Commercial Property in Belgium
In: Journal of Property Finance, Band 1, Heft 4
Gives a brief overview of the Belgian legal system relating to
commercial property finance. Makes reference to mortgages, shares and
real estate certificates.
52 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Property Finance, Band 1, Heft 4
Gives a brief overview of the Belgian legal system relating to
commercial property finance. Makes reference to mortgages, shares and
real estate certificates.
In: Wasserwirtschaft: Hydrologie, Wasserbau, Boden, Ökologie ; Organ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall, Band 111, Heft 5, S. 67-68
ISSN: 2192-8762
In: Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health: JMVFH, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 83-97
ISSN: 2368-7924
Introduction: Firefighters are set to respond to a number of dynamic demands within their roles that extend well beyond fire suppression. These tasks (i.e., heavy lifting, awkward postures) and their unpredictable nature are likely contributing factors to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Several individual studies have assessed the prevalence of MSDs among Canadian firefighters. Therefore, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to critically appraise the quality of the body of available literature and to provide pooled point- and period-prevalence estimates of anatomical regions of MSDs among Canadian firefighters. Methods: The MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed and Web of Science databases were searched from inception to November 2018. Cross-sectional cohort studies with musculoskeletal prevalence estimates (point- and period-) of career/professional firefighters in Canada were identified and critically appraised. MSDs were defined as sprains/strains, fractures/dislocations and self-reported bodily pain (chronic or acute). Period- and point-prevalence estimates were calculated, and study-specific estimates were pooled using a random-effects model. Results: Five eligible cohort studies (3 prospective, 2 retrospective) were included, with a total of 4,143 firefighters. The participants had a mean age range of 34 (SD = 8.5) to 42.6 (SD = 9.7) years. The reported types of MSDs included sprain or strain, fractures, head, neck, shoulder, elbow, arm, hand, back, upper thigh, knee, and foot pain. The point-prevalence estimate of shoulder pain was 23.00% (3 studies, 312 of 1,491 firefighters, 95% CI, 15.00–33.00), back pain was 27.0% (3 studies, 367 of 1,491 firefighters, 95% CI, 18.00–38.00), and knee pain was 27.00% (2 studies, 180 of 684 firefighters, 95% CI, 11.00–48.00). The one-year period-prevalence estimate of all sprain/strain injuries (all body parts) was 10.0% (2 studies, 278 of 2,652 firefighters, 95% CI, 7.00–14.00). Discussion: High point-prevalence estimates (1 in 4 firefighters) of shoulder-, back-, and knee-related MSDs were identified among Canadian firefighters. This emphasizes the need for early assessment, intervention, and injury prevention strategies that reflect how units work together to maximize ergonomic efficiency and injury prevention.
In: Forced migration review, Heft 32, S. 4-6
ISSN: 1460-9819
Since the Second World War, a right to nationality -- though difficult to define and rarely enforced -- has emerged under international law. Adapted from the source document.
In: Inquiry: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy and the social sciences, S. 1-25
ISSN: 1502-3923
In: Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health: JMVFH, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 55-75
ISSN: 2368-7924
LAY SUMMARY Firefighting involves a high level of physical exertion with tremendous demands on the heart and body. It is necessary to quantify levels of physical work exertion in firefighting to set physical fitness standards firefighters need to meet to improve performance, efficiency, and possibly decrease injury risks. Researchers need to focus on and develop exercise programs that are specific to firefighters so that they can be prepared and able to do their work safely.
Birokrasi pemerintahan kecamatan masih sering menimbulkan permasalahan yang kompleks dan kurang kondusif sehingga diperlukan perubahan-perubahan mendasar secara struktural, prosesual dan kultural. Perubahan-perubahan birokrasi tersebut ditempuh pemerintah kecamatan agar dapat meningkat-kan efisiensi dan efektivitas kerjanya. Untuk itu perlu diterapkan strategi mewirausahakan birokrasi. Inti menerapkan strategi ini mengacu pada praktek transformasi struktural, prosesual, dan kultural dalam rangka memperbarui dan mewirausahakan sektor pemerintahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi entrepreneurial government di Kecamatan Bogor Timur Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini merujuk teori dari David Osborne dan Peter Plastrik yang mengemukakan lima strategi menuju pemerintahan wirausaha, yaitu strategi inti, strategi konsekuensi, strategi pelanggan, strategi pengendalian dan strategi budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Analisis data memakai rumus Weight Mean Score untuk menghitung skor rerata. Hasil analisis secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa strategi inti memperoleh skor rerata sebesar 4,74 dengan kategori penilaian sangat baik. Strategi konsekuensi memperoleh skor rerata sebesar 4,28 dengan kategori penilaian sangat baik. Strategi pelanggan memperoleh skor rerata sebesar 4,33 dengan kategori penilaian sangat baik. Strategi pengendalian memperoleh skor rerata sebesar 3,87 dengan kategori penilaian baik. Strategi budaya memperoleh skor rerata sebesar 4,01 dengan kategori penilaian baik. Dengan demikian, hasil analisis secara keseluruhan dimensi strategi memperoleh skor rerata sebesar 4,25 dengan kategori penilaian sangat baik.Kata kunci: Kota Bogor, Birokrasi, Pemerintahan Wirausaha, Pelayanan Publik, Pembaruan.
This study aims to analyze the implementation of infrastructure development programs and map out what factors influence infrastructure development programs. This research took place in Ciawi Sub-District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. The research method used a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. The determination of informants was carried out by purposive sampling, namely people who knew the infrastructure development program in Ciawi District. Data collection used observation and in-depth interviews. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Participatory Development in Ciawi Sub-District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province, has been implemented well, as indicated by the community's participation in the development planning and implementation of infrastructure development. Support factors that influence participatory infrastructure development are community awareness, community participation, and local governments, while the inhibiting factors for participatory infrastructure development are the quality of public education, the level of community income, and development facilities/equipment.
The background of this research based on constitution article 27 paragraph 2 which states that "every citizen is entitled to work and means appropriate for humanity ". Several steps are taken by a government in implementing this law such as the national program of community empowerment like KOTAKU/PNPM. Generally, there are contemporary issues in development such as Human Development Index (HDI), Poverty , Justice and Social Equality and accordingly there are strategic issues in the Bogor area such as Human Development Index is still low, marked by unemployment and poverty rate is still high and although Bogor has sufficient natural resources and competitive , but not yet been explored optimally. Thefore, it is important to discuss the participation of the program KOTAKU / PNPM as a form of community involvement to resolve these issues. KOTAKU Program use synergy platform the collaboration of local government and other stakeholders in the district and community-based infrastructure development to accelerate the handling of urban slum problems.The formulation problem are how public participation of the program KOTAKU/ PNPM, what problem occured and influenced the program, and what efforts are taken to solve the problem. The purpose of research are to understand the extent of effectiveness of the KOTAKU program and the level of participation from general public. According to Cohen and Uphoff, as cited by Siti Irene Astuti (2011: 61-63) distinguish participation can be devided into four types: (1) participation in decision making, (2) participation in the implementation, (3) participation in the utilization, and (4) participation in evaluation. Some factors that affects participation namely benefit of activities, an opportunity, skill, a feeling of ownership and community figures. Meanwhile, the implementation is action performed either by individuals or groups or government officials or private directed at the achievement of the some of the causes that have determined in the policy decision (Van Meter and Van Horn, 1975. In addition, policy implemenentation theory proposed by George C.Edwards III (1980) states that policy implementation is influenced by four variable as follow : (1). Communication, (2). Resources, (3). Disposition/Attitude, and (4). Bureaucratic Structure.Research methodology used is quantitative descriptive, technique of data collection and data analysis use primary and secondary data based on observation technique , the questionnaire and interview , and then processed into the form of figures to do statistic calculation to draw conclusion. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling in accordance to Solvin's formula , and obtained samples of 100 respondents , with reference to productive ages .Based on the research it can be concluded that based on the calculation on those dimensions of public participation in Ciawi district has a value of 3.72 and intepreted as "good" category. With the conditions of Ciawi district which is so vast, potential large enough of religious communities, but still high poverty rate and many things to be improved and could not be separated from public participation in developing their areas. But there are several things must be done to increase, among others as follow :Socialization should be increased , that intention and purposes can be implemented and in accordance with the target.Optimalitazing society organizations in the each area/Village.Budget transparancy is needed to maintain of public trust. Keywords : Participation, Implementation, Program
In: Hoppe-Seyler´s Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie, Band 358, Heft 1, S. 575-582
In: Judentum - Christentum - Islam 5
It is well established that a collapse or strong reduction of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) would substantially cool the northern high latitudes. Here we show that there is a possibility that such cooling could be amplified under deliberate CO2 removal and result in a temporary undershoot of a targeted temperature level. We find this behaviour in Earth system models that show a strong AMOC decline in response to anthropogenic forcing. Idealized simulations of CO2 removal with one of these models indicate that the timing of negative emissions relative to AMOC decline and recovery is key in setting the strength of the temporary cooling. We show that the pronounced temperature-fluctuations at high northern latitudes found in these simulations would entail considerable consequences for sea-ice and permafrost extent as well as for high latitude ecosystems. ; The authors acknowledge funding from the Research Council of Norway (project IMPOSE, grant 294930) and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (project LOES). J.S. has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 820989 (project COMFORT). The work reflects only the authors' view; the European Commission and their executive agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information the work contains. Supercomputing and storage resources were provided by UNINETT Sigma2 (projects nn9708k/ns9708k).
This research is a qualitative descriptive study using data from the results of need assessment and the design of the initial phase model. Need assessment is needed to identify and map the symptoms of climate change in two research locations and how fishermen map existing institutions. The data are then used to formulate the initial model of institutional capacity for fishermen. The conclusions from the first year research are: (1) the understanding and knowledge of fishermen about climate change is relatively similar in two locations, namely empirical based on experience and pragmatic based on the characteristics of weather anomalies; (2) With a relatively low educational background, work ethic and a certain degree of rationality and efficiency for survival, fishermen in both research locations have a certain capacity to deal with climate change problems by building social relations, culture, community relations and their habitat; (3) fishermen make a relatively similar pattern of adaptation, namely changing professions temporarily, but still as a fisherman is the main job; (4) there are institutional arrangements in both locations consisting of government institutions (vertical institutions and regional offices), semi-official institutions, and fishermen groups or associations that are related to budget allocations and programs; (5) local institutions in both research locations have sought to increase their capacity through training, direct assistance or regional fisheries management programs so that fisheries resource management can be carried out sustainably; (6) general components that must exist in the initial institutional capacity. The model of the institutional improvement of fishermen consists of the development of human resources, business opportunities, improvement of resource management and environmental improvement carried out in an integrated and synergistic manner.Keywords: Capacity building, fishermen institutions, adaptation patterns, climate change, initial models
The purpose of this study are (1) identifying the network of South Cianjur Expansion policies, (2) knowing the obstacles that exist in the South Cianjur Expansion process, (3) knowing the Actor Strategy in South Cianjur Expansion. This research uses policy analysis theory in this case the Policy Network involved in the process of determining the policy of the expansion of South Cianjur as a New Autonomous Region. This study uses qualitative methods, namely research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people and observable behavior. The results of this study indicate that the actors involved in the expansion process of South Cianjur show the problems that arise in the process of the expansion of South Cianjur both internal and external problems. Internal commitment is in the form of the lack of a common understanding in looking at the expansion of South Cianjur, while the external problems are more to regulations in the form of Government Regulations related to Regional Arrangements that are still under discussion in the central government. Therefore, there needs to be good communication between the expansion and the regional government in order to produce a common thought in the expansion of South Cianjur as a New Autonomous Region.Keywords: Strategy of Actors, New Autonomous Region, South Cianjur.