje darbo rinkoje Santrauka.Ekonomikos raidos požiūriu svarbu, kad jaunimas sėkmingai dalyvautų darbo rinkoje. Didesnis jaunimo užimtumas ir mažesnis nedarbas reiškia ilgesnį atskiros gyventojų kartos ekonominio aktyvumo laikotarpį ir spartesnę šalies ūkio plėtrą. Lietuvos gyventojų užimtumo didėjimo tendencija būdinga vidutinio ir vyresnio amžiaus asmenims, bet ne jaunimui. Jaunimo iki 25 metų užimtumas daugiausia mažėja dėl padidėjusios emigracijos į Vakarų šalis. Kiekvienais metais mūsų šalį palieka nemažai protingų, išsilavinusių jaunų žmonių. Dalis jų vyksta tęsti mokslų, stažuotis arba randa darbą pagal specialybę. Kiti savo diplomą iškeičia į nekvalifikuotą, bet geriau nei Lietuvoje mokamą darbą. Vykstant vien-pusei darbo jėgos, ypač kvalifikuotos, emigracijai, šalis patiria akivaizdžių nuostolių – prarandamos valstybės investicijos, įdėtos į žmogiškąjį kapitalą; mažėja sukuriamas produktas ir kt. Mokslinėje literatūroje pažymima, kad nuosavo būsto turėjimas prisideda prie emigracijos stabdymo. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kokią įtaką turi gyvenamojo būsto įsigijimo sąlygos jaunimo įsitvirtinimui nacionalinėje darbo rinkoje. Atlikta sociologinė aukštųjų mokyklų studentų apklausa parodė, kad dauguma jaunų žmonių siekia kuo greičiau pradėti darbinę veiklą ir kuo didesnių atlyginimų, kad galėtų paimti būsto paskolą. Vyriausybė negali tiesiogiai dalyvauti atlyginimų didinimo procese (išskyrus minimalaus atlyginimo nustatymą), o keldama darbo užmokestį biudžetiniams darbuotojams bei valstybės tarnautojams, tik prisideda prie biudžeto išlaidų didinimo. Todėl straipsnyje, išanalizavus būsto rinkos struktūrą Lietuvoje, gyvenamojo būsto įsigijimo galimybes, valstybės teikiamos paramos jaunimui problemas, teikiami pasiūlymai, galintys daryti įtaką jaunimo apsirūpinimo būstu problemos sprendimui. Reikšminiai žodžiai: būsto rinkos struktūra, gyvenamojo būsto įsigijimo finansavimas, valstybės parama jaunimui apsirūpinant būstu ir būsto įsigijimo įtaka jaunimo įsitvirtinimui darbo rinkoje. First published online: 16 Jun 2008
It is important for youth to participate successfully in the labour market from the viewpoint of economy de-velopment. The increase of youth employment and decrease of unemployment determines a longer period of economic activity of a particular generation and faster development of national economy. The tendency of growing employment of Lithuanian population is inherent for middle aged and elder people, but not for the youth. Employment of young people up to 25 years declines mostly because of increased emigration to the Western countries. A lot of clever, educated young people leave our country every year. A part of them is going to continue their studies, acquire some experience or find a job according to speciality. others exchange their diplomas for unqualified but better paid than in Lithuania work. Due to one–sided emigration of manpower (especially qualified) our country sustains obvious losses: lost investments in human capital; decline of production, etc. Scientific literature notes that the ownership of a home promotes the decrease of emigra-tion. The article deals with the influence of purchasing conditions of living space for the youth's integration into the national labour market. Accomplished sociological survey of the last year students in higher schools showed that the most of young people are seeking to start working as quickly as possible and to receive salaries as high as possible in order to take a loan for purchasing their own home. The government can't participate directly increasing salaries (except fixing the minimum salary level), and while raising salaries for budgetary and office employees influences budgetary expenses. Therefore this article after the analysis of the structure of housing market in Lithuania, possibilities for house purchase and problems of state support for youth provides some suggestions that could help young people to acquire their own homes. Būsto įsigijimo sąlygų įtaka jaunimui įsitvirtinti nacionalinėje darbo rinkoje Santrauka Ekonomikos raidos požiūriu svarbu, kad jaunimas sėkmingai dalyvautų darbo rinkoje. Didesnis jaunimo užimtumas ir mažesnis nedarbas reiškia ilgesnį atskiros gyventojų kartos ekonominio aktyvumo laikotarpį ir spartesnę šalies ūkio plėtrą. Lietuvos gyventojų užimtumo didėjimo tendencija būdinga vidutinio ir vyresnio amžiaus asmenims, bet ne jaunimui. Jaunimo iki 25 metų užimtumas daugiausia mažėja dėl padidėjusios emigracijos į Vakarų šalis. Kiekvienais metais mūsų šalį palieka nemažai protingų, išsilavinusių jaunų žmonių. Dalis jų vyksta tęsti mokslų, stažuotis arba randa darbą pagal specialybę. Kiti savo diplomą iškeičia į nekvalifikuotą, bet geriau nei Lietuvoje mokamą darbą. Vykstant vien-pusei darbo jėgos, ypač kvalifikuotos, emigracijai, šalis patiria akivaizdžių nuostolių – prarandamos valstybės investicijos, įdėtos į žmogiškąjį kapitalą; mažėja sukuriamas produktas ir kt. Mokslinėje literatūroje pažymima, kad nuosavo būsto turėjimas prisideda prie emigracijos stabdymo. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kokią įtaką turi gyvenamojo būsto įsigijimo sąlygos jaunimo įsitvirtinimui nacionalinėje darbo rinkoje. Atlikta sociologinė aukštųjų mokyklų studentų apklausa parodė, kad dauguma jaunų žmonių siekia kuo greičiau pradėti darbinę veiklą ir kuo didesnių atlyginimų, kad galėtų paimti būsto paskolą. Vyriausybė negali tiesiogiai dalyvauti atlyginimų didinimo procese (išskyrus minimalaus atlyginimo nustatymą), o keldama darbo užmokestį biudžetiniams darbuotojams bei valstybės tarnautojams, tik prisideda prie biudžeto išlaidų didinimo. Todėl straipsnyje, išanalizavus būsto rinkos struktūrą Lietuvoje, gyvenamojo būsto įsigijimo galimybes, valstybės teikiamos paramos jaunimui problemas, teikiami pasiūlymai, galintys daryti įtaką jaunimo apsirūpinimo būstu problemos sprendimui. Reikšminiai žodžiai: būsto rinkos struktūra, gyvenamojo būsto įsigijimo finansavimas, valstybės parama jaunimui apsirūpinant būstu ir būsto įsigijimo įtaka jaunimo įsitvirtinimui darbo rinkoje.
Comparative analysis of the EU countries' socioeconomic indicators is carried out here along with the systematic analysis of the global and the EU strategic documents, the European Commission's communiqués, the European Commission's (committees') and individual working groups' studies on employment issues. Potential scenarios for increasing employment are considered basing on the analysis of socioeconomic conditions in Lithuania. The article uses the methods of systematic scientific literature analysis, general and logical analysis, comparison, summation and abstraction as well as the mathematical and statistical processing methods. Situation analysis is based on the data of the Eurostat, specialized surveys and the results of statistical calculations. The article substantiates that in order to increase employment, efficient resource allocation and targeted economic policy focused on social problems of the country are needed, and appropriate measures for its implementation are proposed. Employment-friendly macroeconomic policy-making is seen here as a fundamental strategic guideline to address the problems of employment and social economic inequality. Green economy and green jobs' development are one of the priority directions in increasing employment in Lithuania. Employment policy guidance in green technologies (renewable energy sources, recycling, and green building), the green economy, and promotion of professional skills in this area are recommended. Transition to green economy, eco-villages and ecological communities would be one of the fundamental directions in increasing employment among the most vulnerable groups. Furthermore, regional policies must be intensified in Lithuania to enhance economic (investment) and social attractiveness of less populated areas.
Comparative analysis of the EU countries' socioeconomic indicators is carried out here along with the systematic analysis of the global and the EU strategic documents, the European Commission's communiqués, the European Commission's (committees') and individual working groups' studies on employment issues. Potential scenarios for increasing employment are considered basing on the analysis of socioeconomic conditions in Lithuania. The article uses the methods of systematic scientific literature analysis, general and logical analysis, comparison, summation and abstraction as well as the mathematical and statistical processing methods. Situation analysis is based on the data of the Eurostat, specialized surveys and the results of statistical calculations. The article substantiates that in order to increase employment, efficient resource allocation and targeted economic policy focused on social problems of the country are needed, and appropriate measures for its implementation are proposed. Employment-friendly macroeconomic policy-making is seen here as a fundamental strategic guideline to address the problems of employment and social economic inequality. Green economy and green jobs' development are one of the priority directions in increasing employment in Lithuania. Employment policy guidance in green technologies (renewable energy sources, recycling, and green building), the green economy, and promotion of professional skills in this area are recommended. Transition to green economy, eco-villages and ecological communities would be one of the fundamental directions in increasing employment among the most vulnerable groups. Furthermore, regional policies must be intensified in Lithuania to enhance economic (investment) and social attractiveness of less populated areas.
Comparative analysis of the EU countries' socioeconomic indicators is carried out here along with the systematic analysis of the global and the EU strategic documents, the European Commission's communiqués, the European Commission's (committees') and individual working groups' studies on employment issues. Potential scenarios for increasing employment are considered basing on the analysis of socioeconomic conditions in Lithuania. The article uses the methods of systematic scientific literature analysis, general and logical analysis, comparison, summation and abstraction as well as the mathematical and statistical processing methods. Situation analysis is based on the data of the Eurostat, specialized surveys and the results of statistical calculations. The article substantiates that in order to increase employment, efficient resource allocation and targeted economic policy focused on social problems of the country are needed, and appropriate measures for its implementation are proposed. Employment-friendly macroeconomic policy-making is seen here as a fundamental strategic guideline to address the problems of employment and social economic inequality. Green economy and green jobs' development are one of the priority directions in increasing employment in Lithuania. Employment policy guidance in green technologies (renewable energy sources, recycling, and green building), the green economy, and promotion of professional skills in this area are recommended. Transition to green economy, eco-villages and ecological communities would be one of the fundamental directions in increasing employment among the most vulnerable groups. Furthermore, regional policies must be intensified in Lithuania to enhance economic (investment) and social attractiveness of less populated areas.
The study analyses the unemployment situation of socially vulnerable groups in the Baltic States in the context of the European Union. The analysis of the unemployment rate is based on gender, age and duration of unemployment. Statistical analysis identified the most vulnerable groups in the labour market and those most sensitive to economics fluctuations. The study also evaluated the relationship of economic growth with employment of these groups. The research highlighted that in the Baltic countries, the global financial crisis more significantly affected vulnerable groups, mainly because of the impact of the crisis in 2009–2010. Hence these results differ from the general trend in unemployment rate of the target groups in the countries of the European Union.
Unemployment rate at the EU level did not coincide with similar trends observed in the target groups in the Baltic States. In the Baltic States, the unemployment rate of the target groups started to grow earlier and faster than in the EU countries and it started to decrease much earlier than the EU unemployment rate indicators. In addition, in the Baltic countries, the growth of target group unemployment was significantly higher than the EU average. The fast and volatile growth of unemployment within the mentioned target groups shows that they had difficulties adapting to dramatically worsening conditions in the labour market in the Baltic States. The current pandemic situation in comparison to the global financial crisis of 2009–2010 has a less negative effect. The study revealed that unemployment rates in the Baltic States were close to the EU average. The research results also showed that men and the youth are sensitive to economic fluctuations in the Baltic States. On the one hand, unemployed men and the youth tend to more easily enter the labour market during economic upturns. On the other hand, in an economic downturn, these jobseekers face significant integration difficulties into the labour market and become more socially vulnerable.
It is important to note that long-term unemployed people belong to the most vulnerable groups. People with low skills or qualifications face multiple barriers to labour market integration. Long-term unemployment leads to a loss of income, an erosion of skills, a higher incidence of health problems and increased household poverty.
The article seeks to answer the question: What are the opportunities and preconditions in the future for having more young workforce in the care sector for the elderly? The article analyses the requirements for a job in general and specifically for work in the care sector for the elderly, and compares whether the working conditions and the nature of work in this sector meet these needs. The analysis revealed that there is a significant mismatch between the needs of modern young people (Generation Y) in terms of the characteristics of the job desired and the existing structures (specificities of jobs in the care sector) that are being addressed through certain practical social policy initiatives.
Purpose – foreign and Lithuanian researchers analyse the benefits of ITS (Intelligent transport systems) application and development opportunities in various aspects. Due to the rapid development of technology, most authors emphasise the need for new or at least repeated research on intelligent transport systems ITS. The aim of this article is to evaluate the factors determining the development of ITS after theoretical substantiation. Research methodology – the primary data was collected from the following databases: Eurostat, OECD, World Bank. This study uses the analysis of scientific literature, expert survey, multicriteria assessment (SAW and COPRAS methods). Findings – the results of this article indicate which factors determine the development of ITS the most: investments, the aim to increase road safety, well-developed infrastructure. It also identifies which of the chosen for analaysis countries has the greatest potential for developing of ITS – Germany. Research limitations – firstly, due to the lack of statistics only eight countries are included and the period of analysis is only two years. Another limitation is that experts from only two countries completed the survey. Practical implications – research on the development of ITS is carried out in order to analyse the country that has the biggest opportunity to develop ITS and the factors affecting the mentioned development. The results can be beneficial for ministries of transport in different countries for planning the application of ITS. Originality/Value – current study contributes to the existing literature by examining the specific factors affecting the development of ITS that were not analysed earlier. This article differs from others as includes some Northern ,Western European and Baltic countries. Findings can be used by government in planning the installation of ITS to get the maximum benefit from it.
The study analyses the unemployment situation of socially vulnerable groups in the Baltic States in the context of the European Union. The analysis of the unemployment rate is based on gender, age and duration of unemployment. Statistical analysis identified the most vulnerable groups in the labour market and those most sensitive to economics fluctuations. The study also evaluated the relationship of economic growth with employment of these groups. The research highlighted that in the Baltic countries, the global financial crisis more significantly affected vulnerable groups, mainly because of the impact of the crisis in 2009–2010. Hence these results differ from the general trend in unemployment rate of the target groups in the countries of the European Union. Unemployment rate at the EU level did not coincide with similar trends observed in the target groups in the Baltic States. In the Baltic States, the unemployment rate of the target groups started to grow earlier and faster than in the EU countries and it started to decrease much earlier than the EU unemployment rate indicators. In addition, in the Baltic countries, the growth of target group unemployment was significantly higher than the EU average. The fast and volatile growth of unemployment within the mentioned target groups shows that they had difficulties adapting to dramatically worsening conditions in the labour market in the Baltic States. The current pandemic situation in comparison to the global financial crisis of 2009–2010 has a less negative effect. The study revealed that unemployment rates in the Baltic States were close to the EU average. The research results also showed that men and the youth are sensitive to economic fluctuations in the Baltic States. On the one hand, unemployed men and the youth tend to more easily enter the labour market during economic upturns. On the other hand, in an economic downturn, these jobseekers face significant integration difficulties into the labour market and become more socially vulnerable. It is important to note that long-term unemployed people belong to the most vulnerable groups. People with low skills or qualifications face multiple barriers to labour market integration. Long-term unemployment leads to a loss of income, an erosion of skills, a higher incidence of health problems and increased household poverty. ; Straipsnyje analizuojama socialiai pažeidžiamų gyventojų grupių nedarbo situacija Baltijos šalyse, atsižvelgiant į padėties darbo rinkoje kontekstą visos Europos Sąjungos mastu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad ekonomikos cikliškumo poveikis pažeidžiamas darbo rinkoje grupes ypač palietė Baltijos šalyse. Dėl ankstesnės pasaulinės ekonomikos krizės poveikio nedarbo pokyčiai ES mastu nesutapo su analogiškomis matomomis tikslinių grupių tendencijomis Baltijos šalyse. Spartus nedarbo augimas vykstant itin dideliems šio rodiklio svyravimams rodo, kad Baltijos šalyse tikslinių grupių bedarbiams buvo itin sudėtinga prisitaikyti prie kardinaliai pablogėjusių sąlygų darbo rinkoje. Tačiau kur kas geresnė situacija nei ankstesnės pasaulinės krizės (2009–2010 m.) metu matoma per dabartinę pandemijos krizę, Baltijos šalių nedarbo rodikliai 2020 m. buvo gerokai mažiau nukrypę nuo ES vidurkio.
Abstract. Purpose – foreign and Lithuanian researchers analyse the benefits of ITS (Intelligent transport systems) application and development opportunities in various aspects. Due to the rapid development of technology, most authors emphasise the need for new or at least repeated research on intelligent transport systems ITS. The aim of this article is to evaluate the factors determining the development of ITS after theoretical substantiation. Research methodology – the primary data was collected from the following databases: Eurostat, OECD, World Bank. This study uses the analysis of scientific literature, expert survey, multicriteria assessment (SAW and COPRAS methods). Findings – the results of this article indicate which factors determine the development of ITS the most: investments, the aim to increase road safety, well-developed infrastructure. It also identifies which of the chosen for analaysis countries has the greatest potential for developing of ITS – Germany. Research limitations – firstly, due to the lack of statistics only eight countries are included and the period of analysis is only two years. Another limitation is that experts from only two countries completed the survey. Practical implications – research on the development of ITS is carried out in order to analyse the country that has the biggest opportunity to develop ITS and the factors affecting the mentioned development. The results can be beneficial for ministries of transport in different countries for planning the application of ITS. Originality/Value – current study contributes to the existing literature by examining the specific factors affecting the development of ITS that were not analysed earlier. This article differs from others as includes some Northern ,Western European and Baltic countries. Findings can be used by government in planning the installation of ITS to get the maximum benefit from it.
Abstract. Purpose – foreign and Lithuanian researchers analyse the benefits of ITS (Intelligent transport systems) application and development opportunities in various aspects. Due to the rapid development of technology, most authors emphasise the need for new or at least repeated research on intelligent transport systems ITS. The aim of this article is to evaluate the factors determining the development of ITS after theoretical substantiation. Research methodology – the primary data was collected from the following databases: Eurostat, OECD, World Bank. This study uses the analysis of scientific literature, expert survey, multicriteria assessment (SAW and COPRAS methods). Findings – the results of this article indicate which factors determine the development of ITS the most: investments, the aim to increase road safety, well-developed infrastructure. It also identifies which of the chosen for analaysis countries has the greatest potential for developing of ITS – Germany. Research limitations – firstly, due to the lack of statistics only eight countries are included and the period of analysis is only two years. Another limitation is that experts from only two countries completed the survey. Practical implications – research on the development of ITS is carried out in order to analyse the country that has the biggest opportunity to develop ITS and the factors affecting the mentioned development. The results can be beneficial for ministries of transport in different countries for planning the application of ITS. Originality/Value – current study contributes to the existing literature by examining the specific factors affecting the development of ITS that were not analysed earlier. This article differs from others as includes some Northern ,Western European and Baltic countries. Findings can be used by government in planning the installation of ITS to get the maximum benefit from it.
Abstract. Purpose – foreign and Lithuanian researchers analyse the benefits of ITS (Intelligent transport systems) application and development opportunities in various aspects. Due to the rapid development of technology, most authors emphasise the need for new or at least repeated research on intelligent transport systems ITS. The aim of this article is to evaluate the factors determining the development of ITS after theoretical substantiation. Research methodology – the primary data was collected from the following databases: Eurostat, OECD, World Bank. This study uses the analysis of scientific literature, expert survey, multicriteria assessment (SAW and COPRAS methods). Findings – the results of this article indicate which factors determine the development of ITS the most: investments, the aim to increase road safety, well-developed infrastructure. It also identifies which of the chosen for analaysis countries has the greatest potential for developing of ITS – Germany. Research limitations – firstly, due to the lack of statistics only eight countries are included and the period of analysis is only two years. Another limitation is that experts from only two countries completed the survey. Practical implications – research on the development of ITS is carried out in order to analyse the country that has the biggest opportunity to develop ITS and the factors affecting the mentioned development. The results can be beneficial for ministries of transport in different countries for planning the application of ITS. Originality/Value – current study contributes to the existing literature by examining the specific factors affecting the development of ITS that were not analysed earlier. This article differs from others as includes some Northern ,Western European and Baltic countries. Findings can be used by government in planning the installation of ITS to get the maximum benefit from it.
Abstract. Purpose – foreign and Lithuanian researchers analyse the benefits of ITS (Intelligent transport systems) application and development opportunities in various aspects. Due to the rapid development of technology, most authors emphasise the need for new or at least repeated research on intelligent transport systems ITS. The aim of this article is to evaluate the factors determining the development of ITS after theoretical substantiation. Research methodology – the primary data was collected from the following databases: Eurostat, OECD, World Bank. This study uses the analysis of scientific literature, expert survey, multicriteria assessment (SAW and COPRAS methods). Findings – the results of this article indicate which factors determine the development of ITS the most: investments, the aim to increase road safety, well-developed infrastructure. It also identifies which of the chosen for analaysis countries has the greatest potential for developing of ITS – Germany. Research limitations – firstly, due to the lack of statistics only eight countries are included and the period of analysis is only two years. Another limitation is that experts from only two countries completed the survey. Practical implications – research on the development of ITS is carried out in order to analyse the country that has the biggest opportunity to develop ITS and the factors affecting the mentioned development. The results can be beneficial for ministries of transport in different countries for planning the application of ITS. Originality/Value – current study contributes to the existing literature by examining the specific factors affecting the development of ITS that were not analysed earlier. This article differs from others as includes some Northern ,Western European and Baltic countries. Findings can be used by government in planning the installation of ITS to get the maximum benefit from it.