Die Annäherung Ungarns an den zweiten und dritten Pfeiler der Europäischen Union
In: Die Visegrád-Staaten auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union, 6
In: SWP-AP, 2993
23 Ergebnisse
In: Die Visegrád-Staaten auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union, 6
In: SWP-AP, 2993
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Foreign Policy Papers, 33/2002
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
Hasko, K.: The historical development of terrorism. - S. 13-24. Szabo, J.: In the wake of September 11: challenges and trends of response in domestic and international institutions. - S. 27-36. Kiss, L. J.: "New terrorism" or the metamorphosis of security and war. - S. 37-53. Talas, P.: Fighting terrorism as a new type of warfare. - S. 55-67. ... Lazlo, J.: Global terrorism - conceptual frameworks. - S. 81-99. ... Kardos, G.: Cooperation or the protection of the right of sovereign decision-making? Some dilemmas of international law and the actions against terrorism. - S. 117-127. Ujj, A.: Terrorism and the reforms in the armed forces. - S. 131-140. Rath, T.: Modern military technology and the combat against terrorists. - S. 141-151. Wagner, P.: The Taliban and the Al Qaeda. - S. 155-167. ... Poti, L.: From the Northern Alliance to the North Atlantic Alliance: the politics of Russia after September 11. - S. 217-230. Biro, Z. S.: Russia after September 11: whose turn is it anyway? - S. 231-240. Gazdik, G.: The Muslim world and the coalition against terrorism. - S. 241-256. Rozsa, E. N.: September 11 and the Muslim world. - S. 257-282. Juhasz, J.: Islamic terrorism and the Balkans. - S. 283-291
World Affairs Online
In: Trends in World Economy, No. 75
Handl, V.: The Czech perception of Germany. S. 9-21. Kiss, L. J.: The Federal Republic and Central and Eastern Europe : German - Hungarian relations and Europe. S. 22-34. Stefanowicz, J.: Political relations between Poland and Germany.S. 35-40. Mocnik, M.: Political relations between Slovenia and Germany. S. 41-54. Titerova, B.: Several comments on economic relations between the Czech Republik and the Federal Republic of Germany. S. 57-68. Inotai, A.: Some thoughts on economic relations between Germany and Central-Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on Hungary. S. 69-87. Misala, J.: Basic problems in the development of Polish-German economic relations. S. 88-96. Cernak, J.: Economic relations between Slovakia and Germany. S. 97-102. Mencinger J.; Borak, N.: A dwarf and a giant - Slovenia's economic relations with Germany. S.103-112
World Affairs Online