F. Lifschitz ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Russ. 201 b
50 Ergebnisse
F. Lifschitz ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Russ. 201 b
Neste artigo abordamos o tema do golpe parlamentar no Brasil, em 2016, indagando sobre mudanças na ordem simbólica e consolidação de uma "máquina de guerra", na perspectiva formulada por Deleuze e Guattari no livro Mil platôs. Nos referimos a uma máquina semiótica, de discursos interconectados e que bem poderia caracterizar a singularidade com se deu o golpe, com a articulação de discursos da mídia, da justiça e do parlamento, de forma conjunta e operando, cada qual a seu modo, a deslegitimação de um governo popular. Particularmente, observamos os efeitos dessa máquina de guerra sobre a temporalidade política, sobre a aceleração dos acontecimentos, conforme também vem sendo abordado em debates contemporâneos, como no Manifesto Aceleracionista e textos como Velocidade e Política, de Paul Virilio e Social Acceleration, de Hartmut Rosa.
Neste artigo abordamos o tema do golpe parlamentar no Brasil, em 2016, indagando sobre mudanças na ordem simbólica e consolidação de uma "máquina de guerra", na perspectiva formulada por Deleuze e Guattari no livro Mil platôs. Nos referimos a uma máquina semiótica, de discursos interconectados e que bem poderia caracterizar a singularidade com se deu o golpe, com a articulação de discursos da mídia, da justiça e do parlamento, de forma conjunta e operando, cada qual a seu modo, a deslegitimação de um governo popular. Particularmente, observamos os efeitos dessa máquina de guerra sobre a temporalidade política, sobre a aceleração dos acontecimentos, conforme também vem sendo abordado em debates contemporâneos, como no Manifesto Aceleracionista e textos como Velocidade e Política, de Paul Virilio e Social Acceleration, de Hartmut Rosa.
This text reopens the debate around spectres in politics, a subject that was addressed by Derrida in relation to the Marxist legacy, and that we consider appropriate to discuss a dimension opened by witnesses in the political and juridical field of Latin America countries. A witness is a representative figure of the legal field, but in cases of human rights violations, they have acquired a unique political and cultural projection by giving voice to missing persons. They thus established a spectral dimension, which put in question a whole political and legal ontology that was attempted in different ways. ; En este texto discutimos la cuestión de los espectros en la política, tema que fue abordado por Derrida en relación al legado marxista y que nos parece elocuente para discutir una dimensión que los testigos del terrorismo de Estado abrieron en el campo político y jurídico en los países de América Latina. El testigo es una figura emblemática del campo jurídico, pero en los casos en que existieron violaciones a los derechos humanos adquirieron una proyección política y cultural singular al permitir dar voz a los desaparecidos. Instauraron así una dimensión espectral que puso en cuestionamiento toda una concepción política y jurídica hegemónica, que se intentó conjurar de diferentes formas. ; En este texto discutimos la cuestión de los espectros en la política, tema que fue abordado por Derrida en relación al legado marxista y que nos parece elocuente para discutir una dimensión que los testigos del terrorismo de Estado abrieron en el campo político y jurídico en los países de América Latina. El testigo es una figura emblemática del campo jurídico, pero en los casos en que existieron violaciones a los derechos humanos adquirieron una proyección política y cultural singular al permitir dar voz a los desaparecidos. Instauraron así una dimensión espectral que puso en cuestionamiento toda una concepción política y jurídica hegemónica, que se intentó conjurar de diferentes formas.***Os espectros das ditaduras militares ...
In: Mediaciones Sociales, Band 0, Heft 13
ISSN: 1989-0494
In: Afro-Asia, Heft 37
ISSN: 1981-1411
In: History of political thought volume 37, special issue (2016)
In: Israel Economic Review, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 97–125
In: American sociological review, Band 71, Heft 2, S. 334-352
ISSN: 1939-8271
The authors identify a system of intercompetitor affiliation that helped Clyde River shipbuilding companies to thrive, but was ultimately undermined by the rise of corporate capitalism. They find that connections between companies through their leaders' family ties or friendships were common, and beneficial, as every such tie maintained by a company reduced its annual risk of failure by 10 percent. This average effect, however, masks an important contingency. The direct benefits of interbuilder ties accrued only to family firms, which enjoyed a reduced risk of failure of 34 percent with each tie, and not at all to corporations. The authors maintain that the shift to the corporate form inhibited the operation of the interbuilder network by reducing the autonomy of leaders to work through personal relations with their competitors. The results encourage heightened attention both to the idea that horizontal ties within an industry may be a key determinant of organizational success, and to the idea that some modes of relational governance may be incompatible with corporate governance.
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- Timeline of principal events and publications -- Note on the texts -- 1. Dissertation on the Innocence of Errors of the Mind -- 2. Anti-Machiavel, or a Study of Machiavelli's The Prince -- 3. Preface to History of My Age -- 4. Dissertation on the Reasons for Establishing or Repealing Laws -- 5. Epistle XVIII: To Marshal Keith, on the Vain Terrors of Death and the Fears of Another Life -- 6. Epistle XX: To My Soul (À mon esprit) -- 7. Preface to Extracts from Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary -- 8. Preface to Abridgement of the Ecclesiastical History by Fleury -- 9. Essay on Self-Love, Considered as a Principle of Morality -- 10. Letter on Education -- 11. Examination of the Essay on Prejudice -- 12. Critical Examination of The System of Nature -- 13. Dialogue of the Dead between Madame de Pompadour and the Virgin Mary -- 14. Essay on the Forms of Government and the Duties of Sovereigns -- Acknowledgements -- Notes -- Index
In: Ciências sociais UNISINOS: revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Band 51, Heft 2
ISSN: 2177-6229
In: The Economic Journal, Band 20, Heft 80, S. 590
In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Band 44, Heft 12, S. 2031-2055
ISSN: 1741-3044
The research examined the interplay between institutional logics in a multi-sectoral initiative. Taking a longitudinal approach, we tracked the first three years of an initiative that aimed to reduce social inequality by promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in Israel. We observed how the paradoxical dynamics between multiple logics unfolded over time, following the alternating dominance of business, civil and state actors. Results showed the initiative oscillated between a civil society logic, seeing STEM as a 'springboard' for equal opportunities and social change, and a market logic, seeing STEM as a 'pipeline' towards a technological workforce and economic profit. The state logic influenced this oscillation by converging with one of the two other logics, affecting both the working processes and the social impact of the initiative. We contribute to paradox theory by developing a process model of the paradoxical dynamics between multiple institutional logics in multi-sectoral initiatives. We identify three main mechanisms that drive this process: power shifts, logic divergence/convergence and turning points. We suggest implications for the management of complex organizational environments.