
35 Ergebnisse


Open Access#162009

Building a Discourse to Delegitimize the Opponent: Government and Paramilitarism in Colombia ; Construcción del discurso deslegitimador del adversario: gobierno y paramilitarismo en Colombia


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1728. Dezember 2021

Colombian Transitional Justice: The media discourse of the Peace Agreement and perceptions regarding its institutions

In: Deusto Journal of Human Rights, Heft 8, S. 51-82

ISSN: 2603-6002

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Open Access#182016

Implicit Attitudes of University Students in Regard to Forgiveness in the Colombian Armed Conflict ; Actitudes implícitas de estudiantes universitarios frente al perdón en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano ; Atitudes implícitas de estudantes universitários frente ao paredão no marco do confli...


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#19Mai 2024

Polarization and fatalism: Social beliefs in Colombian citizens regarding the political negotiation of the armed conflict

In: Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; the journal of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, Band 30, Heft 2, S. 164-174

ISSN: 1532-7949

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Open Access#20

Creencias sobre el adversario, violencia política y procesos de paz ; Beliefs about the adversary, political violence and peace processes


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Open Access#222004

Deslegitimación del adversario y violencia política : el caso de las FARC y las AUC en Colombia


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#2326. Oktober 2023

Ciudadanos del común y construcción de paz. Creencias sociales sobre el perdón, la justicia y la reconciliación en Colombia; Everyday Citizens and Peacebuilding. Social Beliefs on Forgiveness, Justice, and Reconciliation in Colombia; Cidadãos do comum e construção da paz. Crenças sociais sobre perdã...

In: Revista de Estudios Sociales, Heft 86, S. 63-81

ISSN: 1900-5180

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#241. Januar 2018

Comprehensions of Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Justice of Victims of Forced Displacement in Colombia; Comprensiones de perdón, reconciliación y justicia en víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia; Concepções de perdão, reconciliação e justiça em vítimas de deslocamento forçado na Colômbia

In: Revista de Estudios Sociales, Heft 63, S. 84-98

ISSN: 1900-5180

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Open Access#252004

Deslegitimación del adversario y violencia política: el caso de las FARC y las AUC en Colombia


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Open Access#272016

Functional measurement in the field of Ethics in Politics ; Medición funcional en el campo de la Ética en Política


Open Access#282016

Functional measurement in the field of Ethics in Politics ; Medición funcional en el campo de la Ética en Política


Open Access#292019

Emotion Regulation and Attitudes Toward Conflict in Colombia: Effects of Reappraisal Training on Negative Emotions and Support for Conciliatory and Aggressive Statements


Open Access#30

Emotion regulation and attitudes toward conflict in Colombia: effects of reappraisal training on negative emotions and support for conciliatory and aggressive statements