26 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
The denial of death
In: Peace review: peace, security & global change, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 35-41
ISSN: 1469-9982
Crime, the police and criminal statistics: an analysis of official statistics for England and Wales using econometric methods
In: Quantitative studies in social relations
The Economics of Crime and Law Enforcement
In: Economica, Band 52, Heft 207, S. 400
World Affairs Online
Education systems, examination and failure: a case study of Kenyan teenagers in four schools
In: Intercultural education, Band 30, Heft 2, S. 214-236
ISSN: 1469-8439
The effectiveness of school-based decision making in improving educational outcomes: a systematic review
In: Journal of development effectiveness, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 61-94
ISSN: 1943-9407
The influence of households on drinking behaviour: a multilevel analysis
In: Social science & medicine, Band 46, Heft 8, S. 971-979
ISSN: 1873-5347
Tackling the Urban Health Divide Though Enabling Intersectoral Action on Malnutrition in Chile and Kenya
As momentum grows for a sustainable urbanisation goal in the post-2015 development agenda, this paper reports on an action research study that sought to tackle the urban health divide by enabling intersectoral action on social determinants at the local level. The study was located in the cities of Mombasa in Kenya and Valparaíso in Chile, and the impact of the intervention on child nutrition was evaluated using a controlled design. The findings showed that an action research process using the social educational process known as PLA could effectively build the capacity of multisectoral teams to take coordinated action which in turn built the capacity of communities to sustain them. The impact on child nutrition was inconclusive and needed to be interpreted within the context of economic collapse in the intervention area. Four factors were found to have been crucial for creating the enabling environment for effective intersectoral action (i) supportive government policy (ii) broad participation and capacity building (iii) involving policy makers as advisors and establishing the credibility of the research and (iii) strengthening community action. If lessons learned from this study can be adapted and applied in other contexts then they could have a significant economic and societal impact on health and nutrition equity in informal urban settlements.
Data in Society: Challenging Statistics in an Age of Globalisation
Statistical data and evidence-based claims are increasingly central to our everyday lives. Critically examining 'Big Data', this book charts the recent explosion in sources of data, including those precipitated by global developments and technological change. It sets out changes and controversies related to data harvesting and construction, dissemination and data analytics by a range of private, governmental and social organisations in multiple settings. Analysing the power of data to shape political debate, the presentation of ideas to us by the media, and issues surrounding data ownership and access, the authors suggest how data can be used to uncover injustices and to advance social progress