The Smart City journey: a systematic review and future research agenda
In: Innovation: the European journal of social science research, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 159-201
ISSN: 1469-8412
62 Ergebnisse
In: Innovation: the European journal of social science research, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 159-201
ISSN: 1469-8412
[EN] 21st century is characterised by a steady growth in the global demand for basic foodstuffs. This paper reviews the drivers of this growth, through a descriptive analysis of the main literature on the subject, in order to synthesize the most relevant information generated by researchers and position the current state of the issue. The results of the analysis suggest that emerging economies have taken over in the increase of food imports; this is due to the potential of countries such as China, India, Brazil and Russia, which have become propellers of the global economy. From the developing countries, the increase in population and income are the driving forces behind the dynamism of world food demand, whose direct consequences are the increase in per capita consumption, the acceleration of the urbanization process in these regions and the increase in the consumption of products with greater added value. In developed economies, increases in per capita income do not translate into increases in the demand for food; rather, its role with respect to global demand is to promote it as they deepen the production of biofuels, the liberalization of the agricultural sector and the signing of trade agreements. Finally, the work concludes by warning about the uncertainties that surround the demand for food imports, including the crucial role played by climate change. ; Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; López-Miquel, JF. (2019). Characterizing the Drivers of Global Food Trade Growth in 21th Century. Journal of Agricultural Science. 11(10):14-28. ; S ; 14 ; 28 ; 11 ; 10
Ciencia e Investigación Agraria is a quarterly publication of the School of Agriculture and Forest Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. This journal is published in print (ISSN 0304-5609) and online (ISSN 0718-1620) in English. Total or partial reproduction of the material published in Ciencia e Investigación Agraria is authorized if the source is cited. The opinions and statements expressed in the research represent only the views of the authors. ; [EN] Our research examines the agricultural labor market from the perspective of new Keynesian economics. Our aim is to verify that total gross output, total factor productivity, and real wages act as determinants of employment levels in Spanish agriculture. Three structural econometric models were estimated using census data for the period 1998-2013. This was a period of profound economic and social change, and the following two distinct sub-periods were compared: 1998-2007 (a period of economic boom) and 2008-2013 (a period of recession). The empirical evidence is consistent with neo-Keynesian theoretical posits, albeit with certain qualifiers derived from the specifically rural nature of the evidence. The results show a negative relationship between employment and productivity and wages, which intensified during the recession. ; [ES] La investigación relaciona el mercado de trabajo agrícola con la escuela de pensamiento Nueva Economía Keynesiana. Su propósito es comprobar que la producción bruta, la productividad total factorial y los salarios actúan como determinantes del empleo en la agricultura española. A partir de datos censales se estiman tres modelos econométricos de carácter estructural en un periodo de profundos cambios dentro del contexto económico y social, 1998-2013, por lo que se comparan dos subperiodos distintos, 1998-2007 y 2008-2013, de auge y recesión económica respectivamente. La evidencia empírica es, en general, consistente con los postulados teóricos neokeynesianos, aunque con ciertas matizaciones ...
The purpose of the work is to analyse the development of the production of the main agricultural raw materials in Spain during the period 1990-2009. The main raw materials are defined by calculating the percentage of the production value of each raw material in relation to the total production value of the agricultural sub-sector to which it belongs. Subsequently, thanks to the top-down management of these values, the former are regarded as primary raw materials in each sub-sector. Multivariate statistical techniques examine the relationship between the evolution of the production of each main raw material and variables such as prices received by producers, CAP reforms or changes in other relevant variables such as harvested area or yield. The results show that the territorial variables and the price received are the variables that best explain the value of Spanish agricultural production. Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; Llorens soldier, MJ. (2012). Contribution of variables stimulating agricultural production in Spain (1990-2009). Studies in Applied Economies. 30 (1): 367-386. ; 367 386 30 1 ; The purpose of the work is to analyse the development of the production of the main agricultural raw materials in Spain during the period 1990-2009. The main raw materials are defined by calculating the percentage of the production value of each raw material in relation to the total production value of the agricultural sub-sector to which it belongs. Subsequently, thanks to the top-down management of these values, the former are regarded as primary raw materials in each sub-sector. Multivariate statistical techniques examine the relationship between the evolution of the production of each main raw material and variables such as prices received by producers, CAP reforms or changes in other relevant variables such as harvested area or yield. The results show that the territorial variables and the price received are the variables that best explain the value of Spanish agricultural production. ...
El objeto del trabajo es analizar la evolución de la producción de las principales materias primas agrarias en España durante el periodo 1990-2009. Se definen las materias primas principales mediante cálculo del porcentaje del valor de la producción de cada materia prima con respecto al valor de la producción total del subsector agrario al que pertenece. Posteriormente y gracias a la ordenación descendente de estos valores, se consideran materias primas principales a las primeras de dicha ordenación en cada subsector. Se examina mediante técnicas estadísticas multivariantes la relación que existe entre la evolución de la producción de cada materia prima principal y variables tales como los precios percibidos por los productores, las reformas de la PAC o los cambios observados en otras variables relevantes como la superficie cosechada o el rendimiento. Los resultados reflejan que las variables territoriales y el precio percibido son las variables que mejor explican el Valor de la Producción Agrícola española. ; Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; Soldado Llorens, MJ. (2012). Contribución de las variables que estimulan la producción agraria en España (1990-2009). Estudios de Economia Aplicada. 30(1):367-386. ; S ; 367 ; 386 ; 30 ; 1
La política regional europea ha estado sujeta en los últimos años a cambios sustanciales, que han implicado modificaciones en el nivel de financiación y en los mecanismos de apoyo a los Estados miembros. Este contexto hace que sea cada vez más necesario desarrollar un sistema de información sobre la ayuda estructural en las diversas regiones españolas, que permita un seguimiento y evaluación del nivel global y la distribución de esa ayuda. El trabajo adopta como base metodológica la estimación de indicadores sobre la distribución regional de la ayuda estructural. Además, una vez acordados los criterios de cofinanciación para las regiones que han superado su condición de Objetivo 1, calcula la pérdida anual en España, para el actual periodo de programación 2007-2013, causada por efecto de la ampliación.________________________European regional policy has undergone important changes the last few years, which have implied some modifications both at financial level and on State Members mechanisms of support. In this context, an information system about the structural support on the different Spanish regions is an instrument that will allow the monitoring and evaluation of the total amount of support and its distribution. Methodologically, the work made is based on the estimate of the regional distribution of structural support indicators. Moreover, once agreed the co-financing criteria for regions that have lost their Objective 1 condition, it is obtained the annual lost in Spain caused by the EU enlargement for the current financial framework 2007-2013.
74 91 9 6 ; S ; [EN] The cycle of the Common Agricultural Policy reforms begun in 1992 and that finished, for the time being, in 2013, profoundly transformed the agricultural framework of the EU. Taken as a whole, the process consisted of the progressive, partial and asymmetric liberalization of European agriculture, since much more emphasis was placed on dismantling intervention mechanisms than on aiding the restructuring, modernization and adaptation to a more competitive environment. In this context, and with an increasingly more open commercial policy, the States and the regions are obliged to design strategies to increase their competitiveness and innovation within the framework of the current Common Agricultural Policy (2014-2020). This is even more important for the regions most affected by the reforms. Under this argument, this paper reveals the principal qualitative and quantitative unknowns of the regional agricultural policy in Spain after the application of the Health Check in 2008, with special emphasis on the evolution of the Axis 1 of Rural Development. Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; Estruch-Sanchís, FDB. (2017). The Common Agricultural Policy and the Increased Competitiveness of Spanish Regional Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Science. 9(6):74-91. doi:10.5539/jas.v9n6p74
[EN] The cycle of the Common Agricultural Policy reforms begun in 1992 and that finished, for the time being, in 2013, profoundly transformed the agricultural framework of the EU. Taken as a whole, the process consisted of the progressive, partial and asymmetric liberalization of European agriculture, since much more emphasis was placed on dismantling intervention mechanisms than on aiding the restructuring, modernization and adaptation to a more competitive environment. In this context, and with an increasingly more open commercial policy, the States and the regions are obliged to design strategies to increase their competitiveness and innovation within the framework of the current Common Agricultural Policy (2014-2020). This is even more important for the regions most affected by the reforms. Under this argument, this paper reveals the principal qualitative and quantitative unknowns of the regional agricultural policy in Spain after the application of the Health Check in 2008, with special emphasis on the evolution of the Axis 1 of Rural Development. ; Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; Estruch-Sanchís, FDB. (2017). The Common Agricultural Policy and the Increased Competitiveness of Spanish Regional Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Science. 9(6):74-91. doi:10.5539/jas.v9n6p74 ; S ; 74 ; 91 ; 9 ; 6
La Política Agraria Común (PAC) define, estructura y asigna las subvenciones a la producción agrícola en la Unión Europea. La PAC está condicionada por las directrices de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC), especialmente tras el Acuerdo sobre Agricultura (1994). Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar la distribución regional de la ayuda interna que recibe España proveniente de la PAC y su clasificación siguiendo la metodología de la OMC. Se asocia dicha ayuda a los compartimentos de la OMC: cajas verde, azul y ámbar. Se analiza y compara la evolución de los compartimentos, para deducir la situación actual de España y su adecuación a las reglas de la OMC. Los resultados sugieren que España está adaptándose progresivamente a los criterios agrícolas de la OMC, pero a ritmo lento: crece la caja verde y se reduce la azul y ámbar, pero en algunas regiones la caja verde sigue representando solo un pequeño porcentaje del total. ; The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) defines, structure and allocates subsidies to agricultural production in the European Union. The CAP is subject to the guidelines of the World Trade Organization (WTO), especially after the Agriculture Agreement (1994). This work aims to determine the regional distribution of domestic support received from the CAP in Spain and their classification according to the methodology of the WTO. Domestic support is associated with WTO compartments: green box, blue and amber. It analyzes and compares the evolution of the boxes, to infer the current situation of Spain and its adaptation to WTO rules. The results suggest that Spain is gradually adapting to the WTO agricultural criteria, but at a slow pace: growing the green box and reduces the blue and amber, but in some regions the green box still represents only a small percentage of the total. ; Fil: González-Moralejo, Silvia Andrés. ; Fil: García Álvarez-Coque, José María.
La Revista adhiere a la definición de "acceso abierto" de la Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI): ; Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported ; [EN] The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) defines, structure and allocates subsidies to agricultural production in the European Union. The CAP is subject to the guidelines of the World Trade Organization (WTO), especially after the Agriculture Agreement (1994). This work aims to determine the regional distribution of domestic support received from the CAP in Spain and their classification according to the methodology of the WTO. Domestic support is associated with WTO compartments: green box, blue and amber. It analyzes and compares the evolution of the boxes, to infer the current situation of Spain and its adaptation to WTO rules. The results suggest that Spain is gradually adapting to the WTO agricultural criteria, but at a slow pace: growing the green box and reduces the blue and amber, but in some regions the green box still represents only a small percentage of the total. ; [ES] Resumen La Política Agraria Común (PAC) define, estructura y asigna las subvenciones a la producción agrícola en la Unión Europea. La PAC está condicionada por las directrices de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC), especialmente tras el Acuerdo sobre Agricultura (1994). Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar la distribución regional de la ayuda interna que recibe España proveniente de la PAC y su clasificación siguiendo la metodología de la OMC. Se asocia dicha ayuda a los compartimentos de la OMC: cajas verde, azul y ámbar. Se analiza y compara la evolución de los compartimentos, para deducir la situación actual de España y su adecuación a las reglas de la OMC. Los resultados sugieren que España está adaptándose progresivamente a los criterios agrícolas de la OMC, pero a ritmo lento: crece la caja verde y se reduce la azul y ámbar, pero en algunas regiones la caja verde sigue ...
This article examines the film Rollerball, questioning whether economic powers have occupied the political space in modern societies. ; Este artículo examina la película Rollerball, preguntándose si en las sociedades actuales los poderes económicos están ocupando el espacio que debería corresponder a la Política.
In: Obras colectivas
In: humanidades$l54
[EN] This work provides a diagnosis of the position, in terms of competitiveness, of the export flows of the Mexican food industry compared to the total flows of the world food industry, in the 2001-2016 period. The analysis was made based on the measurements of the revealed comparative advantage, by applying the Indices of Normalized Revealed Comparative Advantage of Yu, Cai and Leung (heir to the well-known Balassa Index), and of Vollrath¿s Relative Commercial Advantage, using the flow of manufactured food (exports and imports) from Mexico and the rest of the world offered by the International Trade Map database. Its methodological design is oriented to the collection and analysis of relevant data, and it is repeatable in time and space. The results suggest that the Mexican food industry has a comparative advantage in 13 of the 44 tariff items analyzed. Thus, the research concluded that the country is specialized in decreasing order in the following food items: malt beer, ethyl alcohol, confectionery, bakery and pastry products, sugars, fruit juices, preserved vegetables and fruits, cereal-based products, yeasts, sauces and chocolate. In addition, the results also allow to identify the location of the least competitive sectors, which helps to plan rational business decisions and coordinate public actions, as well as to compare the successful experiences of each sector and to analyze its adaptability to other sectors and territories. In this sense, the main limitation found is that data on Mexican food imports and exports are only available for the country as a whole, which ruled out a state-by-state analysis. ; Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; Marín Orantes, T.; Flores Romero, M. (2021). COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS OF THE AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY IN MEXICO. Agroalimentaria. 27(52):125-140. ; S ; 125 ; 140 ; 27 ; 52
This paper presents two new Roman inscriptions coming from Clunia and actually preserved in Peñalba de Castro (Burgos). They are two .descontextualized blocks wich have been reused as wallbricks in a local house. Both of them contains traces of epitaphs belonging to both soldiers and engraved in a pretty common sort of funerary monument of roman Clunia. ; Presentamos dos inscripciones inéditas procedentes de Clunia, conservadas en una casa de Peñalba de Castro (Burgos). Se trata de dos bloques contextualizados, que han sido reutilizados en los muros de una vivienda de dicha bados en un tipo de monumento sepulcral característico de la Clunia romana.This paper presents two new Roman inscriptions coming from Clunia and actually preserved in Peñalba de Castro (Burgos). They are two .descontextualized blocks wich have been reused as wallbricks in a local house. Both of them contains traces of epitaphs belonging to both soldiers and engraved in a pretty common sort of funerary monument of roman Clunia.
It is expected a progressive increase of the industrial processes that manufacture of intermediate (iNEPs) and end products incorporating ENMs (eNEPs) to bring about improved properties. Therefore, the assessment of occupational exposure to airborne NOAA will migrate, from the simple and well-controlled exposure scenarios in research laboratories and ENMs production plants using innovative production technologies, to much more complex exposure scenarios located around processes of manufacture of eNEPs that, in many cases, will be modified conventional production processes. Here will be discussed some of the typical challenging situations in the process of risk assessment of inhalation exposure to NOAA in Multi-Source Industrial Scenarios (MSIS), from the basis of the lessons learned when confronted to those scenarios in the frame of some European and Spanish research projects. ; This paper exploits the results of the research developed by projects SCAFFOLD and EHS Advance. Project SCAFFOLD received funding from the European Union's FP7 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No. 280535. Project EHS Advance received funding from the Basque Government research programme (Etortek). The authors would also like to express their grateful to companies BOSTLAN (Bizkaia, Spain) and TECNAN (Navarra, Spain) for the support provided to carry out the exposure measurements in their respective facilities.