Who wants to have a Tea Party?: The who, what, and why of the Tea Party movement
In: PS: political science & politics, Band 45, Heft 4, S. 700-710
ISSN: 0030-8269, 1049-0965
54 Ergebnisse
In: PS: political science & politics, Band 45, Heft 4, S. 700-710
ISSN: 0030-8269, 1049-0965
World Affairs Online
In: Political research quarterly: PRQ ; official journal of the Western Political Science Association and other associations, Band 50, Heft 1, S. 199
ISSN: 1938-274X
In: Political research quarterly: PRQ ; official journal of Western Political Science Association, Pacific Northwest Political Science Association, Southern California Political Science Association, Northern California Political Science Association, Band 50, Heft 1, S. 199-214
ISSN: 1065-9129
In: Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper
Working paper
In: American journal of political science: AJPS, Band 60, Heft 4, S. 932
ISSN: 0092-5853
In: American journal of political science, Band 60, Heft 4, S. 932-946
ISSN: 1540-5907
AbstractWar heightens public interest in politics, especially when human lives are lost. We examine whether, and how, combat casualties affect the decision to vote in established democracies. Drawing from social psychology research on mortality salience, we expect increasing casualties to increase the salience of death, information that moves people to defend their worldview, especially nationalistic and ideological values. By heightening the importance of values, we propose that combat casualties increase the benefits of voting. In particular, we expect the effect of combat casualties to be pronounced among the least politically engaged. Using both cross‐national data of elections in 23 democracies over a 50‐year period and survey data from the United States and United Kingdom during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, we found that mounting casualties increase turnout. Furthermore, as expected, we found the effect of casualties to be most pronounced among those least interested in politics.
In: Political behavior, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 535-552
ISSN: 0190-9320
In: Political behavior, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 535-552
ISSN: 1573-6687
We examine group mobilization in direct democracy elections by assessing the conditions under which interests will actively support or oppose ballot measures. Motivating our analysis is that the decision to mobilize is driven by the costs and benefits of group participation, a calculus shaped by issue characteristics, state political institutions, and the electoral context. Using data from initiative and referendum measures appearing on statewide ballots from 2003 to 2008, we find that ballot measures involving social and tax issues are likely to produce competition among groups and increase the overall number of groups involved. In addition, we find that group competition and levels of mobilization increased in response to how difficult it would be for the legislature to undo the change brought about from passage of a ballot measure. Lastly, group competition and levels of mobilization increased for ballot measures appearing in nonpresidential election years and for ballot measures featuring a close election. Taken together, our results suggest that groups engage strategically in direct democracy elections to pursue a mix of policy and political goals. Adapted from the source document.
In: American journal of political science: AJPS, Band 58, Heft 3, S. 620-636
ISSN: 0092-5853
In: American journal of political science, Band 58, Heft 3, S. 620-636
ISSN: 1540-5907
The public perceives the Supreme Court to be a legal institution. This perception enables the Court's legitimacy‐conferring function, which serves to increase public acceptance of its decisions. Yet, the public acknowledges a political aspect to the Court as well. To evaluate how the public responds to the different images of the Supreme Court, we investigate whether and how depictions of specifically partisan (e.g., Republican) Court rulings shape public acceptance of its decisions while varying institutional, legal, and issue characteristics. Using survey experiments, we find that party cues and partisanship, more so than the imprimatur of the Court, affect public acceptance. We also find that polarization diminishes the effect of party cues. Attributing a decision to the Court does little to increase baseline acceptance or attenuate partisan cue effects. The Court's uniqueness, at least in terms of its legitimacy‐conferring function, is perhaps overstated.
In: The public opinion quarterly: POQ, Band 77, Heft 4, S. 861-887
ISSN: 1537-5331
In: Political behavior, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 535-552
ISSN: 1573-6687
In: Public opinion quarterly: journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Band 77, Heft 4, S. 861-860
ISSN: 0033-362X
In: Political behavior, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 369-389
ISSN: 1573-6687
Some observers of American politics have argued that Republicans have redrawn the social class basis of the parties by displacing the Democrats as the party of the common person. While others have addressed the argument by implication, we address the phenomenon itself. That is, we examine whether the populist rhetoric used by conservatives has reshaped the American public's perceptions about the social class basis of American political parties. To this end, we used NES data and created novel survey questions for examining the class-based images of the parties. We examine whether the public holds populist images of the Republican Party and whether the working class and evangelical Christians are especially likely to hold this belief. Contrary to this argument, most Americans view the Democrats as the party of the people. Furthermore, working class and evangelical Christians are no less likely to hold this belief. Adapted from the source document.
In: Political behavior, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 369-390
ISSN: 0190-9320