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19359 Ergebnisse
Néstor Zeledón Guzmán
In: Revista humanidades, Band 4, S. 1-2
ISSN: 2215-3934
Se reconoce la extensa y valiosa carrera del artista.
Curaçao and Guzmán Blanco
In: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
Letter from Pascual Bolaños y Guzmán to Gen. Plutarco Elías Calles congratulating him. / Carta de Pascual Bolaños y Guzmán al Gral. PEC felicitándolo por su triunfo en la última asonada militar.
GUZMAN, Rafael and others
Letter from Mr. Rafael Guzmán and other residents of La Piedad, Michoacán to Gen. Alvaro Obregón, offering their support for his presidential candidature. Response thanking them. / Carta del Sr. Rafael Guzmán y otros habitantes de La Piedad, Mich. al Gral. Alvaro Obregón, ofreciendo su apoyo para su candidatura a la Presidencia. Respuesta agradeciendo.
GUZMAN, Salvador R. (Dr.)
Letter to Fernando Torreblanca from Dr. Salvador R. Guzmán, who on behalf of Gen. J. Espinosa y Cordoba sends a commemorative medal of the inauguration of the Military Ball game (Fronton) in Oaxaca. Thank you note. / Carta a Fernando Torreblanca del Dr. Salvador R. Guzmán, quien a nombre del Gral. J. Espinosa y Córdoba le envía una medalla conmemorativa de la inauguración del Frontón Militar de Oaxaca. Respuesta agradeciendo.
Derecho a la seguridad social
El objetivo del texto es analizar los alcances y limitaciones del Derecho a la seguridadsocial en el contexto del Estado moderno, así como las capacidades de gobierno que enla materia se requieren para darle un tratamiento eficiente y de calidad como problemapúblico. De manera particular se hará énfasis en el caso de México. ; The aim of this text is to examine the scope and limitations of the right to social securityin the context of the modern state and the capacity of the government in this area to giveit an efficient and quality treatment as a public issue. In particular it will focus on the caseof Mexico.
Derecho a la seguridad social
In: Estudios Políticos, Band 32, S. 83-113
PAPEL FABRIANO: Gabriela Guzmán
In: Revista austral de ciencias sociales, Heft 10, S. 67-74
ISSN: 0718-1795
Alejandro Guzmán, Ratio scripta
In: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, Band 101, Heft 1, S. 429-435
ISSN: 2304-4934
In Memoriam: Francisco Perez Guzmán
In: Cuban studies, Band 37, Heft 1, S. ix-x
ISSN: 1548-2464
Contrario a lo que podría esperarse de un crítico del liberalismo y partidario de la organización corporativa de la sociedad, Jaime Guzmán defiende, en sus primeros escritos de juventud, el sistema económico capitalista. Esta defensa del capitalismo tiene lugar al mismo tiempo que subscribe a los principios del nacional sindicalismo de Franco (Guzmán, 1962), rechaza "los absurdos parlamentos de las democracias modernas" (Guzmán, 1962a: p. 19), reconoce su "obligación de clase" como miembro de la "clase dirigente del país" (Guzmán, 1962b: p. 86) y niega "el Estado Liberal de la Revolución Francesa" (Guzmán, 1965: p. 11).
La lucha feminista de Juana Julia Guzmán; The Feminist Struggle of Juana Julia Guzmán; A luta feminista de Juana Julia Guzmán
In: Revista de Estudios Sociales, Heft 84, S. 41-57
ISSN: 1900-5180
The article has a double purpose. The first is to sketch the Colombian and Afro-indigenous leader Juana Julia Guzmán, by circulating some excerpts from the interviews held with her by the Fundación del Caribe team in the archives of the Centro de Documentación Regional Orlando Fals Borda in Montería. This sketch could be considered, in certain aspects, divergent from the one outlined by sociologist Orlando Fals Borda in the fourth volume of his Historia doble de la costa. This forms the basis for the second objective of this article: to explore a feature of Guzmán's feminism, namely, acuerpamiento or support. The methodology used is strategically plural, close to the multiple ones used in cultural studies. In effect, on the one hand, based on archival work, we will reproduce those parts of Guzmán's words that contribute to create an image of the actions and some characteristics of her political trajectory, somewhat contradictory and unknown to the general public. To this end, we will also approach the discussions of the researcher Víctor Negrete in his book Origen de las luchas agrarias en Córdoba. On the other hand, and making use of a perspective that we have called mestizo philosophy, we use the tools of hermeneutics to creatively analyze Guzmán's actions, together with the notion of agreement that finds its origin in the actions of the feminist Lorena Cabnal. Besides providing other coordinates based on which to think about Guzmán's feminism, different from those of popular feminism that other people have pointed out in her, we hope that this exercise will also reveal the complexity of this leader, whose political actions were not inevitable, nor were they the product of the deprivation into which she was born and raised, but were determined by situations and decisions, such as supporting the political actions of others different from her.
Peace Profile: Vicent Martínez Guzmán
In: Peace review: peace, security & global change, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 439-446
ISSN: 1469-9982
SISTEMA POLITICO MEXICANO: Visión conceptual, institucional y normativa de la transparencia
In: Estudios políticos: revista de ciencia política, Band 9, Heft 23, S. 99-124
ISSN: 0185-1616