Time dependence of the segmental relaxation time of poly(vinyl acetate)-silica nanocomposites
The aging-time dependence of the segmental relaxation time of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) in the glassy state is investigated in the bulk polymer and its nanocomposites with silica (SiO 2). These systems present identical segmental dynamics, when this is probed in the equilibrium supercooled liquid by broadband dielectric spectroscopy. An acceleration of the physical aging process of PVAc with SiO 2 was detected by monitoring the enthalpy recovery through differential scanning calorimetry. The segmental relaxation time during physical aging, followed by means of BDS, has been shown to increase more rapidly the higher the SiO 2 concentration in PVAc is. Thermally stimulated depolarization current experiments show that this is the case over the whole probed glassy state. This means that nanocomposites displaying a relatively slow segmental mobility evolve toward equilibrium more rapidly than the bulk. Furthermore, despite the faster increase in the relaxation time with aging time, so-called self-retardation, the nanocomposites and their bulk counterpart reach the same values of equilibrium relaxation time. These findings not only confirm the assumption of identical equilibrium dynamics even in the aging regime for all nanocomposites and bulk polymers, proposed in previous works, but also highlight the fact that the physical aging rate is not determined solely by the polymer segmental dynamics, the amount of interface being an additional relevant parameter. © 2012 American Physical Society. ; The authors acknowledge the University of the Basque Country and Basque Country Government (Ref. No. IT-436-07, Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación; and the Spanish Minister of Education (Grant No. MAT 2007-63681) for their financial support. V.M.B. acknowledges the CSIC for the JAE-Doc contract, cofinanced by the European Social Fun. ; Peer Reviewed