The aim of this paper is to identify heart rate parameters with higher significant values when a set of people are performing a task under stress condition. In order to accomplish this, one computer application with arithmetic and memory activities which lets drive the subjects to different stages of activity and stress has been designed. Tests are formed by initial and final rest periods and three task phases with incremental stressful level. Electrocardiogram is measured in each state and parameters are extracted from it. A statistical study using analysis of variance (ANOVA) is done to see which ones are the most significant. It is concluded that the median of RR segments is the parameter to best determine the state of stress. ; Regional Government of Andalusia (p08-TIC-3631)
Las nuevas herramientas y métodos científicos cuantitativos que proporcionan las Tecnologías de Información Geográfica (TIG), la cartografía digital, el diseño, y la informática aplicadas a la investigación en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales no solo están cambiando nuestra comprensión del mundo, sino además ayudan a generar nuevas disciplinas humanísticas que se benefician de la información geográfica espacial en el Área de las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades Digitales. Por otro lado, la propia democratización de la cartografía y la filosofía de "ciencia abierta" nos empuja a trabajar en el acceso a los datos y los resultados generados en el marco de la investigación –al menos la financiada con fondos públicos- de una manera abierta y sin restricciones, de tal manera que sean descubribles, accesibles, combinables y compartidos por el conjunto de la comunidad científica y la sociedad en general. En este sentido, desde el Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC proponemos una plataforma de acceso a recursos abiertos de investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales. Como parte de este esfuerzo planteamos el despliegue de un servidor de teselas que ofrezca un mapa base adaptado a multitud de proyectos de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales que se articulan de una u otra forma en torno al territorio. La implementación de las teselas vectoriales (vector tiles) se apoya en herramientas open source habituales: Tippecanoe (Mapbox) y Tileserver-GL (Klokan Technologies y otros desarrolladores). Esta estructura permitirá consumir teselas vectoriales en los diferentes proyectos en línea, mejorando significativamente su rendimiento, y teselas ráster desde cualquier cliente. Tanto el proyecto central de consulta y visualización conjunta de datos geográficos de varios proyectos (Imago Orbis) como diferentes visualizadores cartográficos en línea ya están adaptándose al uso de la tecnología de teselas vectoriales. ; Peer reviewed
5 tablas, 1 figura. ; Deciduous oak coppices (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) of the "Sierra de Gata" mountains (central western Spain) are located on acid rocks and subjected to annual rainfall higher than 700 mm year−1. Accordingly, the soils are acidic (soil pH is often below 5.0) and feature the presence of Mn2+ and Al3+ in the exchangeable complex. The aim of the present study was to assess the response of these soils to the addition of a lime residue from a sugar beet mill to reach pH values close to 7.0 and 6.0 with in situ and in vitro experiments, respectively. Initially, the quality of the lime by-product was evaluated, which showed content close to 75 % CaCO3. Based on that analysis, calculations were accomplished to determine the dose of lime by-product necessary for achieving the targeted soil pH. We first performed an in vitro liming experiment, incubating 0.50 kg soil (0–20 cm layer) with 23.92 g CaCO3 kg−1 soil (20 °C and soil moisture equivalent to that of field capacity). Subsequently, another experiment was done adding an equivalent quantity of sub-product in lieu of the pure CaCO3; the factors monitored were: soil pH, exchange acidity, CEC, and exchangeable bases, every 24 h. The in situ experiment was performed in a forest plot located in Western Spain (Navasfrías), liming with 16.0 Mg DM by-product ha−1 (September 1999). Soil samples (two depths: 0–10 and 10–20 cm) were taken from both the control and the experimental forest plots for monitoring the liming effect. Sampling dates were September and December 1999; June 2000, January, June and September 2001; October 2002 and 2003, and March 2005). The dissolution of the lime by-product at the laboratory was almost immediate, but the effects in the field occurred approximately 2 years after initial liming, since lime dissolution depends on both the amount and distribution of rainfall and, also, on the application procedure. ; This work was possible thanks to the support received from the European Union (PROTOS/TERI Project) of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Junta de Castilla y León (Spain). ; Peer reviewed
A wide range of global biodiversity is concentrated in rural landscapes. Indeed, many wild species and natural habitats are directly or indirectly associated with agricultural systems. In turn, some genomes of wild species can contribute, on one hand, to agricultural productivity and quality and, on the other, to ongoing biological control of crop-specific pests. Thus, management of these landscapes should consider applying agricultural practices adapted to biodiversity conservation, which will also result in enhanced production levels. One way to infer the state of conservation of biodiversity in rural landscapes is through knowledge of their spatial structure, i.e., the configuration and composition of different land uses and remnant natural vegetation. This knowledge can serve to evaluate the behavior of the ecological processes associated with the above mentioned structure and to assess the integrity of the landscape and its potential biodiversity. The current spatial pattern of the landscape is the result of changes in land uses and management practices therein throughout time, essentially as a result of socioeconomic changes. Study of these changes enables us to propose future scenarios based upon the design and implementation of management policies that consider the history of the aforementioned changes. Moreover, it is interesting to note the growing interest of agricultural policies, at different levels (for example, the Common Agriculture Policy at European level), in ecological compensation measures for agricultural areas (specific subsidies) involving conservation and improvement of biodiversity. The receiving of certain subsidies depends on the correct application of feasible agro-environmental models. In this sense, spatial analysis of the landscape and changes therein can be useful for more effective conservation of biodiversity while maintaining an optimum level of productivity, which can be seen in the diverse models applied in different regions. The present study, conducted in Andalusia in southern Spain,consisted of analysing the structure of a rural landscape of olive groves, as well as the dynamics of change in land uses and land cover over a period of 50 years. The study results show a trend towards intensification of olive cultivation (mainly irrigation and increased energy inputs), a greater area occupied by these crops and maintenance of the area covered by natural vegetation and even an increase therein. As a result of these processes, the landscape has maintained an acceptable level of connectivity,diversity of land uses and spatial heterogeneity.This situation enabled us to infer a good situation for biodiversity conservation and for the potential restoration of the rural landscape studied. Our results highlight the need for an agro-environmental model at landscape-scale for the conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of a reasonable level of profitable productivity. We therefore recommend the abandonment of less productive farmland and a spatial landscape configuration based upon the 'land sparing' alternative. This alternative involves the persistence of remnants of useful native vegetation such as:natural or semi-natural habitats (essential for species specialised in agricultural systems); discontinuous corridors (stepping stones) and the potential restoration of native vegetation. ; This study was supported by the research project of the National Plan (R + D + i) of the Government of Spain (CSO2009-08154 2010/2013, PI Sanz-Cañada, J): Territorial Externalities in local agro-food systems: rural development, landscapes and public goods in olive oil designations of origin (EXTERSIAL). ; Peer reviewed
The mission of the International Cartographic Association is to promote the discipline and profession of cartography in an international context. ; The CORINE Land Cover project provides basic information for the analysis of space and land in the European Union. The use of the European Land Cover database in environmental applications implies an updating process that enables the provision of the appropriate information required to obtain land cover change indicators. The EU member states expressed the need for an update as support for the current and future Environmental Policy, as well as a reliable tool in the evaluation of the policy carried out regarding this matter during the last decade. The EEA took the initiative to update CORINE Land Cover: IMAGE & CORINE LAND COVER 2000 project (I&CLC2000) and the preparatory work for updating the CLC database (I&CLC2000 project) began in 1999. To evaluate the quality of the Land Cover Database of the CORINE Land Cover 2000 project, it is necessary to validate the various products which make up that database. A selection was made among several possible statistical sampling techniques, opting for stratified random sampling. In the case of the Land Cover for the year 2000, the strata are made up of the 44 level 3 classes, in accordance with European nomenclature. They were distributed in such a way as to ensure that the samples selected are shared proportionally in each of the Autonomous communities in order to have data concerning each of them. For the database on changes taking place between 1990 and 2000, the strata are the change polygons and the non-change ones. The sample size in each case has been calculated after establishing the level of confidence and the estimate of the percentage of correct answers for the data. The reference information used to carry out the validation are the Landsat images belonging to the CORINE Land Cover 90 and 2000 projects, together with aerial orthophotography. ; Agencia Europea de Medioambiente Ministerio de Medioambiente, Medio Rural y Marino Ministerio de Fomento ; Peer reviewed
Presentado en el Congreso Nacional de Topografía y Cartografía. TopCart2004 ; [ES]El uso de la base de datos europea "Land Cover" en aplicaciones medioambientales y de gestión del territorio ha implicado un proceso de actualización para proveer la información necesaria para la obtención de indicadores de cambios de ocupación del territorio. Los Estados Miembros de la U.E. expresaron la necesidad de una actualización como soporte para la presente y futura política de Medio Ambiente, así como una herramienta fiable en la evaluación de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo en esta materia, a lo largo de la pasada década.En este trabajo se describe el proyecto europeo de actualización de la B.D. Corine Land Cover para España (proyecto I&CLC2000), gestionado por la Agencia Europea de Medioambiente (AEMA) y dirigido en España por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional, en el marco de la U.E. y la cooperación y asistencia técnica entre la Administración General del Estado y los diferentes Gobiernos Autonómicos. [EN] The use of the European database "Land Cover" in environmental applications and land management has involved a process of renovation to provide the information needed to obtain indicators of territorial changes. EU Member States expressed the need for updating as a support for the present and the future environment policy, as well as a reliable tool in assessing the actions taking in this area over the last decade. This paper describes the European project to update the D.B. Corine Land Cover for Spain ( I & CLC2000 project), managed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and conducted in Spain by the National Geographic Institute (IGN in spanish) in the framework of the EU and cooperation and technical assistance between the Central Government and the various regional governments ; Unión Europea. AGE ( España). CCAA ; Peer reviewed
Introduction: Approximately 10% of patients who have been infected with SARS-COV-2 have persistent symptoms that have reduced their quality of life. This is especially relevant in people who were infected during the first wave. The aim of this study is to analyze the consumption of health and social resources by people with persistent COVID and its relationship with the persistent symptomatology they present.
Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive and correlational study in which data are collected from patients with persistent COVID collecting sociodemographic, clinical variables (number of persistent symptoms), and consumption of health and social resources. A descriptive and correlational study was performed.
Results: The participants in this study show a high affectation reflected in the large number of residual symptoms they present (mean 16.47 symptoms). Therefore, there is a considerable increase in the use of public and private health, social and legal resources. Primary care services are the most frequently used by these patients.
Conclusion: Timely planning of patient-centered resources and services for post-COVID-19 care is needed.
Authors wish to thank Government of Principado de Asturias-FICYT for financial support (Grants PEST08-17, IE09-257C1, and IE09-257C2). This work has been patented (PCT/ES2014/000162)
Presentación en el XI Congreso Nacional de Teledetección celebrado en Tenerife en el 2005 ; [ES]La producción y diseminación de información geográfica en España por los distintos organismos de las Administraciones Públicas españolas está doblemente descentralizada, geográficamente y temáticamente. La situación adolece de una insuficiente coordinación en la obtención y diseminación de dicha información. En el caso de las imágenes aeroespaciales que figuran como uno los Datos Básicos de Referencia de la Directiva INSPIRE de la UE para el establecimiento de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) para Europa, resulta muy conveniente proceder a una mejor coordinación de su obtención, que redunde en una optimización de los recursos económicos empleados y una mejora de la información obtenida a partir de ella por los distintos organismos de las Administraciones Españolas.[EN]The production and dissemination of geographic information in Spain by several agencies of the Spanish government is doubly decentralized, geographically and thematically. The situation suffers from a lack of coordination in the collection and dissemination of such information. In the case of aerospace images listed as one the benchmarks of the EU INSPIRE Directive for the establishment of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for Europe, it is very convenient to improve the coordination of collection, which results in an optimization of economic resources used and improved the information obtained from it by several agencies of the Spanish authorities. ; AGE y CCAA ; Peer reviewed
Presentación en el XI Congreso Nacional de Teledetección celebrado en Tenerife en el 2005 ; [ES]La Base de datos de ocupación del suelo Corine Land Cover ha resultado ser una información básica para el análisis espacial y territorial dentro de la Unión Europea. Fundamentándonos en el Corine Land Cover y la normativa INSPIRE de la U.E., se abordó en el 2005 la "Creación de un Sistema de Información Geográfico de Ocupación del Suelo en España a escala 1:25.000 (Proyecto SIOSE)" donde además se pretende aglutinar y armonizar los mapas de ocupación del suelo que vienen realizándose en nuestro país por la Administración General del Estado y las Comunidades Autónomas, permitiendo la provisión de información necesaria y oportuna para la obtención de indicadores de ocupación del territorio como soporte para la presente y futura política de Medioambiente, así como una herramienta fiable en la evaluación de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo en esta materia.En este trabajo se describe el proyecto nacional de generación del SIOSE dentro de un marco más amplio como es el Plan Nacional de Observación del Territorio, coordinado por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Ministerio de Fomento y en cooperación con la Agencia Europea de Medioambiente (AEMA), la Administración General del Estado y los diferentes Gobiernos Autonómicos. [EN]The database of land, Corine Land Cover, has proved basic information for the spatial and territorial analysed inside the European Union. Based on the Corine Land Cover and INSPIRE EU legislation, addressed in 2005 the "Creating a Geographic Information System Occupation of Land in Spain at 1:25.000 (SIOSE Project)" which also aims to bring together and harmonizing land cover maps that are currently taking place in our country by the Central Government and the Autonomous Communities, allowing the provision of information to obtain indicators of land occupation and support for existing and future policy Environment, as well as a reliable tool in assessing the actions undertaken in this area. This paper describes the national project SIOSE within a broader framework such as the National Monitoring Plan of the Territory, coordinated by the National Geographic Institute of the Ministry of Development and in cooperation with the European Environment Agency (EEA) The General Administration and the various regional governments. ; AGE y CCAA ; Peer reviewed