53 Ergebnisse
Separation: A Cure for Abuse of Platform Dominance?
In: Information economics and policy, Band 54, S. 100876
ISSN: 0167-6245
The Antitrust Revolution: Charting the Course of Antitrust Enforcement
In: The Antitrust bulletin: the journal of American and foreign antitrust and trade regulation, Band 65, Heft 4, S. 587-605
ISSN: 1930-7969
The seven volumes of The Antitrust Revolution published between 1989 and 2019 include dozens of excellent articles that describe topical antitrust cases and the circumstances that motivated them. Taken together, the volumes provide invaluable insights into the course of antitrust enforcement over more than three decades and the factors that influenced the direction of change. This essay follows the course described in the pages of The Antitrust Revolution for two major components of antitrust enforcement: mergers and vertical restraints. The cases demonstrate that economic analysis profoundly impacted merger decisions, although the trajectory has been anything but linear. The revolution was more dramatic for the treatment of vertical price and nonprice restraints of trade. Courts relied on economic principles to upset decades of legal precedent for these arrangements.
Dominant Firm Pricing Policy in a Market for an Exhaustible Resource
In: The Bell journal of economics, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 385
What Hunger-Related Ethics Lessons can we Learn from Religion? Globalization and the World’s Religions
In: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics; Ethics, Hunger and Globalization, S. 71-92
The works programme in East Pakistan: refutes the objection most usually raised against projects of this kind, namely that they are inefficient and divert scarce resources of trained supervisory and managerial manpower from more productive ventures, hence actually retarding development [address]
In: International labour review, Band 89, S. 213-226
ISSN: 0020-7780
Potential Competition and the 2023 Merger Guidelines
In: Review of Industrial Organization, Forthcoming
Innovation Under Section 2 of the Sherman Act
In: Antitrust Law Journal, Forthcoming
When Strength Can't Last a Lifetime: Vocational Challenges of Male Workers in Early and Middle Adulthood
In: Men and masculinities, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 424-433
ISSN: 1552-6828
An Economist's Guide to U.S. v Microsoft
We analyze the central economic issues raised by U.S. v Microsoft. Network effects and economies of scale in applications programs created a barrier to entry for new operating system competitors, which the combination of Netscape Navigator and the Java programming language potentially could have lowered. Microsoft took actions to eliminate this threat to its operating system monopoly, and some of Microsoft's conduct very likely harmed consumers. While we recognize the risks of the government's proposed structural remedy of splitting Microsoft in two, we are pessimistic that a limited conduct remedy would be effective in this case.
Unilateral Refusals to License Intellectual Property and International Competition Policy
In: Competition and Trade Policies; Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy
Uncle Sam at the gas pump: causes and consequences of regulating gasoline distribution
In: Regulation: the Cato review of business and government, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 63-75
ISSN: 0147-0590
Examines possible regulatory remedies for anticompetitive pricing behavior by integrated refiners.
Optimal Patent Length and Breadth
In: The Rand journal of economics, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 106
ISSN: 1756-2171
The Clerical guide, and ecclesiastical directory : containing a complete register of the dignities and benefices of the Church of England, with their respective value, founded on an average of three years, and exhibiting the names of the incumbents, patrons, and impropriators, county, diocese, archd...
"Advertisement" from the editor, p. [iii], is signed: Richd. Gilbert. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Non-Discrimination: FRAND's Last Stand?
In: CPI Antitrust Chronicle (Dec. 2020)