
18 Ergebnisse


Open Access#162017

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Continuum of Care in European Union Countries in 2013: Data and Challenges


Open Access#172017

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Continuum of Care in European Union Countries in 2013: Data and Challenges


Open Access#182020

Human immunodeficiency virus continuum of care in 11 european union countries at the end of 2016 overall and by key population:Have we made progress?

In: Vourli , G , Noori , T , Pharris , A , Porter , K , Axelsson , M , Begovac , J , Cazein , F , Costagliola , D , Cowan , S , Croxford , S , Monforte , A D A , Delpech , V , Díaz , A , Girardi , E , Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer , B , Hernando , V , Leierer , G , Lot , F , Nunez , O , Obel , N , Op de Coul , E , Paraskeva , D , Patrinos , S , Reiss , P , Schmid , D , Sonnerborg , A , Suligoi , B , Supervie , V , van Sighem , A , Zangerle , R , Touloumi , G , Egle , A , Kanatschnig , M , Öllinger , A , Rieger , A , Schmied , B , Wallner , E , Dewasurendra , D , Gisinger , M , Kitchen , M , Plattner , A , Rieser , E , Sarcletti , M , Greil , R , Schachner , M , Skocic , M , Müller , M , Kronborg , G , Kvinesdal , B , Honoré , P & European HIV Continuum of Care Working Group 2020 , ' Human immunodeficiency virus continuum of care in 11 european union countries at the end of 2016 overall and by key population : Have we made progress? ' , Clinical Infectious Diseases , vol. 71 , no. 11 , pp. 2905-2916 .